BEHIND THE HEADLINES • A N J erusalem — Asking the Israeli government to kill the Lavi is a bit like ask- ing Washington to close down NASA. Indeed, deciding the fate of Israel's controversial jet fighter plane is an issue of such monumental proportions—with such far-reaching political, economic and military implications—that the Israeli govern- ment, accustomed though it is to regular doses of severe trauma, has been sent into a state of shock. Following a six-hour meeting on Sunday, the cabinet once again put off a decision on whether to scrap the Lavi, a project that has already ab- sorbed seven years of Israel's finest talents and $1.5 billion in design and development costs, almost all provid- ed by the U.S. It was the eighth time in the last four months that the cabinet had at- tempted to vote on the fate of the Lavi. Each time there has been a postponement to give proponents, and the plane's manufacturer, Israel Air- craft Industries, a chance to find at least $500 million more a year to pro- duce the Lavi and other needed weapons systems. A cabinet com- munique noted simply that Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir decided to postpone the vote "for one or two weeks in order to try to reach max- imum agreement on this central issue." Not even the ministers who at- tended the marathon session were prepared to speculate on how a deci- sion might have gone if the issue— regarded as one of the most important 42 DAY,,AUG., 21 1 .19.87.:L. , II 1 Jerusalem must soon make a painful choice between economic reality and national pride HELEN DAVIS Special to The Jewish News ■ ever to be presented to an Israeli cabinet—had been put to the vote. The project has become a matter of national pride. It is regarded as the key to Israel's security (read: survival) into the 21st Century and as both the source and the showcase of Israel's high-tech abilities, on which so many hopes have been pinned. A decision to scrap the project would involve a massive climb-down by Israel's politicians and a massive let-down for its citizens. It would also mark the end of a longstanding Israeli ambition to be independent of any other power for the source of a vital means of its defense. On a more tangible level, a deci- sion to scrap the plane would cause about 5,000 scientists, engineers and technicians to be laid off, and would place in doubt the future of Israel's largest single enterprise, Israel Air- craft Industries, which has an annual turnover of $1 billion and a payroll of 22,000. There are doubts that the com- pany, which is building the plane and which provides a home for much of the most innovative and exciting high-tech development in Israel, could sustain the psychological and finan- cial blow of losing its largest and most prestigious project. Not least, a decision to scrap the Lavi could force the best and brightest of Israel's young scientists and engineers, who were drafted into the Lavi project, to seek more secure employment abroad, taking with them Israel's hopes of developing its high-tech potential. The effect of keeping the Lavi alive, however, could be just as cataclysmic. Finance Minister Moshe Nissim has already warned that a decision to continue with the project will result in a bloated national budget, ac- celerated inflation, higher interest rates, stifled industrial development and mass unemployment as the coun- try struggles to maintain its economic equilibrium. Moreover, the United States, in the form of both Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and Secretary of State George Shultz, have made un- precedented intrusions into Israeli af- fairs over the issue. This past week, in the most blunt of terms, the Reagan Administration issued a statement calling on Jerusalem to abandon the Lavi project, asserting that the buck has stopped. The state- ment said the project would eat up too much of the $1.8 billion in American military aid to Israel. The implication has been that while Israel alone will make the final decision on the Lavi, a wrong decision—that is, a decision to go ahead with the project—could have dire consequences. Israel might well emerge with one of the finest planes in the world—but it will have very little else. For if Israel goes ahead with the Lavi, they say, it will have no resources left over to develop and acquire essential systems and weapons for its land forces and navy. And the United States, it has been made clear, will not bail Israel out by increasing its aid package. In a message delivered to Israel's