AM ECHAD 0\E PEOPL VOL. II NO. I ROSH HASHANAH 5748 135 Rabbis x 4 Denominations= 1 People Checklist For Communal Unity By Elsa Solender Will Somebody Please Start Talking 1) Arrange for an ongoing dia- logue series between lay leaders from different denominations or organizations. 2) Arrange meetings between Men's Clubs, Sisterhoods and Synagogue boards of different denominations. 3) Arrange combined youth pro- grams of various synagogues and movements—create a youth choir composed of children of various Hebrew and day schools. 4) Ask your rabbi to exchange pulpits with someone from a differ- rent denomination. 5) Start a local chapter of CHEVRA (dialogue-study group between rabbis , of different denominations). 6) Sponsor public symposia be- tween panels of local or national rabbis to dramatize the will for unity and dialogue. 7) Develop study and training programs for community leaders, dealing with issues of polarization. 8) Establish a community task force to promote intra-Jewish coop- eration and to respond to situations that threaten dialogue and respect- ful disagreement. Shomrim, Guardians of Jewish Unity, receiving serigraphs of the Clal Yisrael Award from CLAL Chairman Robert Loup and President Irving Greenberg (1 to r) Richard and Roselyne Swig, Irving Greenberg; Morry and Judy Weiss, Stephen Peck, Robert Loup, Judy Stern Peck, Aaron and Marjorie Ziegelman. Nine Point "CLAL YISRAEL" Recommendation Adopted recommendations: 1) We hereby affirm our support for the recent "Statement of Jewish Unity" released by the leaders of three rabbinic associations. In the future, such statements should endeavor to involve more segments of the com- munity. The pronouncements im- portantly highlight the concern for the future of Clal Yisrael—the unity and totality of the Jewish people— and we likewise call upon our col- leagues to take up the challenges of building bridges among our commu- nities and seeking creative, common solutions to common problems. 2) We recommend that all move- ments vigorously pursue the possibil- ity of establishing national batei din that will allow various movements to cooperate with each other, setting gram is intended to improve the the foundation for all groups to work climate of communication and un- together in the future. 3) We hereby recommend that derstanding in the community and to foster Jewish learning and knowl- efforts to create Clal Yisrael conver- edge about the respective movements. sion standards and procedures should be reviewed and renewed. The philo- III. AM ECHAD LECTURES halachic and communal Individual lectures and talks on sophical, foundations of joint conversions Jewish unity featuring a CLAL should be established by intensive scholar. Topics include: Will There scholarship efforts and past experi- Be One Jewish People By The Year in this area. 2000?; Judaism, Pluralism and De- ence We call for active, sophisticated, 4) nominationalism; Towards a Prin- in-depth theological and halachic cipled Pluralism; The Four Denomi- to be conducted by repre- nations; The Post-Modern Age; The dialogue sentative scholars and specialists of New Rabbinate. the four movements. IV. SYMPOSIUM FOR UNITY 5) We call upon rabbis to invite A public panel in which leading during the upcoming year n"nwri Convervative, Orthodox, Recon- a rabbi from a different movement structionist and Reform rabbis ap- to address their congregation. pear together and discuss the positions of their movements and their rela- tionships with the others. V. COMMUNITY SERVICES Am Echad can provide educa- tional materials for training teach- ers, administrators, lay leaders and community organization staff in skills and knowledge of pluralism and unity, and can assist in curriculum development fOr teaching Jewish unity. CLAL also works with groups to develop ongoing activities between synagogues, schools, youth pro- grams, and community agencies. The North American Chevra Con- ference demonstrated how much more there is to gain from coopera- tion than there is from conflict. As a result of their deliberations and consultations, over 135 Con- servative, Orthodox, Reconstruc- tionist and Reform rabbis and aca- demics from the United States and Canada arrived at the following CLAL Programs for Communal Unity CLAL's Am Echad department can assist local communities and organizations in strengthening the forces committed to Clal Yisrael. These activities are devoted to pro- moting intermovement understand- ing and interaction. The common objective of all of Am Echad (One People) programs is to reduce polar- ization