BAG A SUBSCRIPTION UP FRONT Jews And Trade Continued from Page 5 ration, among them the Soviet desire to "get back in the action in the Middle East." Within the Soviet Union, Prof. Shulman called the treatment of Hebrew teachers, "very severe," but that it was part of the Soviet policy of dis- couraging religion and is not linked to anti-Semitism, per se. While acknowledging tra- ditional Russian anti- Semitism, he argued that officially-sanctioned anti- Semitism is only "spotty." Many in the audience took exception to the professor's as- sertions and, in the question and answer session which fol- lowed his talk, he was low-key and conciliatory in responding to the challenges to his ideas. Alex Bensky disagreed with Prof. Shulman's belief that Soviet reluctance to release Jews seeking to emigrate stems, in large part, from a fear of a . brain drain. Rather, the existence of thousands press- ing to leave contradicts official ideology that the Soviet Union is a socialist paradise. Yes, the professor concurred, "the act of declaring a desire to leave almost makes you an enemy of the state." On the question of trade and leverage, Bensky argued, "They need from us — we don't need anything from them." True, said the professor, "but there is not much of a disposi- tion to increase trade with the Soviet Union, except in the field of wheat." President Re- agan ended the grain embargo for "domestic-political rea- .sons," he said. Jeannie Weiner, of the Jewish Community Council's Soviet Jewry Committee,. called Prof. Shulman's attitude "naive." His belief that there is no state-sponsored anti- Semitism is wrong, she de- clared flatly. Dr. Mark Kantor, a Soviet Jewish emigre, challenged the professor's remarks during the discussion session. After- wards, he told The Jewish News: "I disagree that the Soviet Union will trade Jews for better trade relations. The Soviet Union will trade Jews only on one condition: to force the U.S. government to start another detente." Prof. Shulman's talk was sponsored by Wayne State University's Center for Peace and Conflict Studies. Entertainer Danny Kaye Subscribe To The JeWish News Today And Receive A Sturdy Tote Bag With Our Compliments! If you ever need a reason to become a Jewish News subscriber, now you have two. For starters, there's our new tote bag. It's roomy .. . perfect for workout clothes, books, diapers, knitting. Most important, you'll receive The Jewish News every Friday in your mailbox for 52 weeks, plus our special supplements. We bring you the latest — from West Bloomfield to the West Bank. There are also -new entertainment and singles sections, an amazing marketplace of goods and services for sale and the most comprehensive array of advertising informa- tion in the area. A great newspaper and a complimentary tote bag await you for our low $24 12-month subscription rate. Bag A Subscription To The Jewish News Yes! Start me on a subscription to The Jewish News for the period and amount circled below. Please send me the tote bag. This offer is for new subscriptions only. Current subscribers may order the tote bag for $5. Allow four weeks delivery. Please clip coupon and mail to: JEWISH NEWS TOTE BAG 20300 Civic Center Dr. Southfield, Mich. 48076-4138 NAME ADDRESS CITY (circ* 1 year: $24 — 2 years: $45 — Out of State: $26 — Foreign: $38 One) Enclosed $ 18 Friday, March 6, 1987 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Danny Kaye — born David Daniel Kaminsky, born in Brooklyn, Jan. 18, 1913 had his major interests in UN- ICEF. He shared great concern in the advancement of move- ments in behalf of the less for- tunate children and was an admirer of such movements in Israel. He took a great interest in the United Jewish Appeal and the Israel Bonds causes and addressed many functions in their behalf. Starring in many movies, he had the role of Jacobowsky in the film, Me and the Colonel. He was in the cast of the TV movie dealing with the neo- Nazi march on Skokie, called Skokie. Mr. Kaye, who died March 3 at age 74, began his career entertaining at private pa- rties, later moving to Catskill resorts and later still in night- clubs and in Vaudeville. He made his Broadway debut in 1939 in Straw Hat Revue. - A year later he married Sylvia Fine, a pianist composer, lyri- cist and his coach and personal critic. He went on to star inLady in the Dark and Let's Face It. He made his Hollywood debut in Up in Arms and went on to film Wonder Man, the Kid from Brooklyn, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The Inspector General, Hans Christian An- dersen, Knock on- Wood, White Christmas, The Court Jester, The Man from the Diners Club Danny Kaye and the Madwoman of Chail- lot. In 1954, he won a special Academy Award for service to the movie industry and later won Emmy and Peabody awards for his TV show in the early 1960s. Mr. Kaye was awarded the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciencies in 1982 for his charitable work. In 1984, he was one of the recipients of the Kennedy Center Honors for lifetime achievement in the arts. In addition to his UNICEF activities, Mr. Kaye raised more than $6 million for sym- phony musician's pension funds by performing at benefit concerts.