BARRY'S LETS RENT IT the ultimate source for all your travel accessories! 6253 ORCHARD LAKE RD. NORTH OF MAPLE RD. In Sugar Tree • West Bloomfield DAILY 10 to 6:30 • THURS. 10 to 8 • SUN. 12 to 5 • CALL: 855-3180 PARTY RENTALS ALL OCCASIONS - "Germans were brainwash- ed" allowed people to "pay lip service to the Holocaust but to avoid confronting the basic fact that good husbands and good fathers carried it out." The Eichmann Trial of 1961, after which Hannah Arendt wrote of "the banali- ty of evil," gave impetus to serious historical research. But it was the period of the late 1960s that saw a real change in the Holocaust con- sciousness of American Jews. "This was a time of ethnic pride and one when question- ing and protest were ac- cepted," Mais said. Feeling permission to question the establishment on civil rights and Vietnam, American Jews came to feel they could also question the establishment about the Holocaust. The Six- Day War of 1967, replete as it was with Holocaust analogies, was also an impor- tant factor. But what finally got the Holocaust into American con- sciousness, he said, was the miniseries of that name which aired on U.S. television in 1978. Even with all its pro- blems, 220 million Americans "came to terms with the word Holocaust!' Because it would not have been aired had receptivity not been anticipated, the series was an important "signpost," he said. While Israelis had long hoped the Holocaust would penetrate American con- sciousness, they are concern- ed about its being trivialized and misused. "We can't be blind to the Holocaust or be blinded by it," Mais said. One instance of being blinded by it occurs when people say, "I must remain Jewish because of what the Nazis did to the Jews:' Here everything is "seen through the prism of the Holocaust and it is overemphasized to the point of becoming a surrogate Jewish identity or religion." Another instance of being blinded by the Holocaust oc- curs when people say, "Israel has the right to exist because of the Holocaust." This "obliterates Zionism and its tangible expression," ignor- ing the fact that Jews have a right to their own country and worked for it in the 1890s, in the 1920s and 1930s. Using the Holocaust to legitimize Israel makes Zionism appear to be a post- Holocaust response and phenomenon, "and if so, where did the infrastructure that allowed the survivors to be absorbed come from?" It is also ideologically dangerous, Mais continued, because Arab propagandists can and do argue that "Europe spit the Jews up and we have to pay the bill." However, he said, there is a direct historical connection between the Holocaust en- ding in 1945 and Israel's crea- tion in 1948 in that the need for a refuge for 300,000 DPs the world would not accept eventually led to the UN par- tition vote of 1947. Furthermore, "one cannot understand Israel without understanding the Holocaust!' Mais said. "It's part of our collective memory?' Israelis share the consensus that Jews cannot afford to be in a situation of "hopelessness, helplessness and powerlessness" and that "there's only one country in the world that puts Jewish survival as its number one priority?' This is reinforced, said Mais, when you walk out of Yad Vashem. "You walk out of the building, out of the darkness, and you see the sun. You see Israeli soldiers and you walk into the sunlight of Jerusalem?' Jewish Telegraphic Agency NEWS Caesarea Dig Resumes Tel Aviv (JTA) — The ar- chaeological excavation at Caesarea, halted last week by pressure from ultra-Orthodox zealots, was resumed without incident Sunday morning. But the dig was being con- ducted by Israeli ar- chaeologists instead of the American volunteers headed by Prof. Robert Bull, of Drew University in Madison, N.J. The excavation was halted by Drew University president Paul Hardin because of pressure exerted on him by ultra-Orthodox elements in the U.S. A small force of police were present at the dig site but were not called on to take any action, as no representatives of the Atra Kadisha (protec- tion of Jewish burial sites) group appeared. 1855-0480 1 553-9966 29212 ORCHARD LAKE RD. South of 13 Mile 1 ...iv •,. law Talent Agency WE HAVE THE RIGHT ENTERTAINMENT FOR YOUR PARTY AND YOUR BUDGET BANDS - DJ's CEREMONY MUSIC - COCKTAIL MUSIC —AM p RECORDING STUDIOS SAVE TIME! SEE OUR BANDS ON VIDEO INVITES YOU TO SING AT YOUR NEXT PARTY CALL FOR DETAILS 851-9099 Always Low Prices Always High Quality • Visit Our Studios at Tally Hall • Gift certificates (all recordings in full compliance with Federal copyright laws) U.S. MADE FLASHED RED x 6- OUARRY 8 BRAND NAME CLOTHING SAMPLES INNo mmib. 41;: • - Eel Le TIGRP° 0° 84. 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The report com- bines wartime photographs and excerpts from original ar- chival documentation, and is a product of an 18-month investigation. FENBY STEIN 6919 Orchard Lake Rd. West Bloomfield 855-5528 the opportunity to purchase any new car at tremendous savings! All makes, including imports. -Top dollar for your trade-in. Immediate delivery of in-stock vehicles or order the car of your choice. 1/' Factory rebates and dealer reduced interest rates when offered. ✓ Leasing Also Available ✓ 23 years experience. NEW & USED CAR BROKER CALL US AT (313) 851-9700 31471 Northwestern Hwy., • Farmington Hills, MI 48018 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 43