Joel, Shelly and daughter Casey Newman display some of Casey's creations, president of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, all Jews are Jews by choice. And it is not that they're choosing not to be in- volved, but rather that they do not - have the skills to be involved. Although people want to be Jewish, American culture seems to take precedence over Jewish cul- ture. In a study of Jewish college youth, a heavy preponderance iden- tified themselves as "American" and stated that they don't mind marrying non-Jews. They also stated that they want their chil- dren to be Jewish. Jews typically affiliate with the Jewish community when they have young children. In a study of 4,000 Jews in the greater New York area, demographer Dr. Steven Cohen found. 87 percent of those with school-age children were affiliated in some way. From this and other findings, Cohen con- cluded that the number of unaffil- iated is much smaller than the 50 percent figure usually cited. Of primary importance, according to Cohen, is reaching and involving those Jews who are "passing through" Jewish affiliation to "enhance their connections with other Jews ... and commitment to Jewish values." Enter Detroit's Jewish Experi- ences for Families. It is a unique program, and although there are smaller-scale efforts in other com- munities — such as Los Angeles' Jewish Lamaze program and holi- day workshop series — none has tackled the job of maintaining the discreet identity of each participat- ing synagogue or agency while of- fering meaningful, quality pro- gramming for each. In carrying out her staff role, Appelman tries to use humor so that programs are non-threatening. She has, on occasion, dressed as Mazel the Mouse to involve pre- schoolers and has, in a more seri- ous vein, developed family holiday guides and activities that can be carried into the home. She hopes eventually to offer tapes for use in the car or at home. "When we were growing up, it was all or nothing," she says. "If you didn't do it all, there was something wrong with you. There was a reason to be guilty. But it's a transitional process. Judaism is a religion in which one can grow." But the program is only viable so long as the synagogue leadership is involved, according to Berman, who says that "we must create a kind of peer pressure to make fam- ily programming a priority." Those sentiments are echoed by Fresh Air Society president Dr. Richard Krugel who says that "outreach and cooperation between synagogues and agencies was lack- ing somewhat in the past. This program, however, opens new doors for community cooperation." Krugel also notes that FAS was chosen to house the new pro- gram because of its history of in- formal education, its outstanding camping facilities and strong staff and leadership support. The result? Krugel says that JEFF "is making significant inroads in getting the family to function together." More than 400 families were reached in the program's first six months of operation. "Our initial goal was to reach into the synagogues to make them more cognizant of options in family learning experiences;" Krugel states. "As an ultimate goal, we would like to use the same process to reach out to unaffiliated families through our agency 'system." In the meantime, the program is meeting many needs for the synagogues. An example of this can be seen at Adat Shalom Synagogue, whose membership, according to President Irwin Alterman, has grown substantially — attracting several hundred new families within the past three years. And, he notes, "the largest block of them has young children." "In our case, these people have already elected to stand up and be Continued on next page 33