FOR WOMEN in our store 20% OFF *not including: value priced merchandise, accessories, layette, previous sales and layaways. SHARONA CHAPTER, Naamat will hold its mother and daughter luncheon and installation at noon May 16 at Topinka's Country House. There is a charge. For reser- vations, call Marge Browarny, 398-2881; Blanche Pollack, 352-0937; Edna Groskind, 657-4699. LINCOLN CENTER 101/2 Mile & Greenfield LIVONIA MALL BOYS and GIRLS WEAR ...because your children are special! 7 Mile & Middlebelt TEMPLE BETH EL SIS- TERHOOD will hold its an- 1110 INSTANT 1 11MMI/N/CAT/ONS BEEPERS • FAX • TELEX [313] 474-7777 SUBURBAN ANSWERING SERVICE' r 1 6mm Pearls - SPECIALLY PRICED AT $18.00. Regular Price $36.00. Other sizes available at Weintraub's discount prices. GLENNWOOD CHAPTER, Women's American ORT, will have a 25th birthday celebra- tion and annual chapter in- stallation of officers on May 27 at 7 p.m. at the Cafe Pas- tel's, 2846 W. Maple, Troy. Entertainment will be fur- nished by Ellen Morehouse. Dinner reservations must be in no later than May 15. Call Linda Katzen for informa- tion, 399-8040. 7 COUPON r-- 00 OFF ANY TOP 50 LP OR CASSETTE All merchandise at Weintraub Jewelers is offered at outstanding discount prices. All sales can be exchanged or refunded. VALID ANYTIME GAYNORS HARMONY CHAPTER, ORCHARD-14 SHOPPING CENTER ORCHARD LAKE RD. & 14 MILE L HOTLINE: 855-0033 MEN GET REARM • Call The Jewish News 354-6060 IS YOUR CHILD THEN GO TO THE GOING TO SUMMER CAMP? SUMMER CAMP SPECIALIST Doh s in the WEST BLOOMFIELD PLAZA 6690 Orchard Lake Road West Bloomfield, Michigan 851-6232 Boys' and Young Men's Wear Official Camp Outfitters For WE HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE AND KNOW HOW TO EQUIP , YOUR YOUNGSTER CORRECTLY FOR A FUN SUMMER AT CAMP. • Official Camp T-Shirts And Sweatshirts. • Custom Printing On All Duffle And Laundry Bags while you wait. C WALDEN SEA-GULL M TANUGA m TAMAKWA P TAMARACK CAMPS S WAHANO WIN A ONE STOP SHOPPING FOR ALL YOUR CAMPER'S NEEDS 54 Friday, May 8, 1987 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS nual rummage sale on Thursday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on May 15 from 9 a.m. to noon at the temple. Everything from household items to quality designer clo- thing will be sold. A snack bar will also be available to the public at a small charge. There is no admission fee. j Women's American ORT, will meet on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Kathy Gaynor, 33834 York Ridge, Farmington Hills. Dr. Fred- rick Marshall, child psychologist, will talk about raising children and answer questions from the audience. For details, call Ms. Gaynor, 661-0879; or Lisa Binder, 661-2019. YOUNG ISRAEL SISTER- HOOD will have a Mother's Day luncheon on Mother's Day, Sunday, at the Young Israel of Greenfield at noon. There also will be a fashion show. Friends and guests are invited. For reservations or information, contact Sonia Ribiat, 967-3606. LADIES OF YESHIVATH BETH YEHUDAH President Mrs. Leo Laufer invites friends to a belated Mother's Day luncheon meet- ing on Wednesday at noon at the Yeshivah Building. The luncheon will be sponsored by Mrs. Ann Cottler honoring Mrs. Laufer upon her return from Florida. Rabbi Shaiall Zachariash of Cong. Shomrey Emunah will be guest speaker for the afternoon. Mrs. Annie Barcless and Mrs. Leah Yoffee will be the hos- tesses. BLOOMFIELD HILLS GROUP, Hadassah, will hold its installation luncheon on Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. at Lowery's, 1990 Hiller Road, West Bloomfield. The instal- ling officer will be Susan Yorke, Greater Detroit Chap- ter president. Paid reserva- tions should be mailed to Fannie Robinson, 1540 Haverhill, Bloomfield Hills, 48013. BUSINESS AND PRO- FESSIONAL CHAPTER, Women's American ORT, an- nounces that Judy Teller will speak and show slides of her trip to the USSR where she visited with refuseniks at 8 p.m. Monday in the home of Evelyn Noveck, 7325 Silver Leaf Ln., West Bloomfield. Guests are welcome. ISRAEL CHAPTER, Naamat USA, will have a spring luncheon in the home of its President, Lee Wag- man, 7201 Pebble Park Dr., West Bloomfield, on May 16, at noon. The afternoon pro- gram will be a slide presenta- tion entitled: "Creating Jewish Memories — how do we transmit values." For reservations, call Mrs. Wagman, 855-3820; or Mildred Neumark, 353-8897, by Tuesday. Friends and guests are welcome. There is a nominal charge for the luncheon. JEWISH HOME FOR AGED AUXILIARY will have a celebration, "Ah, the `Glitter' of Spring," at noon Monday in the Morris Adler Hall of Cong. Shaarey Zedek. Diane Scholnick is auxiliary president. Luncheon will be served, and there will be a brief in- stallation of officers, followed by a fashion show. Mary Tarnow is chairman of the day, and Marilyn Row- ens is vice president .of the program. There is a charge for the luncheon. EVERGREEN GROUP, Hadassah, will hold an in- stallation dinner, 6:45 p.m. May 19 at Adat Shalom Synagogue. Phyllis Subar will act as installing officer. A fashion show will be fea- tured. Members, their families and friends may make reservations by calling Delores Wolff, 353-4146. NEGBAH SHALOM-CHAI CHAPTER, Naamat USA, will hold a meeting, noon Wednesday, at Kristen To- wers, 25900 Greenfield Room, 205E, Oak Park. There will be a program with slides. Re- freshments will be served. President Fan Press invites friends. Women's League ',Has Conference Michigan Branch of Women's League for Conservative Judaism will hold its spring conference May 17-18 at Cong.