N ■ 1111111111 ■ 11•11111=111111111111= o one in America is closer to the truth about the Holocaust than one man, Robert Wolfe. Wolfe is the archivist in charge of Nazi documentation at the National Archives in Washington, and since 1961 has been en- trusted with the organization and safe- keeping of millions of documents relating to the Holocaust era. That responsibility has compelled him to conclude, "There is no greater evidence of the Holocaust than the contemporary records of the perpetrators themselves?' Wolfe is both the guardian of that truth and the man deter- mined to make it accessible. Reposing in numberless oblong docu- ment boxes and microfilm reels, captured Nazi records in the massive National Ar- chives building are stored in high-security vault-like chambers along a maze of con- fusing corridors. Some doors are protected by combination locks. Cages separate storage areas within the chambers. In many areas, visitors must log in and out when passing from room to room. In this impenetrable repository, four floors at the front of the building physically are on dif- ferent levels than those at the rear of the buiding. But if anyone knows his way around the cavernous archive, and its holdings, it is Wolfe. Although no one possibly could be aware of every Reich document contained within some 30,000 microfilm reels, Wolfe is one of the four or five most knowledge- able archivists of Nazi records in the coun- try. He began his career as a "screener" in the 60s, as part of American Historical Association research team reviewing unorganized captured Nazi papers. Later, when the National Archives organized the collection, Wolfe was placed in charge and wrote some of the guides to SS materials. With experience comes a special exper- tise about Nazi documentation that has guided thousands of Holocaust and Nazi- era scholars who have come to him for assistance. "A researcher experienced in one area may not know what he is reading in another area?' Wolfe says. For example, suppose a memo to Hitler is found. "The researcher must understand that Hitler didn't read a lot of his memos, he was no bureaucrat, and relied upon his aides to report to him. So we must ask, who sent the memo — was it an obscure official or someone important — and did Hitler ever see it? "Unless researchers have the back- ground, unless they know what happened when, and who was responsible for what, they will either get lost or draw false assumptions from the documents they see." For this reason, major Holocaust con- troversies often end up on Wolfe's desk for guidance. In 1978, for instance, Central In- . Archivist Robert Wolfe, at home among the numerous Holocaust documents in his office at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Photo by Barbara Cotell Guardian Of The Terrible Truth Robert Wolfe of the National Archives, who is in charge of millions of Nazi documents about the Holocaust, says records by the perpetrators are the most important pieces of information about the period. EDWIN BLACK Special to The Jewish News 96 Friday, April 17, 1987 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS