PURELY sommimmimm COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Message Of Passover To Children Of All Ages Every commemorative Jewish function, all the festivals on our calendar, have special significance for children. In each there is a message that carries historic weight. The Passover theme is especially direct, powerfully emphatic in the involve- ment of the young who have a major assignment in the cast of characters in the Haggadah and thereupon in the entire dramatic performance of the first two nights introductory to the enactment of the historic recollec- tions. The very introduction to the theme — the mah nishtanah — of the Seder is assignment to the youngest in the family who has already learned the value of the commitment to know his portion in the recitation of the Haggadah in Hebrew. Thereupon the sharing of the values of the historic event becomes obligatory upon all, in the re-enactment of the memorable and unforgettable. The dramatic reci- tation commences with the mah nishtanah of the youngest, then car- ries into fulfillment with the ac- ceptance of the assignation of u'gadta le-binha, thou shalt teach it to your children. The commitment becomes obligatory for all ages. It begins with questions and a sharing in providing the explanatory historic replies. Then comes the com- mitment: the duty to teach the chil- dren. Attached to that responsibility is the uninterrupted involvement with peoplehood and the committed aim to learn the lessons well and never to abandon the purpose. This message from the Haggadah has a broader aim. It is not limited to learning the lessons of the Exodus. The purpose is to know the Jewish confrontations as they developed through the ages, as they continued year after year from Exodus to timelessness. Such is the duty of Jewish exist- ence, that the People Israel under- stands the faith that retains it, the challenges that confront it, the cour- age that is needed to hurdle obstacles and to defy threats and dangers. The challenges and the dangers accumulated in a single period on this very Passover. Even the evils that are internal ask for an awareness on this Festival of Freedom. Current Birobidzhan Hoax When a major television program blunders, it's a beaut. That's what the Sixty Minutes March 15 program achieved. It was an apparently engineered session, whitewashing the Soviet Union in its failure to adhere to human rights obligations, and glorified a fake called a Jewish autonomous region under the title Birobidzhan. The "introduction" on that program of Russian Jewish notables as "loyalists" counteracting "refuseniks" who demand the right to emigrate in choosing a homeland they prefer serves to defend the USSR restrictions. That's shameful in itself. The repudiation of the roles of refuseniks in its evident minimization of a mass movement in the human rights sphere by the hun- dreds of thousands asking for exit visas is deplorable. Even if their numbers are exaggerated, the existence of re- fuseniks who oppose Soviet prejudice can not be denied and must be re- spected. It is the fashion in which the Sixty Minutes program glorified Birobidzhan that calls for condemnation and de- mands both correction and apology. The exaggeration and fabricating of a Soviet-sponsored cause was ex- posed on this page last week. The facts about the current hoax called Birobid- zhan were assembled by the authoritat- ive expert of Russian Jewish affairs, Dr. Allan L. Kagedan of the staff of the American Jewish Committee. Much more repellant is the histori- cal data revealing the earliest Soviet machinations in that area. In 1954, the Select Committee on Communist Ag- gression of the U.S. House of Represen- tatives published a pamphlet entitled "Treatment of the Jews Under Com- munism." Many of the Stalinist prej- udices against Jews were listed and fully annotated in this report. Here, Of all places, it may have begun on Wall Street. It is not a matter to be proud of. Men with great skills are on the negative side of the moralities we preach and boast about. We do not apologize, even when every Jew feels a sense of guilt when fellow Jews sin. But like our non-Jewish fellow citi- zens we condemn them as a minority that regrettably draws more attention than our moralists. We count upon our youth to provide the answers, to hold high the banner of ethical duties to ourselves and to mankind. We look to our youth to provide the answer to greed and to all else that negates it. Then there was and continues as an agony of Jews, out of a love for the State of Israel, those who have spied on the United States, our best friend. It is difficult to explain and to con- done. It may never be repeated and should not recur. Yet, it is the inter- national failing that is the responsible victimizer. There was a reminder on this page in a comment last month, that "spying was the world's second profession. Prostitution was the first." That's why the U.S. may have spied on Israel as Israel spied on the U.S. In both instances, the nations are the friendliest on record, they were knowledgeable and had the facts that are treated as the criminally-obtained secrets. Therefore, what was and con- tinues to be assailed as the crime of spying really turns out to be stupid- ity. This is inexcusable stupidity. That's how it is to be treated in the anticipated continuing, perhaps rt.4ntorno Mah Nishtanah strengthening, U.S.