.1111011.0. Jews Help Rebuild School New York — Students are back in class at a junior high school in Mexico City, due to the combined efforts of the U.S. and Mexican Jewish com- munities. The school, Secundaria No. 3 "Heroes de Chapultepec," was reduced to rubble on Sept. 19, 1985, when a series of earth- quakes hit Mexico City. The new school, which is built to withstand future earthquakes, serves 700 young students during the day and 500 adults in the evening. 5mg 3mg Now is lowest. By U.S. Gov't. testing method. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. Competitive tar level reflects the Jan. '85 FTC Report. NOW. THE LOWEST OF ALL BRANDS. SOFT PACK 100s FILTER, MENTHOL: 3 mg. "tar". 0.3 mg. nicotine ay. per cigarette by FTC method. 0 1986 R.J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. more pragmatic position re- garding Israel and a political solution of the Israeli-Arab struggle. Perhaps some sort of Israeli gesture towards Iraq, such as a pledge to stop supply- ing Iran with weapons, might help further that process, he said. The sale of weapons to Iran thus far has not yielded any benefits for Israel, Dr. Baram added, and therefore there is "nothing- to lose" by creating an opening_to Iraq. Dr. Menashri rejected the contention that western arms sales to Iran provided encouragement to the "moder- ates" in that country. There are no signs of moderation in Iran, he said, though the lead- ership does think pr- agmatically. While the U.S. might have good strategic rea- sons for trying to reinstate some sort of ties with Iran, this does not mean that Israel has the same interests, he said. "Our ties with the Arab world are more important than any possible ties with Iran," he said, in arguing for a search toward ways of reaching speaking terms with Iraq. Lubrani, former Israeli dipl- omatic representative in Iran, differed with the other two speakers, stating that "we have a better chance of reach- ing speaking terms with a fu- ture government in Iran than with Iraq." He did not entirely rule out an approach to Iraq, however. Lubrani did not agree with the argument that there are no signs of moderation in Iran, and said he believed that the "Islamic revolution" had al- ready peaked. The more enlightened elements in Iran want an end to the war with Iraq and a return of Iran to the modern world, he maintained. Lubrani said that a victory for either side in the Iran-Iraq war would be bad for Israel: an Iranian victory would encour- age the extremist Shiite Hiz- bollah forces in Lebanon, and an Iraqi victory — though highly unlikely — would re- present a great threat to Is- rael's eastern front. Low isn't... lowest. 31