Bonnie Maslin compares the troubled marriage to a traffic jam. Drivers can't see the prob- lem or a solution, but they do see lack of movement. suggests, have probably deteriorated past the point of saving. But identifying the behavioral routes that can lead to gridlock before the jam occurs, and finding alter- native paths of interaction, can help pre- vent the paralysis that grips so many American marriages. Another key concept in the Maslin/Nir approach is the idea of infidelity. They define infidelity in unusually broad terms — as the loss of faith and feeling in a marriage. "Sexual infidelity is only one symptom of a marriage in trouble," Maslin says. "you can be unfaithful in other ways. When a man regularly turns on the television and tunes out his wife, or when a woman gets so buried in 'ring around the collar' that the only thing that counts is whether her home is neat and well greased and oiled, these are also ways of being unfaithful. There are plenty of people who haven't strayed in a physical sense — but emo- tionally, they're out of the marriage?' Maslin and Nir then get down into the trenches of marriage improvement with a device they call the "Infidelity Quotient (IQ) 'Ibst." The test consists of 55 questions that force readers to lay out in detail the sore spots of their marriages ("Are any of these feelings part of the current emotional climate of your marriage: lbo much water under the bridge? Useless? Hopeless? We're better off apart? I can't wait to get out? It wasn't meant to be? I don't give a damn?") Then, they interpret the results — not as a precise diagnostic tool, but as a way of helping readers unravel the underlying behavior patterns that wreck marriages. "It's not like a spelling test," Maslin says. "The important thing isn't the final score, but the questions you ask yourself as you take the test and think about the results." Maslin and Nir reinforce the message with a series of case histories. They dissect these troubled marriages with the thor- oughness of biology professors going to work on a frog; confused patterns of com- munication are sorted out, conflicting needs and wishes are diagrammed, and the significance of individual symptoms — the dirty socks on the floor that Maslin likes to tslk about — is clarified. Inevitably, people will see snatches of their own behavior in these narratives. "There's the shock of recognition?' she says, "which makes it more personal for people. We don't want people to read this passively; it should be an active process, an involved process." Maslin. and Nir then deftly help readers 43