PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ From The Jew I Learned To Wait' I am indebted to my revered friend and teacher, Dr. Emanuel Rackman, for aler- ting me to and sharing with me a most illuminating view by a very eminent Christian on the reason for the Jewish vitality and survivalism. Rabbi Rackman called my attention to the explanatory definition by John Galsworthy (1867-1933) that a four-letter word — wait — accounts for the Jewish will to live and the determination to achieve it. Dr. Rackman, the former president and now chancellor of Bar-Ilan Universi- ty in Israel, recalled the definitive state- ment by Galsworthy, "From the Jew I learned to wait." It is additionally illuminating to me that the enthused recollection of a famous viewpoint about the Jews by an eminent English author of the latter part of the last and the first part of this centuries should be by an equally eminent Jewish author and scholar. Dr. Rackman now authors one of the most informative col- umns in the Jewish press. They are ap- peals to reason and guides towards accep- tance and adherence to the basic Jewish ethical teachings. He practices devotion to faith based on confidence of believing in the ultimate blessings of justice. He does not lose patience when he urges all Emanuel Rackman John Galsworthy religious factions and the secularists as well to adhere to the principle of Jewish unity in pursuing the duties that are basic to Jewish cooperativeness. as Jews are surviving the most inhuman that burdens the world with the most cruel of all occurrences — the Holocaust. John Galsworthy won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1932, the year before his death. He authored scores of novels and numerous plays, among them Loyalties. The characters in this drama are guests in the home of a wealthy squire. The Jewish guest, while out of his bedroom to That is why the principle inherent in the idea and ideal embodied in "wait" is so essential. If we fail to wait, we are doomed. If we do not know how to "wait," then we cannot survive the most tragic, bathe, finds his thousand pounds have disappeared from under his pillow. In the process of the embarrassments — the Jew pledging to give the recovered sum to charities — there are comments by the guests. Even the most complimentary are tinged with some suspicions. One of the guests comments: I don't like Hebrews. They work harder; they're more sober; they're honest; and they're everywhere. Emanuel Rackman was not yet bar mitzvah when Loyalties was staged in this country. By that time, John Galsworthy must have been identified with numerous Jewish personalities and occurrences, else he could not have incorporated this asser- tion in Loyalties. Else, he would not have given the definitive reason for Jewish sur- vivalism, "From the Jew I learned to wait." There is a personal thrill in equating the author of the "wait" principle, John Galsworthy, with my admired friend Emanuel Rackman, who puts it into prac- tice. That's how such scholars keep the faith, provide spiritual sustenance for our people by never abandoning patience. We wait — and in the ultimate it must spell triumph in survivalism. U.S., Israeli Political Trends „ Contrasting Youth Opportunities There are 17 to 18 months left for balloting for the Reagans' successors as White House occupants. It'll be some 16 months before the major opponents for the Presidency will be chosen at the national parties' conventions. Already, fortunate- ly for our democratic way of life, can- didates are lining up for the contest. Fortunately, also, young aspirants for important and responsible national posts are making themselves available. Students of Israel's political conditions are envious of such American glories. A measure of regret over such a contrast is expressed in a New York Times op-ed page article by Gideon Samet of the Israeli dai- ly Hebrew newspaper Haaretz under the title "A Dawning Revolution in Israeli Politics." It is a most informative essay and the approach to the problems discuss- ed is on a pragmatic basis. There have been contributions to the American press by Israeli writers which not only dealt with the negatives but were partisan and on occasions read as if linen belonging to Israelis was washed in public. Now Samet's essay provides a thought- provoking set of facts to indicate the dif- ferences rampant in Israel's political life and shows how the old guard retains con- trol of the Labor Party. He shows where efforts are in evidence to correct the situa- tion, and the contrasts in parties are in- dicated. Furthermore, he lists names of available young Likud aspirants for political and government posts who are making themselves evident. The deep interest American Jews have in Israel makes the Samet