BACKGROUND DOUBLE PRINTS MAGICIAN I Exciting entertainment for your organization, club or private party. Stage Shows Close up magic Audience Participation Mel Eisenberg 547-2464 MENTALIST Music by DOUBLE PRINTS 2 EXPOSURES 3 DOUBLE PRINTS 6 EXPOSURES $3.99 $8.99 Expiration 9/30/87 ill • • IN • • MI • • • OM OM • • I= MI MO • • • • NM OM • NM • INI • • MI ON MN Konica IM • OM • ••=. Century Prints, beautiful colors that last 100 years. and more* under normal dark storage conditions" - LOWEST PRICE IN TOWN! -•-•11■ Konica ONE LADY BAND a; piano or portable keyboard with rhythm box Adele Miller 353-9566 Color Print Film 135/24 SR200 COMPARE OUR PRINTS WITH THEIR PRINTS FREE! Just bring us up to 12 color 35mm negatives and the envelope showing you had them developed somewhere else and we will make you a set of quality prints FREE! WE WANT TO SHOW YOU THE INCREDIBLE DIFFERENCE THAT THE HITE FAMILY CAN MAKE WITH YOUR PICTURES. Colon right"' processing by Hite ONSITE 1 HOUR Photo (2 BLOCKS NORTH OF 14 MILE RD. ON ORCHARD LAKE ROAD) NEXT TO iBROWSE BOOKSTORE WEST BLOOMFIELD • 851-6340 -44 FRIDAY, SEPT, 4,187' Big or small, we custom the music to your needs 968-2563 FROM 135MM, 110, DISC COLOR PRINT & FILM Limit 10 Rolls Per Family Sam Barnett 737.2450 Bring in the New Year with a cookie or candy tray. gk lora3 0 the (313) 363-4162 GIGUE ORCHEST1 22101 CJLA55 ACT 111THIMUITIET Mecca Continued from preceding Page and subversion, according to Israeli analysts, is the propaga- tion of the Islamic revolution. The short-term strategic ob- j ectives, however, are more often connected with further- ing Iran's interests in its war against Iraq and with the wider war that Iran is fighting against the infidel West. Given these criteria, the deci- sion to instigate the riots in Mecca — a demonstration of fundamentalist Shiite zeal at the holiest Islamic shrine against a regime which is close- ly aligned with its arch-enemy, Iraq, and with the "Great Satan" itself — must have seemed in Thheran to have been divinely inspired. The message may indeed have struck a chord in Saudi Arabia, which is vulnerable to threats, both internal and ex- ternal. "The way the Saudis handled the riot suggests that they are very jittery, very ner- vous," says Dr. Yossi Olmert, a Middle East specialist at 'Ibl Aviv University. "I wouldn't say that the House of Saud is in danger of imminent col- lapse," he said in an inteview, "but it is inherently unstable and the Iranians cerainly challenged the ability of the Saudis to cope with a sudden crisis." The Saudi army and the security police are both relatively weak, and there are fears that a sustained cam- paign of terror might reveal serious internal stresses. The Saudi government must also keep a close and nervous eye on its Shi'ite community, which constitutes some six per cent of the population and which is largely concentrated in the Hasa province, the heart of the key oil-producing region of Saudi Arabia. The Saudis are vulnerable in other areas, too. With the fall in oil prices, their awesome economic power is dwindling and with it their ability to "buy protection" from radical regimes and groups throughout the Middle East. "The Saudis are still very rich," says Dr. Olmert, "And like the very rich everywhere, they feel vulner- able to blackmail and extor- tion." All this is exacerbated by the fact that Saudi Arabia is in the midst of a dangerous transi- tional phase moving rapidly from a simple, nomadic desert kingdom into a modem techno- logical society without bestow- ing any political benefits on its people. The abundant wealth of the regime has thus far been suffi- cient to drown out voices of dis- sent and win the loyalty and ac- quiesensce of the Saudi people. But the spread of wealth, education and sophistication — without a corresponding spread of political rights — is creating dangerous tensions within Saudi society. This month's riots in Mecca