for minorities including American Jewry. By extraconstitutional mentality I mean a set of views held by officials at the highest level as well as by or- dinary citizens that values ends over means, and subor- dinates constitutional pro- cedures and the rule of law to the methods of a military state, an authoritarian state, a police state. This mentality has led to extra-constitutional conduct, such as the initiation and pro- secution of the Vietnam War by four presidents, Democratic and Republican, without compliance with the constitutional requirement of a declaration of war; the com- prehensive law-breaking by a president that led to the adop- tion of Articles of Impeach- ment; the comprehensive bipartisan denial, for several decades, of civil liberties by the procedures we know as McCarthyism; and the deployment by presidents Nixon and Reagan of secret or covert government to bypass the Congress, the press, and the public. These four examples be- speak measures that erode the integrity of constitutional processes and undermine the public's confidence and trust upon which the whole con- stitutional structure is based. The third proposition I place before you is that far too many Americans, and Amer- ican minorities, including American Jewry, appear not to perceive or understand that this extra-constitutional mentality, as evidenced by these examples, poses an ominous and substantial danger to the liberty and security of the American peo- ple, especial4y for all minorities, including American Jewry. - As Jews, a people of the law, a people of the book, of the Ten Commandments and the Torah, we have closely studied conduct that is lawful and not lawful, permissible and not permissible. We have spent several thousand years being used and abused by power and the law. People with absolute power have made us the classic subjects of discrimination, segregation or ghettoization, expulsion, annihilation, and extermi- nation. We have learned the very hard way that we have a bet- ter chance at security and liberty when our right to be different is recognized by law and respected. The right to be different includes the right of personal privacy, autonomy, and self-government. It in- cludes the personal freedoms Happy Holiday Wishes From the Zivov Family and Staff. We Wish You Health, Happiness & Prosperity. MOD TECH FURNITURE, INC. Fr WISHES ALL THEIR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A HAPPY NEW YEAR BARB & JOE WALDMAN 553-2246 manufacturer of custom furniture Wishing All Our Friends and Customers A Healthy and Happy New Year ICC WIT mania photoaraphv COMPLETE PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES Grog SHOES EXMIBUR SHOESft •MEN To All Our Friends A Very Happy, Healthy New Year 26571 West Twelve Mile Road, Southfield, MI 48034 CLOSHYMONDAYS 3J/1e 703111) Sam Fox & Family of THE BEST BAKERY Wishing all their friends and customers a most Happy & Healthy Holiday WATCH FOR US . . COMING SOON TO SUGAR TREE Maple and Orchard Lake Road Dr. Robert D. Adas Dr. Larry H. Wexler WE'D LIKE TO TAKE THIS SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY TO WISH OUR FAMILY, FRIENDS AND CLIENTS A HEALTHY, HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. 1 Warmest Wishes From All The Merchants At Evergreen Plaza For A Most Happy & Healthy Holiday Season I t ALAN G. YELENSKY AND FAMILY AL A A An associate of the eAlliance I . ',MOM AZA 12 MILE ROAD AT EVERGREEN THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 97