abbi, we want to let you know that we've been living together for the last two years. For us, the wed- ding fulfills a legal formali- ty and probably is an ex- cuse for our parents to throw us a party. We hope you understand." The first time a couple uttered these words to me, I felt I could not respond. Living together — everyone does it nowadays. I didn't want to appear old fashioned or puritanical. But their at- titude about the signifi- cance of the wedding did make me wonder if there was any value left to the wedding ceremony or to my pastoral role. On the face of it, the rab- bi probably cannot teach them much about the routine aspects of married life if they have already been living together. They know about sharing chores, about each other's habits and idiosyncracies, about each other's sexual in- terests. They know that ac- countability for each other's whereabouts is fun- damental to the health of their relationship. Couples living together do ex- perience many of the characteristics of married life. So, what spiritual signifi- cance is left to the wedding ceremony? The fact is that the spiritual component of the wedding, and ultimate- ly of marriage in general, has waned dramatically. Marriage no longer holds the same position of awe; for many couples, the wed- ding no longer symbolizes the beginning of sharing their lives together. As a result of living together, couples do not always see the potential impact that the wedding and the transi- tion to marriage may have upon their relationship. Specifically, there are three areas in which the wedding — a public procla- mation of a permanent commitment — can create changes in the nature of the relationship between a man and a woman already living together. The first area focuses on relations between the newlyweds and their parents. The second area focuses on the Jewish community. The third area is the potential change in the couple's relationship itself. Before discussing these Rabbi Brad Bloom, a native Baltimorean, is rabbi of Congregation Beth Am, in Los Altos Hills, California. Why Get Married? Nowadays, couples living together are a common sight. They may even consider it a form of marriage, but it's not. It lacks the spiritual element of marriage. RABBI BRAD BLOOM areas, however, we must ask why the Jewish com- munity has not openly ad- dressed the issue of living together? From a Jewish perspective, living together runs contrary to our basic values on the subjects of sexuality and marriage. For example, from a biblical perspective, can you im- agine our patriarch Jacob . and matriarch Rachel decid- ing to set up their own tent before obtaining permission to marry from Rachel's father, Laban? Generally speaking, biblical custom does not condone sexual ac- tivity outside the context of marriage. The rabbinic tradition maintains the same posi- tion. Most of the sources in the Talmud focus on issues like adultery and prostitu- tion; few sources speak directly to the prohibition of pre-marital sex. An in- teresting example of the traditional Jewish view was Moses Maimonides, who ex- horted his young students to refrain from illicit sexual activity. "Above all, a man should be on guard against improper seclusion, since this is the chief cause of unchastity." (Mishnan Torah: Laws of Forbidden Intercourse, chapter 19:17). However, we should not forget that the rabbis believed that sex was a sacred act, a mitzvah. Because of the view that connects sexual activity with marriage, the wedding ceremony itself became the key traditional event as a young couple entered adulthood. The reason was that most couples married during their teenage years, and there were fewer oppor- tunities to explore and ex- perience the social and sex- ual aspects of relationships that today's young people have. In addition, the prac- tice of prearranged marriages limited the in- dividual's degree of free choice in choosing a mate. Therefore, with the consum- mation of the marriage through the ceremony of Yichud, the wedding was the initiatory rite for the first sexual encounter. The American Jew is caught in a conflict be- tween the value system of modern society versus the values of traditional Judaism. The traditional view classifies living together before marriage as sinful and unethical in any context, let alone as an alternative to marriage. Whether or not living together is ethical, it is quite common today. With the divorce rate skyrocket-