PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Israel-In-Limelight Remarkably Dramatized New York Times Magazine, Feb. 1, frontpaged that issue's major feature essay with these introductory words of its author, Thomas Friedman: In seven years of reporting from the Middle East, I have faced no question more fre- quently than this: Why the fasci- nation with Israel? Sometimes it comes from angry readers de- manding to know why Israel oc- cupies almost as much news space as the Soviet Union. Some- times I find myself reporting on some minor incident on the West Bank and wondering why editors `Respect And Suspect': Cardinal O'Connor And `Evenhanded Friends' Jews, especially Zionist spokes- people, had many experiences with the "dear friends" who made pledges, sang Hossanas in support of major Jewish movements, and then made an about- face. If enemies of Zionism were angered by their supporting statements made to Jews, they issued supplementary dec- larations that negated their "flattery" to Jews. That's when "evenhandedness" gained an important spot in treatment of Jews. State Department officials, and often the White House, were guilty of it. That's when we, at our end, were re- minded of a famous admonition:Kabdehu v'hashdehu – "Respect and Suspect." Should John Cardinal O'Connor and the Vatican be advised about it? The Car- dinal, whose Jerusalem visit became a Vatican-interjected fiasco, followed up his blunders by hosting an evenhanded- ness to Arabs in an antagonism-to-Israel fashion. Should it be ignored, or should it Continued on Page 32 define it as news. And sometimes, as in the Iran affair, I realize it is Israel that, by its own actions, has involved itself in global politics. This commencement of an invitation to participate in the study of a most il- luminating, internationally-intrigued subject, together with the very title of the Friedman article, "The Focus on Israel," immediately emphasize the approach to a most exciting subject on the calendar of human concerns. Friedman's seven years as New York Times correspondent in Israel are re- markably descriptive in this essay. The very able foreign correspondent emerges as a brilliant student of history. In all his responsibilities as the representative of his newspaper he never shunned facts. He did not hide the negatives, while re- cording the positives. In this essay he is the student of the Jewish character, of the Jewish ethos, of the ethics and moralities. He proves, as he should have, the influence of the Bible, of the Prophetic dreams and their aspirations to fulfill- ment of them. The role of the media in Israel is ex- plained and the reader becomes aware of the magnetism of the nation and the land, and therefore the allusion to the fascina- tion. Perhaps the answer to questions posed could be provided in three words. In the bitter years of Hitlerism and Coughlinism, when many years were saddened by the over-use of the word Jew in news reports and headlines, we com- forted them with "Jews ARE News." True or false? Thomas Friedman proves its truth. He shows why a thousand reporters, foreign correspon- dents, converge upon Israel, cover its Jewish scene, delve into history, prove — consciously or not — the universality of their mission and of the people Israel — and Jewry! — who become their topics to be covered. Young Jews should read Friedman's analyses and they will surely become enthusiasts over the fascination on the agenda. They will surely conclude that there is the fascination in Jewish continuity, in the uninterrupted image, from the very beginning of time. They will find it in the Bible, which is not ignored by Friedman, and the endlessness of it all. The endlessness and continuity need emphasis. There is the tradition, in the syna- gogue, with its influence on the home, that when the year's reading portions of the Holy Scriptures are concluded, there is an immediate recommencement of the beginning, of Genesis. Thus, the com- mitment never ends. Therefore the power of the Hazak Hazak at the conclusion of the reading and story of each portion in the Scrip- tures. Our favorite interpreter of this fas- cinating commitment, Dr. Philip Birnbaum, in his Jewish Concepts, enriched us with this definition: Hazak Hazak! !piri 7.7 At the completion of any of the Five Books of Moses, read publicly in the synagogue, the congregation stands up and exclaims: Hazak, Hazak v'nit- zhazak ("Be strong, be strong, and let us take courage!". This unanimous response on the part of the congregation is reminis- cent of the expressionHazak v'nit- zhazak voad omanu ("Be strong, and let us be of good courage for our people!") in II Samuel 10:12 and I Chronicles 19:13. This is un- derstood to