and increase cooperation between movements by creating the occasions and the voices which will spread the message of Jewish unity. I. UNITY SEMINARS A five session seminar on pluralism and denominationalism studies the dawn of modernity and the resulting religious diversity. The series in- cludes sessions on the four major movements and concludes with a discussion of the post-modern age. Another five session seminar ex- plores the issue of religious plural- ism and diversity through- a histori- cal study of Jewish communities in conflict. The goal is to study how other communities dealt with power- ful ideological conflicts and to locate within diversity threads of Jewish unity. II. ALL DAY UNITY INSTITUTE A full day program devoted to the issues of Jewish pluralism. The pro- One - hundred - thirty - five rabbis from the four major American Jew- ish denominations gathered recently for three days at the fourth National Chevra (Rabbinic Fellowship) Con- ference at the Homowack Lodge in Spring Glen, N.Y. Their agenda: to talk, to study, to listen and to learn. By all accounts, they excelled in each. Entitled "Brit, Mitzvah and Hal- acha: in Search of a Vocabulary for Clal Yisrael:' the conference was de- signed to involve rabbis and scholars of every stripe in the second stage of Jewish-Jewish dialogue; that is, the identification and articulation of a common unifying vocabulary. Exploration of a common vocab- ulary occurred in the plenaries which examined such topics as personal autonomy and divine authority; reli- gious leadership by women; patri- lineality; and a comparison of the halachic processes within the various denominations; as well as in smaller, engaging discussion and study groups. Conference participants, some- times to their own surprise, discov- ered they could talk fruitfully and substantively with each other, with- out sacrificing either civility or integ- rity. They found they could learn from each other even as they acknowl- edged significant differences between them both in principles and prac- tices. One Orthodox rabbi observed, "I never thought I'd find myself agreeing with a Reconstructionist!" And a Reform rabbi came to recog- nize that an Orthodox rabbi "who comes to dialogue with me" does - not thereby lose his Orthodox au- thenticity. As Rabbi Joseph Radin- sky of Houston noted, "The most important insight I gained here at the conference was the seriousness of those in the other movements!' About 34% of the conference par- ticipants affiliate with the Conserva- tive movement, 27% with the Ortho- dox, 22% with Reform and 12% with Reconstructionism, an impres- sive turnout from each segment. Five percent declined denominational affiliation. One of the many encouraging fea- tures of the conference was that a sizable number of young rabbis and scholars attended, along with promi- nent rabbis and academicians, in- cluding such plenary speakers as Eugene Borowitz, Reuven Bulka, Elliot Dorff, Arthur Green, Eugene Lipman, Haskel Lookstein, Law- rence Schiffman, Sidney Schwarz, Moshe Sokol, Walter Wurzburger and Mark Washofsky. While an atmosphere of civility reigned over the proceedings, speak- ers did not "pull punches!' Speakers thoroughly explicated the differences of the Conservative, Orthodox, Re- constructionist and Reform expres- sions of Judaism on some of the prickliest issues of Jewish life. But they consistently underscored areas of communication as well. . The Conference was co-chaired by Rabbis Peter Knobel and Haskel Lookstein, coordinated by Eric Levine, AsSociate Director of Am Echad, and was underwritten by the Dorot Foundation and Mrs. Joy Unger- leider Mayerson. Dr. Alfred Gottschalk, president of the Hebrew Union College, presents 1987 Clal Yisrael Award to Klara and Larry Silverstein. 6) We call upon rabbis to pledge not to defame or deprecate other Jewish movements and their leaders or adherents from the pulpit. 7) We call upon rabbis to address their congregations on the topic of Ahavat Yisrael to show how it applies to other-minded Jews. • 8) We call upon rabbis to chal- lenge, in the name of Ahavat Yisrael, derogatory references to other ex- pressions of Judaism. 9) We call upon rabbis to be in- volved in Torah study with others of different movements in the spirit of Clal Yisrael. CLAL-421 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001 Enclosed is my gift to support CLAL's activities. Name I Address I City Zip State Phone This message paid for by friends of CLAL 1 1 1 1 Advertisement THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 3#