else has been, let alone lives." And yet he has grown to admire and respect aspects of Israeli socie- ty and evinces a cautious sympathy for Israel's dilemma over the occupied territories. "Palestinians are reminded by their proximity to Israelis of what they lack, of their own shortcomings. The modernization, the order — these are constant incentives. "The Israeli experience has also been very helpful to me as a lawyer," he says. "I have been able to witness the work of the judiciary. I saw the shortcomings on the West Bank in the judiciary and in freedom of ex- pression." Just last week, in fact, Raja Shehadeh and a group of Palestinian attorneys held a press conference in Jerusalem to discuss the effects of 20 years of military rule. He complained bitterly of increas- ing strictures — of house arrest orders, expulsions, collective punishments, press censorship. But he also allowed that under Israeli rule, the Palestinians had a far greater potential for self-expression than in any Arab country. "I think, in all fairness, one has to say there is a larger measure of self- expression than there was before," Shehadeh told the assembled jour- nalists. "And this is certainly a positive development because it enables people to articulate and grasp things better?' Raja Shehadeh expects that the oc- The future of the West Bank is the key to much debate within Israel — whether it is suicidal to keep the land or return it. Orthodox settlers, like this mother and her young children, vow to never give up their claim to the land. cupation may last for a long time, but he believes that the dispute "will eventually be resolved in my lifetime." In the meantime, he sees a great difference between himself and a younger generation of Palestinians which has known nothing but life under occupation. "They are stronger than I was at the same age, they are less confused," he says. "I would never have con- fronted soldiers and the authorities as they do. They cannot be shaken so easily." ❑ The Temple Mount Is Ours' Motta Gur, who led the battle that reunited Jerualem, says the issues were more clear in 1967 than they are today. HELEN DAVIS Special to The Jewish News n the third day of the Six Day War, the name of Mordechai ("Motta") Gur entered the pages of Israel's history books. At 9 a.m. on June 7, 1967, Colonel Gur stood on the Mount of Olives. Below him, the road from Jericho and the Dead Sea wound up to the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem, which lay sprawled out directly ahead. The war was entering its second half and still the Old City, which con- tained the Western Wall — the focus of Jewish spiritual yearning — was in Jordanian hands. Using his field radio, Gur addressed his men: "Parachute Brigade 55," he said, "we stand on a ridge overlook- ing the Old City. Soon we will enter the city, the Old City of Jerusalem, about which countless generations of Jews have dreamed, to which all liv- ing Jews aspire. Our brigade has been granted the privilege of being the first to enter it. "Eytan's tanks will advance from the left and will enter Lion's Gate. The 28th and 71st will move to that gate, with the 66th in reserve behind them. "Now, on, on, on to the gate! We will hold the passing out parade soon on the Temple Mount!" One hour later, the men of Parachute Brigade 55, Gur at their head, had poured through the Lion's Gate, fought their way through the narrow alleyways of the Old City and achieved their objective. At 10 a.m., standing atop the Thm- ple Mount, site of the ancient Jewish Temples of Solomon and Herod, Gur's voice broke with emotion as he sent a triumphant message to Central Command: "The Temple Mount is in our hands. The 'Temple Mount is ours!" For the first time in 2,000 years, Jerusalem was reunited under Jewish sovereignty. At the moment the conquering warrior thought of his five-year-old daughter and wondered: "What will Ruthie say when she hears that her father did what the Macabees and Bar-Kokhba did — liberate Jeru- salem?" After the Six Day War, Mordechai Gur was appointed military governor of Gaza and then went on to serve with the Israeli delegation at the United Nations and as military at- tache at the Israel Embassy in Washington. In 1974, in the bitter aftermath of the Yom Kippur War, he returned to Israel to take up an appointment as Israel's Chief of Staff, a post he held until 1978. Three year's later he was elected to the Knesset on the Labor Party ticket. lbday, Lieutenant-General (res) Motta Gur still carries with him a sense of privilege: "There are some things that nobody can take from 29