PLAY STRUCTURES For Fun at Home Extra Heavy-Duty Construction To Last A Lifetime p Sold With or Without Installation Prices From $650 to $1650 I important in differentiating between the origin (begin- ning) and insertion (end) of the facial muscle. Then an ef- fective exercise can be de- signed for that particular muscle. For example, in the one square inch of skin between the eyebrows, there may be a variety of lines and wrinkles. Two vertical lines in the skin between the eyebrows are caused by different muscles than if there is only one ver- tical line. Horizontal lines at the top of the nose are caused by different muscles entirely. Removing any of those lines from the surface of the skin would require a different combination of exercises. When a person comes in for a consultation, the lines, wrinkles, sags and bags seen on the surface are like a road map pinpointing what is happening to the facial mus- cles underneath. The muscu- lar layer, with specific em- phasis on the individual's own unique strengths and weaknesses, it strengthened and built up. Myth 2: Facial exercises damage the skin from the re- peated muscle movements underneath. True and false. In certain areas of the face, the forehead for example, re- peated muscle movement (raising the eyebrows over and over) does punch lines into the skin of the forehead, if the skin is unprotected. One can reinforce the surface of the skin in certain vulner- able areas with protective tape. The tape absorbs the impact of the muscle action underneath allowing the skin to move in a smooth unit. It's like getting a new skin and then being able to discard it after the exercise session is over. - Myth 3: The best face is a_ frozen or quiet face. There are certain facialists and dermatologists who advo- cate that theory but my feel- ing is that we have eternity to be immobile. Part of the joy of living is being express- ive and animated. The trick is to know which facial man- nerisms are destructive to one's looks and try to get a handle on those. Myth 4: Saying the vowels A-E-I-O-U is a good facial exercise. False. While it is true that you are using a number of muscles to do that, you sim- ply aren't working the mus- cles with enough intensity to do any good. Use a variety of exercise techniques — isotonic, isometric and eccentric con- traction to work each muscle fully. Using facial fitness, specially designed facial weights are utilized in cer- tain exercises for selected muscles because simply con- tracting the muscles is not enough to get the desired ef- fect. There is one exercise that I teach for the circular muscle around the mouth (the most important muscle for keeping the lower third of your face together) in which we work hard enough to actually build up lactic acid or the burn that is so popular in exercise today. Myth 5: People who jog or do impact aerobics are de- stroying their faces. False, but only if you know how to hold your face while you are exercising. Try this in front of a mirror. Jog or bounce up and down with your face relaxed and you'll ,probably see your face bounc- ing up and down too. Now, bring your mouth forward (toward the mirror) and put some tension in your cheek muscles (like saying "eh" in "chuck"). Hold your face in that position and bounce and you'll see that your face is held firm. With a little prac- tice you'll even be able to breathe .while you do it! But more important, you'll have stopped the destructive ef- fects that jogging can cause in the face. Myth 6: You can learn fa- cial exercise from a book. Good luck. First of all, you have to determine if the per- son who wrote the book knows anything about facial exercise. Assuming that you could find such a book then you would have to figure out if you were doing the exer- cises correctly and if you were actually helping or harming your looks. Then if something went wrong, how would you know what was causing it? It is exceedingly difficult to learn from a book because all of the pictures are "freeze frame." In other words, you have no way of knowing how to get from one picture to the next, or what the "flow" of the exercise should be. It is wiser to see a professional who can tell you if you're doing the exercises correctly. Dance Concert Due For Singles Reservations are still available to see the Twyla Tharp Dance troupe at 7:15 p.m. May 13 at the Music Hall Center for the Perform- ing Arts. There will be a champagne and wine preview, with a talk by dancer/choreographer Harriet Berg prior to the per- formance. There is a charge, and re- servation deadline is May 8. For details call Jill Cole, 661-1000, ext. 347. Visit Our Display in West Bloomfield at 7549 Pontiac Trail V2 Mile East of Haggerty Road. For Additional Information Please Write or Call: Guffrey Products 7520 Pontiac Trail West Bloomfield, MI 48033 (313) 624-7962 In Brighton (313) 229-9646 Let Your Rebate Be Your Down Payment Stk. #6537 21 Available at Similar Discounts 16 Available at Similar Discounts *Rebate is included in sale price HOURS Mon. & Thu. 'tit 9 Tu., Wed., Fri. 'til 6 42355 GRAND RIVER Just East of Novi Rd.. Novi 91