Send it for less at ... nom 6453 Farmington Rd. Religious Life Involves Even Mundane Acts RABBI MORTON F. YOLKUT Special to The Jewish News I n this week's twin sidrot we read of the laws per- taining to the dreadful and horribly infectious dis- ease of leprosy. In an attempt to stem the spread of leprosy and other related diseases of the skin, the Bible appoints the Kohen (priest) to be the diagnostician and examine all the symptoms of a possi- ble leper. Those whose symp- toms are negative he pro- nounces clean and sends home. Those whose symptoms show the beginnings of lep- rosy, he pronounces unclean, quarantines them and sends them out of the community until they become pure again. In a quaint sort of way all of this is no doubt interest- Shabbat Tazria-Metzora: Leviticus 12:1-15:33, II Kings 7:3-20 ing, but the question natur- ally arises, what does this have to do with religion? Why should the Torah devote so much space to a medical problem? It would be in order in a work on dermatology; but in a book which gives man the revelation of God's will, a subject of this kind is surely out of place. Why then were these chapters in Leviticus included in our sac- red scriptures? The very fact that these questions are invariably raised today reveals a sharp difference between the tradi- tional view of religion and the contemporary view. Judaism itself is often criticized on the same grounds. Many question, for example, Judaism's insistence on the dietary laws which they see as a matter of hygiene and not of religion. It is doubtful whether this opin- ion is correct historically, but apart from that, it is a point of view which Judaism rejects most emphatically. The definitive lesson which we can derive from this week's Torah portions is that nothing which pertains to human life is outside the sphere of religion. Judaism is rather an all-pervading, uni- versally comprehensive sys- tem of law which addresses itself to every phase of Morton F. Yolkut is rabbi at Cong. B'nai David. human activity. The human body, as well as the human soul, is its concern. Every- thing that affects either the physical or moral areas of life comes with its purview. And in this fact — frequently criticized by Jew as well as non,-Jew — lies the greatness of our tradition. It offers its practitioners a complete guide to life. (at Maple Rd.) 855-5822 Give Your Mother Our Flower Pot Cake 24370 W. Ten Mile Rd. Just W. of Telegraph 355-0088 .1)41,0 efiglatwit ANNIVERSARY BANQUET of AKIVA HEBREW DAY SCHOOL Sunday, May 10, 1987 Many find this concept a difficult one to accept. Wit- ness, for example, the reac- Shaarey Zedek Synagogue 27375 TORAH PORTION Bell Road, Southfield, Mi. JOEL S. DREYER, M.D. recipient of the tion of many fine Jews when a rabbi touches upon a sensi- tive question like the need for honesty and ethics in the business world. Some would say, in all candor, that this is not the business of a rabbi. Let the IRS worry about it. In a sense, they are right. It is really not a rabbi's busi- ness. It is the business of every religious person, of every man or woman who takes his or her religion seri- ously and wants to practice it as Judaism should be prac- ticed. It is the business of everyone who ponders the psalmist's words: "I place God before me always." Always! Not only when I attend serv- ices, or don the tallit or light Shabbat candles, but always — at home, at work, in town, or on vacation. Here is an example of a religious man: A wealthy in- dividual was called by his broker to discuss a sale of properties. After a long dis- cussion, the broker said, "You know, my friend, I don't think this deal is really for you. There are too many ethical shortcuts involved; too many moral loopholes. Maybe it would be acceptable for someone else, but not for you. You are too sensitive and religious a man." This is a portrait of which one can be proud; when even an outsider can sense. that a man's religion not only can- not be divorced from life, but that it exerts a powerful influence on every area of life. This is religion! God wants to be part of our hands each time we sign a check, part of our tongue each time we speak concerning others, part of our feeling each time we have dealings with people of different races or creeds. This is the challenge of the all- inclusive and uniquely Jewish way of life. Chesed Veltachamim Humanitarian Award GENERAL CHAIRMAN Eli Master HONORARY CHAIRMEN Richard Chrysler Max M. Fisher Paul Borman PATRON COMMITTEE CO-CHAIRMEN Jack Zwick & Dr. Lawrence Loewenthal Cocktails 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Couvert $150 per "couple for reservations call N'ESHIVAT AKIVA 552-9690 37