study of Israel's cast of characters a most valuable con- tribution to our knowledge of developments in the Jewish State. This portion of his essay invites serious attention: For years it was inconceivable to Israelis that someone who wasn't on the bridge in the 1960s can be at the helm in the 1980s. This assumption is just beginning to be nudged out of the public con- sciousness, pushed out by the Lebanon war, the Shin Beth scan- dal, Irangate and now by the Jonathan Jay Pollard spying af- fair. But perhaps more important, there is a growing feeling across this nation, which has put an un- paralleled trust in its leaders, that they are now committed mainly to their own survival, that they are protecting each oher beyond par- ty lines. There is some irony in this need for protection. These are good times in Israel. Families stocked up for Passover. The stores are full of goods and customers. All flights abroad are booked two months ahead. The annual rate of inflation now is just about what the monthly rate was two years ago. New American films and fads and compact disks arrive here within weeks. So why new leaders? Since independence, Israel has gotten a good supply of people to lead it. Yet, a younger generation was hardly ever given a chance. A few, like Moshe Dayan, made it to the top, but only at a relatively ad- vanced age. Without constant re- juvenation, the quality of the leading group has continuously lost its luster. According to most observers, the level of the Israeli political elite has been on a downward slope since the state's creation, in 1948. One reason has been the system of proportional represen- tation that ushers blocs of party candidates into the Knesset accor- ding to the party's relative show- ing on elections. Although the screening process has been spiff- ed up a bit in Labor and Likud, bright young attractive people have not been drawn to the old machines .. . A change ten years ago in the municipal elections system, in which there was movement to direct representation, clearly showed that a hidden pool existed from which better local leaders could be selected. Mayors and other chiefs of local municipalities are now younger and better educated than before. More of them have been lured from the lucrative private sector, which usually keeps the best and the brightest. Why, many Israelis ask, could a similar process of change not take place in the big league? Check some of the names. While the United States has seen four Presidents and hundreds of legislators come and go in recent years, able politicians have been barred from the top jobs by a self- preserving system. Quite a few have been pushed to the sidelines. Take the able, handsome Moshe Katzav, 41 years old, Minister of Labor (at 23, he was the youngest municipality chief in the country). Would he make a worse Prime Minister than his Likud party leader Mr. Shamir, 71? And, in the same party, there is no reason why a few of the "princes" would not move up the very top: the chief delegate to the United Nations, Binyamin Netanyahu, 38; members of the Knesset Dan Meridor, 40, and Ehud Olmert, 42; Mr. Begin's son, Binyamin, 44, or the agile Meir Shitrit, 38, the ex- tremely successful Mayor of Yavne, a development town. On the Labor side, the choice is smaller. None of the 120 Knesset members is younger than 36, and among those 51 and under Labor has only ten to the Likud's 17. Still, in the Labor alignment one can find the Minister of Economy and Planning, Gad Yaacobi, 51; the party secretary general, Uzi Baram, 49; the Minister of Energy, Moshe Shahal, 51, and the upcom- ing finance expert Chaim Ramon, 36. The former military chief of staff Mordechai Gur, 56, who recently quit his job of Minister of Health, protesting the Shin Beth cover-up, harbors aspirations to be prime minister and is fairly qualified for the job. Yossi Sarid, 46, from the left-of-center party Ratz, who moved there from Labor, disillusioned, carried with him talent and a quick wit hardly matched in Israeli politics. A bright, promising figure looms from the military, Brig. Gen. Ehud Barak, 45, chief of the Central Command, a former head of army intelligence, with Labor leanings. Isael cannot expect big leader- ship. That ended with David Ben- Gurion and, with all of his short- comings, Menachem Begin. But what the country not only needs but indeed deserves is change. Change, for its own sake, cannot be a guiding principle in political life. Yet Israel has clung to the same leaders for so long that it seemd to resent and resist any shift at all. Recent experience, following distressing previous examples, has shown that the present leader- ship is mentally incapable of ad- mitting its blunders. Oscar Wilde said that experience is the name Continued on Page 32