ISRAEL'S CHANGING ECONOMY Will The Model Be America Or Albania? t i?hi! V j!ish News F j pe!iEl E erusalem — The sound and fury that followed the unveiling of the Israeli government's proposed economic reform package is symptomatic of far more than simple political horse-trading. The program, as envisioned by Finance Minister Moshe Nissim, represents noth- ing less than an economic revolution, with far-reaching implications for the future shape of Israeli society. The debate, like all good budgetary debates, is as much about political philosophy as it is about economics. But it is a debate that transcends the estab- lished party boundaries. Will — can — Israel remain a country dedicated to the ideals of socialist egalitarianism and government control over almost everything that matters? The crucial debate is shaping up as a battle between those who want to hold onto the Jewish state's socialist system and those who want to open it up to entrepreneurs.