I PURELY COMMENTARY Preserving Our Treasures, Thanks To Expert Archivists can find facts available to them in the AJHS assembled data. Major interest attaches to a more emphasized current interest in the AJHS. Its headquarters assumes significance as an exhibit center of Jewish history. The collection of valuables on display there and available for further study mark a new achievement in archival perpetuation of historic manuscripts and records. This expandedd achievement is ac- credited to AJHS librarian Nathan M. Kaganoff. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus Formation of Jewish historical societies, on local and statewide bases, have assumed national importance. Detroit's active historical society has earned statewide acclaim. The atten- tion given to the assembling of records tracing Jewish pioneering in Michigan has already gained mounting support. These aims and activities are matched in scores of American communities and the result is an assurance that our historical data, including manuscripts, photographs and valuable letters, will be preserved. The inspiration comes from numerous sources. A primary en- couragement came from the many years of gathering valuable material by the American Jewish Archives. The genius of its executive guide, the revered historian Jacob R. Marcus, continues with the country's blessings for an uninterrupted, widely admired service. The American Jewish Historical Socie- ty more than supplements the Archives. It gives strength to a major purpose. A new achievement by it, the assembling of valuables that lend themselves to ex- hibits on a national scale, create an in- terest that may bring the historical preservation process into untold Jewish homes via their localized historical societies. Special interest is created in the an- nouncement by Morris Soble, president of the American Jewish Historical Society (AJHS), that plans are commen- cing for the observance in 1992 of its 100th anniversary. While the event will still be five years in the making, the ad- vance interest gains significance in So- Nathan Kaganoff ble's indication that it will mark also the 500th anniversary of Columbus' discovery of the New World and the 100th birthday of Ellis Island. Justified pride is expressed in the growth of the AJHS since its founding in the anlyses of its current status by Bernard Wax, director of the AJHS. It has not only developed into an archival gatherer of facts but as a functioning research center aiding students of Jewish history. Wax calls attention in his current report to the functions of the AJHS, in its research library and archives located on the campus of Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass. It adheres to its dedication since 1892 to the "collection, preservation and dissemination of infor- mation on the history of Jews on the Bernard Wax American continent." Therefore the im- portance of the facts that the collected treasures contain more than six million manuscripts, 250 paintings and ar- tifacts, 500 American Yiddish films and theater posters and a number of restored American Yiddish films ad- ministered by the National Center for Jewish Films. That explains the recognition of the roads leading to the AJHS quarters by students of history, researchers, authors as well as students working on their doctoral theses. It is as a research center with an availability of data that the society continues to retain its value to Jewry and to American scholarship. There are increasing genealogical in- terests. Those searching for family roots Dr. Kaganoff reports that in the past 13 months 879 readers utilized the library. There wre 1,054 visitors view- ing the facilities. There were 34 groups participating in special programs ad- dressed by staff members on subjects in Jewish history. Inquiries by 1,436 sear- chers for historical data were provided with the searched-for facts. Dr. Kaganoff thereupon called attention to the nationwide interest in the society and its library resulting in the presen- tation to it of material of great historical merit that is now preserved by the AJHS. The possession of such material and its availability to students and viewers turns the library into an exhibit hall. Dr. Kaganoff, announcing the numerous valuables, mentions among them the following with his personal annotations: We were presented with a large group of photographs of Mary Antin, the prominent author, covering various periods of her life, by her niece, Esther Antin Vogel. We were given a photograph Continued on Page 36 A Tragic Example Of Kapo Involvement A federel court in Brooklyn is con- fronted with the abhorrent case of a Jew accused of having been a kapo, a Jewish policeman in the Nazi military. He is accused of having abused and tortured fellow-Jews. Previously, Nazis had been tried on charges of having lied about their past when entering the United States. Several were deported to be tried in their former homelands. Now, for the first time, a kapo is on trial. The case of 75-year-old Jacob Tan- nenbaum, a revered member of a Brooklyn congregation whose piety has been a source of honor for him for the four decades of his attained American citizenship, is related in an interesting column by Rabbi Marc Liebhaber in the American Jewish World of Minneapolis. The kapo angle in the Holocaust tragedy is filled with horrors. Introduc- ing the Tannenbaum case, Rabbi Liebhaber recalled a personal ex- perience involving a very famous name in Jewish history of the current century of many agonies in Jewish experience, that of itzhak Gruenbaum. The latter's son was a kapo. The Liebhaber recollec- tion introduces this story of a horrify- ing involvement in a youth's coopera- tion with the Nazis: 2 FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1987 In 1947, Itzhak Gruenbaum, who later became the first minister of the interior in the Israeli government, came to Munich, Germany and asked Henia and myself to be so kind and arrange a get-together with some survivors of ghettos and camps. In 1947 we were all sur- vivors. He expressed a wish to meet with the intellectuals in the Munich Jewish community .. . In our small, two-room, rented apartment, we gathered to welcome the leader of our past. A broken, sad, weeping Gruenbaum came to hear a good word about his only son. When the Hitler hordes march- ed into Poland, Gruenbaum was in Israel. His only son remained in Poland, where he became a kapo during the Nazi rule. Sur- vivors of the camps told stories of cruelty, inhumane treatment of his fellow prisoners — the young Gruenbaum was worse than the Nazis. Survivors pledged not to rest until the young Gruenbaum would be brought to justice before the court of the Jewish people. Itzhak Gruenbaum came to Germany to hear from someone a word that would soothe his pain and anguish. I do not remember if his wish was fulfill- ed. The wounds of the survivors were fresh, blood was still boil- ing. "Kapos had no right to live in our midst. They have to be tried, no matter who their parents were" was the mood in the D.P. camps. Forty years passed since that memorable visit in our home of a great father whose son betrayed his people. Itzhak Gruenbaum received a promise not to hunt his son if the son would leave Paris where he was hiding, and go to Israel. The young Gruenbaum left for Israel, joined the Israel Defense Forces and died in the War of Independence. After relating this unforgettable story, Rabbi Liebhaber proceeded to outline the bitterness involved in the approaching trial of Jacob Tan- nenbaum on the charge of having brutalized Jews in his role as a kapo. The Liebhaber column contained the following facts and the author's viewpoint on the case: Jacob Tannenbaum, unlike Gruenbaum's son, did not go to Israel. He is now indicted to stand trial in a federal court. He is accused of lying to the im- migration authorities about his past when he entered the United States and when he later became a citizen. The date for the trial is not set. When Jacob Tannenbaum will take his stand before a U.S. court, the history of Jewish kapos, the Yudenrat, Jewish policemen in the ghettos will un- fold in all its abhorrence. These people were victims and vic- timizers, selected to be murdered. They were given a reprieve from death for cooperating with the Nazis in the running of the camps, brutalizing fellow prisoners, betraying their people. Continued on Page 36