FOLLOW-UP Mirror Master Custom Mirror Installation • Residential & Commercial rs an custom wall mixrdt zits ation Ist quality wia e lowest prates. — Pollard Scores Leaders In Letter From Prison WE DEAL DIRECTLY WITH THE MANUFACTURER SO WE CAN GIVE YOU THE HIGHEST QUALITY OF WORK ANYWHERE AT THE LOWEST PRICES!! Also Available: • Heavy Glass Table Tops • Tub & Shower Enclosures • Pedestals FREE ESTIMATES 532-9615 BACK TO SCHOOL SALE & coLgVEsi HEY ENTER THE GREG SHOES COLORING CONTEST KIDS FOR BACK TO SCHOOL AND WIN PRIZES ... ■ *0 4• Olt 4° 4-'' 1011 44 (' 4 :cisLcb Greg SHOES ORCHARD MALL EVERGREEN PLAZA 851-5566 559-3580 ORCHARD LK. RD. N. OF MAPLE WEST BLOOMFIELD 12 MILE & EVERGREEN SOUTHFIELD SPECIAL ATHLETES _WANTED for Michigan Jewish Sports Hall of Fame Special Games Sunday, August 231 1981 Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit 6600 West Maple Road W. Bloomfield, Ml 48322 Volunteers Also Needed Contact: Arlene Gunsberg 661 1000, Ext. 347 - 16 FRIDAY, AUG. 14, 1987 );( ' VorPsY oc" . U Se‘ ° Springfield, Mo. (JTA) — Convicted spy Jonathan Pollard claims the classified U.S. information he gave and sold to Israel was for an Israeli-sanctioned high and noble cause "pertaining to the covenant and survival." He adds in a 14-page hand- written letter from federal prison, published by the St. Louis Jewish Light, that Israel unfairly repudiated him and left him and his wife Anne to take the rap. "I wasn't motivated by greed and I didn't set out to become a martyr," he writes. "I don't condemn the cause I served but only the cowardly leaders who decided to sacrifice us all on the twin altars of diplomatic and per- sonal expediency!" Israeli leaders at first term- ed Pollard's work a "rogue operation!' No proof to the contrary has been reported, yet official Israeli investiga- tions have criticized the top governmental leadership for poor oversight of the now disbanded Lekem espionage agency that recruited and directed Pollard. Jonathan Pollard, 32, received a life term in March for his espionage activities. A former civilian analyst for the U.S. Navy, he told the federal court that he had come to realize that rather than spy, he should have taken his con- cerns that Israel wasn't receiving enough security in- formation through the chan- nels of the Navy and as far as the President. He added that he regretted sacrificing his wife "on the altar of political ideology!' Anne, 26, was sentenced to two concurrent five-year terms for being an accessory to her husband's espionage and receiving stolen- govern- ment material. He claims the inadequate treatment she receives for -a rare, painful gastrointestinal disorder keeps her in agony. Pollard also contends that Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger's "even- handedness policy" toward the Middle East — seeking to erode "the Israeli army's military superiority over the Arabs . . . eventually precipitated my involvement with the Israelis?' Pollard claims that Weinberger has "approved such a radical pro-Arab tilt in U.S. Middle East policy" by accepting the Arab claim that Israel's strategic value is marginal, by selling "ultra- Morris Abram: Glib apologist. sophisticated" arms and by denying Israel "critical infor- mation needed to neutralize the new generation of Soviet weapons being deployed along her northern border?' Regretting that he broke the law, Pollard nonetheless writes that "after months of agonizing . . . I came to the conclusion that the choice I faced was between my belief in Israel's right to continued security and my legal obliga- tion to uphold Mr. Weinberger's betrayal of the Jewish State. Pollard also attacks Morris Abram, chairman of the Con- ference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organiza- tions, and other U.S. Jewish leaders "of his ilk!' He ac- cuses them of being "glib apologists" who should "limit themselves to fundraising and leave the less glamorous affairs such intelligence gathering to those of us who are not afraid to be exposed as `unhyphenated' Jews!' He says Abram abetted the Arab cause by "endorsing Caspar Weinberger's rather fanciful off-the-record assess- ment of my actions as having constituted 'the gravest assault against the integrity of this country's national defenses in over 200 years! " Weinberger later repudiated that statement. But above all, Pollard writes, "Abram's outrageous claim that I had, in fact, subverted Israel's interest struck me as being unaccoun- tably naive . . . It would ap- pear that salon Jews like Abram either can't com- prehend or accept the unfor- tunate dichotomy that exists between the noble halachic (Jewish legal) values for which stands and the unpalatable means she must sometimes use in order to sur- vive!'