4sowisomummememommisommws , NDOIVING ouR FUTURE Jewish institutions are taking a long-range look at their financial survival DAVID HOLZEL Staff Writer ocal Jewish institutions are busy finding new ways to ensure their survival in a c with a diminish- ing, aging population whose needs are continually expanding. Synagogues, day schools and especial- ly the Jewish Welfare Federation have seized upon endowment funds as the best way to gain a foothold to the future. "Most institutions cannot rely on annual fund raising to maintain their level of operations," explains George M. Zeltzer, chairman of Federation's endowment program. "If they have endowments, they don't have to go back to the donor again. It's a perma- nent source of revenue that doesn't have to be resolicited." Endowments are donations to an institution during one's lifetime or in one's will. Such funds can be unrestricted — outright gifts and be- quests for general purposes to be decided by the receiving institution — or restricted — funds to support a par- ticular program or service determin- ed by the terms of the gift or in wills or bequests. Another type of endowment is a philanthropic fund, "a kind of charitable bank account;' according to Joseph Imberman, director of Federation's endowment program. A donor is allowed to take a tax deduc- tion on his gift and retains the right to make suggestions on how the funds are to be used. "When (the donor) is gone, the assets will come into our general funds," Imberman says. In an endowment fund, the gift (corpus) is invested and the earnings are used to pay for the creation of new projects, for expanding old ones or, in extreme cases, to bridge an institu- tion's current budget deficits. The Jewish Welfare Federation's endowment is $82 million, according to Imberman. This is money con- tributed in addition to the annual Allied Jewish Campaign solicitation. The corpus is invested in a varie- ty of stocks and bonds. Israel Bonds make up between ten and 15 percent of the Federation's portfolio, Imber- man says. At an annual return of about nine percent, endowments bring in over $7 million for use in the activities of Federation and its agencies. A lay committee of about 200 oversees the endowments. An accoun- ting department keeps track of all the funds and an advisory service, hired by the lay committee, tracks the per- formance of the investments. ' Nationally, Detroit's Federation endowment ranks fifth in size, behind New York, Cleveland, Baltimore and Chicago, according to the Council of Jewish Federations. At least ten area synagogues have set up endowment funds or have them on the drawing board. They range in size and scope from Cong. Beth Achim, whose three $10,000 - to $30,000 endowments fund three study scholarships, to Cong. Shaarey Zedek, which is, according to Rabbi Ir- win Groner, two-thirds of the way to its ambitious $10 million endowment goal. According to David Hermelin, chairman of Shaarey Zedek's endow- ment campaign, the congregation hopes to fund a long list of educa- tional and cultural programs through endowments to serve congregants ranging in age from toddlers to seniors. Endowments would also maintain the synagogue building and fund the synagogue's library. Endowments are essential, he says, to take the burden of funding the synagogue away from membership dues. "Our single biggest challenge is attracting the affiliated and allow af- filiation to be at a price for young families to be able to afford?' Other congregations' endowments are barely off the ground. Adat Shalom Synagogue's plan for a $3 million endowment "has not been ful- ly launched to the congregation," says president Irwin Alterman. Full-scale solicitation is planned for the fall. Temple Beth El, too, has not yet presented its endowment scheme to the congregation. Temple Israel plans to use a $75,000 bequest from the late Rabbi Leon Fram as the seed for an endowment fund whose goals will be determined "within a year," according - to administrator Frank L. Simons. W by have institutions recently turned to endowments en masse? While United Jewish Charities forerunner of Federation — accepted its first gifts in 1901, most local endowments have been set up only in the last two or three years. The concept of endowment is cer- tainly an ancient one. The Talmud relates the tale of a rabbi who comes upon an old man planting a carob tree. "Will you live to see this tree bear fruit?" the skeptical sage asks. To which the old man answers: "When I came into the world, I found carob trees. Just as my father planted for me, I plant for my son." Congregations have recently established endowments because on- ly in the last few years have they been able to turn their attention from other matters. "Ten or 15 years ago, synagogues were in the process of constructing synagogues," says Rab- Continued on next. page 43 I