INSIDE WASHINGTON MATTEO THE TAILOR Alterations for Men & Women PLO Flap Ushers In Fall Flurry In Washington CUSTOM MADE SUITS 27047 Southfield Rd. Lathrup Village Mon.-Wed. & Fri. 9:30-6 Thurs. 9:30-7, Sot. 9:30-5 Just N. of 11 Mile Rd. S . LINIIIED TIME OMR! iZja GREAT R nk Fra . 24-Month CDs With Big Interest Get in on the biggest CD rates in the Detroit metro area! For a limited time, Franklin Savings is offering a great 8% interest rate on 24-month Certificates of Deposit, with a minimum deposit of $ 1 ,000. Interest on the great 8% rate may be compound- ed or interest checks may be ANNUAL paid monthly. 30% •YIELD Franklin also offers the highest rates on Money Market Accounts in the Detroit metropolitan area . . . and has had the highest rates for the past 181 weeks. Franklin Savings 26336 Twelve Mile Road Southfield (At Northwestern Highway) (313) 881-5200 (313) 358-5170 FSLIC 46 FRIDAY, SEPT. 25, 1987 Washington Correspondent 569-2339 Advertising in The Jewish News Gets Results Place Your Ad Today. Call 354-6060 20247 Mack Avenue Grosse Pointe Woods JAMES DAVID BESSER eptember in Washing- ton is like an abrupt plunge into a cold shower. And this year, with the Shultz-Shevardnadze meetings, the noisy battle over the Bork nomination and the everpresent hints of a new Saudi arms sale, the lethargy of summer is ending with a vengeance. The State Department ac- tion closing the Washington information office of the Palestine Liberation Organization, but leaving the New York office open, con- tinues to send reverberations through the Jewish activist community. The common wisdom is that the action was a major victory in the war against terrorism. But there are dissenting voices; according to some observers, the legal battle over the PLO's status in the U.S. may only be beginning. And there is growing specula- tion about the long-term im- plications of an action that was motivated, at least in part, by Byzantine jurisdic- tional wrangling between the administration and Congress. There is general agreement here that the State Depart- ment action represented an attempt to get the drop on Congress, where two bills designed to close both the Washington and the New York PLO offices were slowly working their way out of com- mittee. At this level, the bat- tle focused on the proper role of Congress in shaping American foreign policy; sponsors of the anti-PLO legislation saw it as a wedge that would help open the door to Congressional leadership in that process, and the Ad- ministration regarded it as a dangerous encroachment on the responsibilities of the ex- ecutive branch. In this jurisdictional footrace, the adminstration was able to get its act together faster than Con- gress. One factor may have been a general lack of en- thusiasm for the anti-PLO legislation, despite the im- pressive lists of co-sponsors. According to several Hill pro- fessionals who worked on the bills, many legislators did not rank the PLO closing measures as a top priority— and some were concerned about the constitutional im- plications of the bills. Rep. Jack Kemp will push to close New York office. According to this line of reasoning, the State Depart- ment decision was secretly welcomed by some in Con- gress, a fact that may bode poorly for any effort to push on with congresSional action to close the New York office. "It gets Congress off the hook," said one House foreign affairs specialist. "Either way, it's going to be difficult to defend the closing in court; this way, the State Depart- ment takes the rap. I think that's what many members are going to be thinking if this comes up again." Early reports suggested a compromise between the ad- ministration and the congres- sional sponsors of the PLO bills. But a spokespeyson for Congressman Jack Kemp, a key sponsor of the House bill, indicated that the presiden- tial candidate would continue his efforts to close both the Washington and the New York offices, and that the con- gressman "never negotiated" with the State Department over the closing measure. Meanwhile, Sen. Robert Dole, the most visible sponsor of the Senate version, has not yet decided about continuing his efforts. "There are a lot of other things going on here that he has to think about," said a member of his staff. The repercussions of the State Department action are not yet clear. Even before the decision was announced for- mally, the American Civil Liberties Union was consider- ing legal measures to block the closing. "Of course, some- one would have to request our participation," said Morton Halperin, Washington direc- tor for the group. "But we are strongly opposed to it, and we intend to fight it at every level. Our feeling is that the administration took this ac- tion to preempt Congress— but whether Congress does it or the Administration does it, it's just as unconstitutional!' Halperin adds that the State Department never claimed that the PLO offices are being used for illegal ac- tivities. "There is a very clear freedom of speech aspect to this," he said, "as well as all kinds of international im- plications." Rabbi Eugene Lipman, president of the Central Con- ference of American Rabbis, has been an outspoken critic of the PLO closing— though Lipman emphasizes that these views are his own, not those of CCAR. Lipman ar- gues that the PLO is an "um- brella" organization, contain- ing both terrorist and more moderate elements. The Washington information of- fice, he said, has not distri- buted materials advocating terrorism. "As a consequence, I have to line up with the ACLU and say, you don't have to like them; it's what they say that matters." And a court wrangle over the closing could provide the PLO and its American sup- porters with a dramatic for- um for presenting their anti- Israel views. Other sources suggest that the victory was largely a sym- bolic one. The PLO, they point out, can simply re-open their offices under a different name, avoiding the "foreign mission" designation that was the basis of the State Department action. "They could turn around tomorrow and start doing business under a name like 'The Friends of the PLO,"' said one House source who worked on the Kemp proposal. "Then, it would be business as usual." Apology to Japanese-Americans Last week, the House passed a king-debated meas- ure offering an apology to Japanese-American citizens interned during World War 11, and a Jewish group played a leading role in promoting the measure. "This is an issue that is close to the heart of the American Jewish community, because the internment of Japanese citizens was based on racial prejudice and fear," according to Jess Hordes,