Looking For Love Israeli singles have a holiday all their own, Tu B 'Ay 1■ 111•11111•111 ■ 1111=1 SIMON GRIPER Special To The Jewish News 11 11 u B'Av (the 15th of Av) which this year falls on the tenth of August is an occasion for wine, women, and men and song. It is the most sensuous Jewish Festival, with the possible exception of Purim, closely associated with wine, drunkenness, courtship and sex. It is also among the most forgotten Jewish festivals, becoming virtually extinct during centuries of exile. Tu B'Av is a minor festival mark- ing the grape harvest. Presumably in the Diaspora until modern times Jews rarely owned land on which to farm vineyards. Moreover, according to the Mishnah, the practice during the Se- cond Temple Period was that the young maidens paraded themselves before the young men. The Mishnah says in Ta'an 4.8: "The daughters of Jerusalem dressed in white raiments (which they bor- rowed that none should be abashed they they had not) and went forth in- to the vineyards chanting songs." Maybe because of its explicit association with drunkenness and more especially flirtatious courtship, the festival is in effect boycotted by the Orthodox today. A number of Or- thodox rabbis had not heard of cur- rent Tu B'Av celebrations either in Israel or the Diaspora. 74 FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1987 In fact, only Rabbi Steven Riskin, an Orthodox rabbi from Efrat and originally New York expressed any enthusiasm for reviving the festival. Indeed other rabbis seemed eager to find reasons for not celebrating Tu B'Av and one suggested that it belonged to a group of religious prac- tices that could not be restored until the Temple was rebuilt. No doubt many in Orthodox circles attach a stigma to the festival which is associated with sinful prac- tices and is thought to encourage and provoke immodesty. Some rabbis con- sider the festival to have pagan origins related to the summer solstice. Tu B'Av was instituted by the Pharisees who celebrated their vic- tory over the Sadducees on this day, while the festival was also associated with intermarriage between the tribes of Israel. In modern Israel, the festival is widely celebrated on the kibbutzim, especially the settlements that tend their own vineyards. Extensive research could find no Tu B'Av celebrations outside of the kibbutzim, which are certainly the only move- ment within Jewish life around the world to regularly mark this festival. For the kibbutzim, Tu B'Av is a day devoted to young singles. Anybody who has ever attended a kib- butz wedding will appreciate the ef- fort and endeavor that are put into the celebration of special occasions in- cluding theatrical performances, com- edy sketches, singing and dancing. A survey of how the kibbutzim have marked Tu B'Av in recent years reveals great wit, ingenuity and sen- suous improvisation. Tu B'Av on the kibbutzim is a day first and foremost for young singles (especially aged 14-18) but also those in their early 20s, and courting couples. According to Ora, who organizes the cultural events at Kibbutz Sa'ar near Nahariya in the north, there was something of a feminist revolution at the Tu B'Av celebrations last year. As part of the festival's celebrations it is a tradition to hold a beauty contest and choose a wine queen. But when the time came, Sa'ar's maidens refus- ed to participate in what they term- ed a cattle exhibition. Among themselves they nominated a preg- nant woman (married but who hap- pened to be observing the fun) and crowned her as wine queen. "The evening's entertainment," recalls Ora, "also included a session of jokes and anecdotes about wine and drunkenness, a lecture on winemak- ing and a disco and dance with plen- ty of food and wine. We stimulate an amorous atmosphere but we don't en- courage sexual irresponsibility. One thing can easily lead to another so we keep a close watch for couples disap- pearing into the fields." Therefore, while Tu B'Av celebra- tions on the kibbutzim concentrate on the themes of sex, relationships, wine, drunkenness and merrymaking — a potentially erotic mixture — the focus is traditional, with kibbutz organizers laying emphasis on love rather than lust while sex and courtship are pro- moted for procreation rather than recreation. Thus, Kibbutz Netzer Sereni near Tel Aviv last year celebrated Tu B'Av with a fashion show of bridal costumes from Jewish communities around the world. Tirait Zevi in the Jordan Valley re-enacted some of its wedding entertainment programs from 30 years ago, while at Hulda near Rehovot, old timers recounted romantic episodes of how they courted their spouses. Celebrations are often well coor- dinated around a particular theme, usually with sensuous connotations. For example, at Kfar Masaryk near Haifa last year the theme was fashion. There was a lecture on the history of fashion (which it was generally agreed was too long, dry and academic), a fashion show put on