Making Choices Barbara Halpern says mistakes and failures can be turned into positive experiences HEIDI PRESS Local News Editor • Barbara Halpern: Learn communications skills in order to "connect." ife is a series of choices, and if along the way some of them turn out to be negative experiences, don't be disheartened. They're really steps towards per- sonal growth. That's a message that Barbara Halpern knows well and imparts to persons she counsels in workshops. Divorced and remarried, Halpern had to make her own choices to survive the end of her first mar- riage and to get her life back on track. An interpersonal communica- tions specialist associated with Macomb County Community Col- lege and the Continuum Center at Oakland University, and a lecturer on communications skills to local community groups, Halpern re- cently talked about problems ex- perienced by singles and offered advice on how they could overcome them. - The facilitator of a workshop on "Positive Aspects of Being on Your Own" at the Birmingham Temple's recent singles weekend, Halpern said because singles are looking to "connect" with someone, they are prone to "jarring" experi- Li ences — dealing with a wide range of other people's feelings and expos- ing themselves to possible rejection. Singles view these experiences as negative, but, Halpern said, these negative experiences, in the end are beneficial. "Those experiences provide the leaps and bounds of personal growth." Proficiency in communications skills also is beneficial to the growth process, Halpern added, but it's a process at which one has to work. You must recognize it's like going for a job. You must put forth the effort. It's not something magi- cal. It's something that requires ef- fort, training, practice." She said that by learning and using these skills, singles can de- velop successful relationships. "Make sure you develop communi- cation skills in terms of being as- sertive so that you understand how to be clear and express yourself with dignity, so that when you are relating, you relate from a position of being a winner and treat everyone else as if they are a win- ner." In order to have a successful relationship, singles have to learn to listen to their partners, express and compromise. "It's being able to say I need this, what do you need? Let's see if we can both become winners.' That's what we need to learn to do. Both need to be win- ners." The sad part, according to Hal- pern, is that adults were never trained to communicate what they want. Halpern said that both men and women need to develop this skill in order to enhance relation- ships. A former speech pathologist, Halpern came to teach others how to communicate when she found she didn't know how to "connect" after her divorce. She attended workshops at the Oakland Univer- sity Continuum Center and became so adept, she was asked to lead the sessions. She said she turned a negative experience — the divorce — into something positive — an opportunity. "It was like a Renaissance for me because in the (post-divorce) struggle I got in touch with the real me ... Learning the process of discovery and helping and healing myself I realized that a lot of people don't have these skills and In order to have a successful relationship, singles have to learn to listen to their partners, express and compromise. Continued on next page 91