AROUND TOWN PROVEN WORTHY The Probus Club continues its quiet sponsorship of good works VICTORIA BELYEU DIAZ Special to The Jewish News. F orty-eight years ago in Detroit, a small group of Jewish busi- nessmen got together to form a fellowship club. Called the Probus Club ("pro" for professional, "bus" for business and, in Latin, meaning "pro- ven as worthy"), it was patterned after Probus organizations on the East Coast, founded in the mid-'30s. Detroit businessman Claude Grasgreen, Probus' first president, brought the idea home to Detroit after visiting one of the clubs in the Boston area. In the beginning,. Probus Detroit functioned mostly as a social group. Meetings were held, in the early days, over lunch at the Detroit Leland Hotel. A guest speaker was usually featured — someone prominent in Detroit's business community — and members often participated in hotly- contested games of bridge or gin afterwards. Then, in 1947, things changed. That summer, during the height of a polio epidemic, then-president Jack Citron learned that, should a child in need of an artificial respirator (or "iron lung") come to Detroit's Grace Hospital for help, he or she could not be admitted, because the hospital had no respirator. The situation seemed made-to-order for members of the Probus Club, says Citron, since many of them had been seeking for some time for a way the group might effectively help Detroit's sick or disabled. "We raised all funds on a golf outing for our group out at the Franklin Hills Country Club one day;' says Citron. "All the members were ap- proached, and all the members con- tributed. We got around $7,500, and Grace Hospital got its iron lung!' It was the start of what would be a long and consistent record of philan- thropy by the Probus Club of Detroit. Though still a social group today — current members and their wives meet for lunch once a month at Southfield's Furniture Club and also take part in other social events such, as wine-tasting parties, DIA tours and square dances — the organization manage, says newly-elected president Herman Goldsmith. "We'll take whatever amount of commitment a member feels that he can manage to give to Probus," he says. "A profes- sional or businessman could do a whole lot worse. The social aspects and connections are remarkable, although I would like to stress that, if you're looking for some way to make business connections, forget it. Our group is simply not that kind of thing?' Although one of Detroit's "quieter" organizations, Probus is well-known among the faculty and administra- tion of Wayne State University through its Academic Achievement Awards program, established 25 years ago. Given annually to two professors or associate professors at WSU (one in the sciences, one in the humanities), the cash awards amount to $2,000 each. "One of Probus' goals is to serve the community," explains Stone. "So, with Wayne being Detroit's community university, we try, through these awards, to give recognition to young, deserving professors and, by doing so, encourage them to stay in the com- The Probus Club's Reuben Isaacs, Stuart Bordman, Mal Schuster, and seated munity." Herman Goldsmith and Stuart Stone. Named for this year's awards were is also seriously committed to a tradi- Oak Park, according to JARC Ex- Dr. Donald P. Haase, associate pro- ecutive Director Joyce Keller. fessor of Romance & Germanic tion of service to the community. "Another of our projects has involv- languages, who joined the Wayne According to outgoing president Stuart Stone, at the forefront of Pro- ed working with the program for ex- State faculty in 1981, and Dr. Howard bus' recent community service pro- ceptional students at Temple Beth R. Petty, associate professor of jects is its work with Detroit's Jewish El;' says Stone. "Temple Beth El has biological sciences, who was also one of the only (religious education) recently named to an Outstanding Association for Retarded Citizens. "We've established the Probus programs in the city for exceptional Young Men of America award. Dr. Haase is the director of recent Apartment Club, which has been real- students and, this year, we were able ly a pet project of ours for about the to donate $750 toward the purchase seminars for high school students on last three years," says Stone, "The of a video camera for the group. It's "Tales of the Brothers Grimm!' Dr. Apartment Club is made up of about something that the students will be Petty is noted for research into cell 30 JARC clients who live in Detroit- able to use as a learning tool, and biology. area apartments, and what we do is something that can also be used to "Our panel of judges usually con- make it possible for these clients to spread the news about the classes to sists of four members of the Probus Club, and three prominent members all get together and attend different other congregations in the city!' Stone, who joined the Detroit Pro- of the community," explains Stone. area functions like plays, concerts, bus Club after attending a meeting as Serving as judges this year were Dr. ballgames, things like that!' Through Probus' help, members of a guest six years ago, emphasizes that Winifred Fraser, member of the board the Apartment Club have taken part the group does not involve itself with of governors at Western Michigan recently in such activities as a tour fund-raising events, and that all its University; Christina Lovio-George, of the Holocaust Memorial Center, a community projects are sponsored president of the public relations firm, play at the Birmingham Theater, solely through the $125 annual dues Lovio-George, Inc; and Neil Shine, senior managing editor of the Detroit visits to Oak Park City Council paid by each of its 81 members. Because of this policy, the group can Free Press. meetings and an annual Chanukah party for Apartment Club members sustain whatever degree of involve- "The selection of these people is a at the Jewish Community Center in ment each member feels he can value judgment made from a layman's THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 41