mean: Let us gather Thomas Friedman courage to live in accordance with the teachings contained in each of the five books of the To- rah. The Sephardim are accus- tomed to greet the person who is honored with being called up to the Torah by saying Hazak ovrod. Thomas G. Friedman introduced queries about "fascination." Implied are the intrigues and enthusiasms that make Israel, and the Jewish people, the people with a world character. Even the explanatory three words "Jews ARE News" do not sufficiently define the his- toric role of the People Israel. Neverthe- less, Friedman suggested the basic factor. It is the Jewish commitment. That's the emphasis that makes the fascination a reality. Immensely Creative Hadassah Retold In Szold Tradition All the enthusiastic celebrations marking the 75th anniversary of Hadas- sah, the American women's Zionist organization, do not begin to portray the immensity of the movement and its crea- tive record. A great lady created it, and it never failed to live up to the image she envisioned, to the needs adhered to, to the inspiration with which the obligations were carried out during the decades which demanded responses, always on the highest level. When the movement first was set into motion, the Yishuv in Palestine needed nursing services, impoverished Jewish children were to be cared for, there were diseases to be overcome. Hen- rietta Szold brought their messages to American motherhood. Later she settled in Palestine and personally supervised the activities under the name of Hadas- sah. In pre-Israel Palestine there was even more to be done. There was a com- munity to be protected and generations to be trained in adherence to the ideals promulgated by the Zionist aspirations. Miss Szold was there in a leadership role. Then came the decades of many tragedies, and she and her movement came to the rescue for tens of thousands of children who were brought to the Jewish National Home under the appealing The spirit of Youth Aliyah and the response to the great duties undertaken by Hadassah elevated the women's movement to the highest ranks of humanism and Jewish moral, ethical and social achievements. Henrietta Szold name of Youth Aliyah. This achieving rescue effort remains indelibly recorded in Jewish history as one of the greatest achievements in saving children from the impending tragedies that struck a mil- lion more Jewish children who perished in the Hitler death camps. They all began and continued as a product of the idealism of Henrietta Szold. She was a remarkably accom- plished woman. She began as a teacher and in reality she always taught the gen- erations under her influence. She had great literary skills and will always be remembered as the translator of the Heinrich Graetz History of the Jewish People that was published by the Jewish Publication Society in six volumes. She was the first editor of the initial volumes of the Jewish Publication Society's American Jewish Year Books. Such achievements were and remain un- matched in literary devotion and ability. My personal recollection of the great lady was when I was active nationally as well as locally in the early and formative years of the Young Judaea movement with David deSola Pool, David Schneeberg, Emanuel Neumann, Israel Goldstein and others who left their mark on Zionist and Jewish history. I was with Henrietta Szold when Na Emanuel Neumann was her associate and secre- tary on Zionist cultural committees. They were memorable days, to share the enthusiasm of the dedicated to a great ideal. There is a local aspect to the Hen- rietta Szold aspect in Hadassah and Zionism. The Detroit Hadassah begin- nings were as immediate as the national. The first local president was Miriam Her- shman, the wife of Rabbi A.M. Her- shman. A native of Eretz Israel from the historically famous Lewin-Epstein fam- ily, she gave to the idea the strength that came from pioneers. The second president was Mrs. Noah E. Aronstam, whose home was a constant gathering place for schol- ars and authors. Her husband, Dr. N.E. Aronstam, performed in the Jewish tra- dition as physician and author of many scholarly works, novels and poetry. He was the second president of the Detroit District of the Zionist Organization of America, Rabbi Abraham M. Hershman having preceded him as the first. This community, paying respect to the Hadassah pioneers and its founder, has reason to be proud of a continuity that has earned admiration for the women's Zionist movement. Hadassah accom- plishments are accounted for by a dedi- cated leadership. While serving Hadas- sah, they have given and continue to give much of their efforts to Israel, this com- munity and the nation. That's something to boast about.