- Art By Giora Carmi The U.S. administration has so far con- fined itself to gently prodding Israel in the direction of economic reform. But beneath the avuncular tone is a real determination to see that Israel, in the words of Professor Stein, "gets its act together." It is considered likely that if the economy continues along its present unre- constructed path, Congress and the White House will find concrete ways of express- ing their collective displeasure. The Israeli finance minister's original economic package, announced six weeks ago, is based on a number of clearly defined objectives aimed at further decreasing in- flation, improving the balance of payments and increasing growth by four percent in the coming financial year. lb achieve this, he is pursuing activities in five distinct areas. First, he advocated a sweeping tax reform. Israelis presently pay the highest taxes in the world — 58 percent of the GNP, compared with Denmark and Sweden, the next-highest taxed, at 50 percent. Moreover, he is seeking to simplify the tax system: the present tax laws are so complex, confused and cumbersome that they have become the object of widespread abuse: on the one hand, they are an invita- tion to widespread evasion and, on the other, a disincentive to work. The reforms, which the finance minister described as the most far-reaching ever made in Israel, are an echo of the new United States tax reform bill: they will lower tax rates, reduce the number of tax bands (or brackets) and broaden the tax base, with the top personal tax rate corn- ing down from the present 65 percent to between 45 and 50 per cent. The losses of revenue incurred by these changes will be recouped by ending the "tax holiday" that is now granted to all forms of financial assets: taxes will be im- posed on interest derived from bank depos- its and savings schemes as well as from stock market transactions. In addition, all government handouts — from pensions and child • allowances to welfare payments — will become taxable if they bring the recipient to the tax threshold. The second area of attention is the capital market. The main thrust is to create an attractive climate for foreign and domestic investment by freeing resources currently absorbed by the public sector and redirecting them to the private sector. The government will then have to com- pete with private industry for loans, and this will have the effect of driving down interest rates. The third involves the removal of many of the present government restrictions on the movement of foreign currency. Among other things, Israeli companies with foreign subsidiaries will be permitted to If there is a lesson to be learned from the experience of countries such as Israel, it is precisely that an open economy, without undue intervention, enables increased productivity and full utilization of potential.