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May 15, 1987 - Image 33

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1987-05-15

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the following from Gilbert's
The Holocaust must be read
-and remembered:
In Warsaw, an SS Major, Her-
mann Hofle, had been ap-
pointed Plenipotentiary in
charge of deportations. On Ju-
ly 22, 1942, he went to see the
chairman of the Jewish Coun-
cil, Adam Czerniakow, who
noted in his diary Hofle's order
"that all Jews, irrespective of
sex and age, with certain excep-
tions, will be deported to the
East. By - 4 p.m. today a con-
tingent of six thousand people
must be provided. And this (at
the minimum) will be the dai-
ly quota."
In ordering Czerniakow to
cooperate in the organization of
this massive deportation, Hofle
added, as Czerniakow rioted,
"that for the time being my
wife was free, but if the depor-
tations were impeded in any
way, she would be the first one
to be shot as a hostage?'
The deportations from War-
saw continued, almost without
pause, until September 12. In
those seven weeks, a total of
265,000 Jews were sent by train
for "resettlement in the East."
Their actual destination was
Treblinka, and its three gas-
chambers. Death, not slave
labor, was their fate. It was the
largest slaughter of a single
community, Jewish or non-
Jewish, in the Second World
War . . .
It was to Czerniakow, chair-
man of the Jewish Council, that
the Germans had looked for
cooperation in the deportations:
for a fixed number of Jews to be
delivered daily to the railway
sidings, the Umschlagplatz, at
the northern edge of the ghet-
to. The Germans had assured
Czerniakow that only
unemployed Jews would be sent
for "resettlement." As the over-
whelming majority of the
population of the ghetto was
employed, Czerniakow had con-
vinced himself that the "reset-
tlement" would therefOre "on-
ly" apply to some ten or twen-
ty thousand people, mostly the
recent arrivals from Germany
and Czechoslovakia. But on Ju-
ly 22 the Germans had
demanded six thousand Jews a
day, and a day later increased
their demand to seven th o - u-
sand a day.
"When I asked for the
number of days per week in
which the operation would be
carried out," Czerniakow noted
in his diary on July 23, "the
number was seven days a
week." His diary entry con-
tinued: "It is three o'clock. So
far, four thousand are ready to
go. The orders are that there
must be nine thousand by four
They demand from me to kill
the children of my nation with
my own hands, Czeniakow
noted in his diary, later that
day. "There is nothing left for
me but to die. That day, Czer-
niakow committed suicide.

For the Zionist elections, Americans
from across the spectrum are
supporting Israel's leaders...

Moshe ArenS

Menachem Begin

Yitzhak Shamir

Ariel Sharon

Cabinet Minister

Founder of Herut

Prime Minister

Israeli Minister of
Industry and Trade

...And Israel's leaders
are supporting Slate 6.

David Levy

Deputy Prime Minister

Rabbi Eliezer Waldman

Member of Knesset and
Rosh Yeshiva, Kiryat Arba




Herut Zionists - Techiya
Sephardic Movement Coalition

Betar-Tagar Zionist Youth Groups



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