-Israel friendship and cooperation. In the "teaching the son and learning the lesson" of the Haggadah, there are many urgencies. There can be no strength to Israel's acknowl- edged role in the international com- munity without knowledge both of what we are and how to counter frequently-spreading falsehoods of what we are not. Continued on Page 32 Its Genesis, a Pogrom too, the Birobidzhan propaganda also is labelled "The Hoax of Birobidzhan." In the Congressional expose there are revelations of wholesale dis- criminatory acts, of massive bigotries, arrests, even murders. That's when some Jews were misled into believing there was a panacea. That also was a time when Stalin planned a mass ex- pulsion of Jews from Russia to be vir- tually incarcerated in Siberia. Here are the basic facts that were exposed Congressionally about the ori- gins of Birobidzhan which were actu- ally a series of pogroms: For 15 years, Birobidzhan was advertised all over the world as the most modern, most progressive "solution of the Jewish question." It was praised as a bigger and better Socialist Palestine, a paradise in which Soviet Jews were volun- tarily building a free, auton- omous, productive, and happy Jewish life. For many years money was collected, equipment bought, and enthusiastic volun- teers sent to this new Jewish paradise in the Far East. Societies for the promotion of Birobidzhan were organized all over the world, with famous names on their letterheads; hundreds of thousands of dol- lars were fraudulently collected from gullible people to support this "advanced experiment." The committee heard as a witness Mr. Herschel Wein- rauch, a former Soviet citizen, who had spent six years in Birobidzhan, from 1932 to 1938, working on the staff of the local newspaper ... More tragic than the mis- appropriation of collected funds was the fate of those Jews who, believing Communist prop- aganda, gave up their homes, sold their belongings, and moved to the Siberian paradise. Mr. Weinrauch testified: "Because of the propaganda about the future Jewish State, a lot of people from the United States, Palestine, from Poland, from Argentine, came to Birobidzhan. A lot of them were then arrested as spies." The real story of Birobid- zhan is described, with documentary evidence, in chap- ter XIII of Solomon M. Schwarz, The Jews in the Soviet Union (pp. 174-194), as well as in Mr. Weinrauch's testimony. Birobidzhan was a border territory in Eastern Siberia, consisting almost entirely of virgin forest and swamp, with- out roads and virtually uninha- bited. It bordered on Man- churia, a Chinese province which was later occupied by the Japanese. The infiltration of Chinese settlers caused the Soviet Government grave con- cern ... The Jewish colonization was begun under an act prom- ulgated in 1928. The establish- ment of the territory as a "Jewish Autonomous Province" was announced in 1934. But from the beginning, the colonization was a dismal fail- ure. The Jewish settlers, partly volunteers, partly "recruited" by irresistible pressure from the authorities, arrived in the wilderness without equipment and agricultural training. Statistics collected by Sol- omon M. Schwarz show that 19,000 Jews arrived in the terri- tory between 1928 and 1933, and 11,500 of them departed in the same period. In the following years new efforts were made to force Jews to emigrate to Birobidzhan, with the same dubious result. Non-Jewish im- migration (and deportation) to Birobidzhan was a little more extensive, and soon the majority of the population was composed of Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, and Koreans. For 1935, when the number of Jews in Birobid- zhan was highest, Mr. Wein- rauch estimates the Jewish population at 40,000, but he adds that 50 percent of the Jews were arrested in the subsequent purges. For 1938, Solomon M. Schwarz estimates the Jewish Continued on Page 32 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 20300 Civic Center Drive, Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and other cities. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 20300 Civic Center Drive, Suite 240, South- field, Michigan 48076 $24 per year $26 per year out of state 60. single copy Vol. XCI No. 7 Apr. 10, 1987