Stacey performs with the Metropolitan Youth Symphony. unior Miss Stacey Heisler won acclaim and scholarships as a Junior Miss finalist from Livonia JENNIFER GUBKIN Jewish News Intern magine the perfect high ing," Stacey says, "or like who has Symphony Civic Orchestra, the school senior girl. She would the prettiest dress." The judging Girls Ensemble, and the Village be intelligent, physically fit, criteria are scholastic achievement, Singers. Stacey sings first soprano and poised, uniquely talented, physical fitness, poise and appear- and of course an all-around ance, creative and performing arts, plays the violin. "I love playing vio- nice young lady. The national and, most importantly, a judge's lin," she says, and it's always something I've had to work really Junior Miss competition annually interview. looks for that model high school Stacey is a good student who hard at. I'm just starting to work senior, and Stacey Gail Heisler of gets As and Bs at Livonia's Steven- hard at voice and appreciate it." Stacey plans on majoring in Livonia comes pretty close. son High School, carrying a 3.4 Stacey is Livonia's Junior Miss grade point average. English is her musical performance at U-M. At for 1987. She was also a finalist in favorite academic subject and she the Junior Miss competition, Stacey the recent state competition. She loves reading science-fiction. She sang If You Really Knew Me. She became involved in Junior Miss describes herself as "not very won the talent competition at the after talking to friends who were mathematical." Stacey feels her city level. It was the end of September previous competitors. They said "grades are good but they're not Junior Miss was a lot of fun and good enough where I can write in when Stacey attended the Junior awarded excellent scholarships. and say I'd like a Merit Schol- Miss orientation meeting. The deci- Stacey feels the scholarships are arship." She, therefore, appreciated sion to participate in the Livonia one of the best aspects of Junior the $1,600 in scholarship money Junior Miss Scholarship Program Miss, "giving the girls that are she won in the Junior Miss compe- drastically changed her senior year. good in other areas in addition to tition. She plans to use the schol- For two months, three hours every academics a chance to get the arship at the University of. Michi- Monday evening were spent prepar- ing for the program. Two routines 'scholarships." But the bottom line gan's school of music. English may be Stacey's favo- had to be mastered. The poise and for Stacey was, "I really like per- rite academic subject, but music is appearance routine was designed to forming." Junior Miss does not like to be her true love. Half of her senior see "how graceful you move and considered a "beauty pageant." In year high school classes are musi- how you carry yourself." The par- fact, the organization works very cal: choir, orchestra, and indepen- . ticipants had to wear gowns and hard at creating an all-around, dent study (better known as prac- heels, and "perform ballroom dance all-American image rather than tice time). Her extra-curricular type moves," The second routine that of a beauty queen. "You're musical activities include the Met- was even more demanding, espe- never judged on what you're wear- ropolitan Youth Symphony, Detroit Continued on next page i V 1 ' • • . 1 i 1 41,