PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ The Courage Of Nobel Peace Prize Winner Carl Von Ossietzky At the ceremony in Oslo, Norway at which Elie Wiesel was awarded the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize, the 50th an- niversary of a similar honor was re- called. Emphasis was applied to the award on Nov. 23, 1936 of the Nobel Peace Prize to Carl von Ossietzky, whose defiance of Nazism lists him among the most courageous in the entire record of anti-Hitlerism. The Gestapo and Hermann Goering tried to induce him not to accept the prize. When Hitler came to power von Os- sietzky was sent to a concentration camp. According to a special article in Nordwest Zeitung of Oldenbug, Ger- many by Elke Suhr, which was re- printed in an English translation in the German Tribune of Hamburg: The last time Carl von Os- sietzky wrote anything in op- position to the Nazi regime was in 1936 as he lay seriously ill in a Berlin hospital: "After care- ful consideration, I have de- cided to accept the Nobel Peace Prize which I have been awarded. "I do not share the view expressed by representatives of the state's secret police (Ges- tapo) that this would exclude me from the V olksgemeinschaft (Nazi jargon for society)." The message was written on a torn scrap of greying paper. Elke Suhr recalls in her article that as a pacifist von Ossietzky was kept in a concentration camp from 1933 until 1936 when his illness com- Thomas Mann Among The Highly Honored German Exiles Thomas Mann "Exile," in the sense used when people fled Nazism, became a highly hon- ored designation. Thomas Mann was such an exile. His role among the distinguished Germans who never submitted to the terror is re- called presently on the 50th anniversary of Bonn University's repudiating the awarding to him of an honorary docto- rate. The letter to him by the university's pelled his being released to a hospital. The Suhr article states at this point: His nomination as a can- didate for the Nobel Peace Prize was a thorn in the flesh of Nazi leaders. The Gestapo and even Hermann Goering himself had tried to put pressure on Os- sietzky to refuse to accept the peace prize awarded to him by the Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee on 23 November, 1936. He was forced to stand to attention for a whole hour while Goering continuously implored him to change his mind, finally offering him a lifetime pension of 500 Reichsmarks as well as his personal freedom. However, even after three years detention in a concentra- tion camp the small and frail prisoner was unwilling to be swayed by threats or promises. He told Goering: "I was a pacifist, and a pacifist I shall remain." In 1935 Thomas Mann had appealed to the Nobel Prize Committee that awarding the Nobel peace prize to concen- tration camp prisoner Carl von Ossietzky would represent an "act of liberation." An act, said Mann, "which would not only strengthen the belief in the power of good in Dean Carl Justus Obenauer stated on Dec. 19, 1933, that it was revoked "as a result of the loss of your citizenship." It was sent to him at his residence in Swit- zerland three weeks earlier. In 1946, the honorary degree was re- stored to him. It was among the academic atonements that marked a restoration of decency to post-Hitler Germany. This resumption of honorable treat- ment of one of the most eminent Germans is now recalled on the 50th anniversary of the humiliation that was proclaimed for a great German to the disgrace of his coun- try. Mann took occasion in a pamphlet that was distributed clandestinely in Nazi Germany to explain his status as an emigrant. He declared in his reply to Bonn University Dean Obenauer that he "was born to be rather a representative than a martyr"; that he would rather bring "sub- lime pleasure into the world than fight to feed hate." He declared it pitiable to think about the people who considered they had the power to take his German culture and way of life away from him. Mann also said about the Nazis that "they had the audacity to confuse Ger- many with themselves." He entertained the hope the moment was not far distant when the German people would not be confused with the Nazis and the end of the terror would come soon. It did not materialize so soon, but Mann was among the Germans who found it necessary to apologize for their tyrants who became mass murderers. Thomas Mann gave dignity to the term "Exile." As such he emerged from being an expatriate in Switzerland into a role of honor. the heart of this one man, but also in the millions of tor- mented hearts which are on the point of doubting the exist- ence of good in the negligence and darkness of this age." Political refugees from Germany were the first to call for the Nobel peace prize for Carl von Ossietzky in 1934. The first proper recom- mendation was submitted fol- lowing efforts by Hellmut von Gerlach, Albert Einstein and Ernst Toiler. Mesorah Publishers' Art Scroll Series Attains High Marks Mesorah Publications and its Mis- hnaic and Traditional book series, as well as the children's stories, have assumed a most important place in Jewish publish- ing fields. The emphasis on the biog- raphical of eminent Orthodox scholars, the commentaries on the Talmud, and the attractions created for the youth in the children's books continue to enrich the educational and enlightening efforts exerted for American Jewry. While the Mesorah tasks are entirely aimed at the traditional Orthodox, the informative has value for all. At the same time, the stories for children have high merit as entertaining reading as well as for their teaching values to inspire links with Jewish history. Most important among the most re- cent of the Mesorah published works is the biography of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein. There has not been an inquiry about Jewish traditions that did not make it necessary for rabbis and communities to call upon Rabbi Feinstein for comment and interpretation. His decisions have been considered definitive. His biography, entitled Reb Moshe: The Life and Ideals of HaGaon Rabbi Moshe Feinstein was authored by Rabbi Shimon Finkelman, with Rabbi Nosson Scherman. The latter shares in preparing most of Mesorah books. Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz wrote the foreword to Reb Moshe. Rabbi Feinstein, in his more than 50 years of creative writing and Talmudic interpretive roles, produced seven vol- There was hardly a Ger- man emigre at that time who did not campaign for Os- sietzky. Scattered throughout the world they joined together to proclaim a single goal: "Save Carl von Ossietzky!" One major problem was how to get the publicity they needed for their cause in a foreign country and in a foreign language. It often seemed as if the governments of their host countries were blind to the in- justice existing in Germany. Most of them had long since made their peace with Hitler. A naval agreement had been drawn up, for example, between Britain and Germany. Sweden was exporting iron ore for use in the German arms industry and close trad- ing links existed between Germany and the Soviet Union. And which country was not making preparations for the Olympic Games to be held in Germany in 1936? One year before this spec- tacle of Nazi propaganda Carl von Ossietzky was still lying on a plank bed in a concentration camp in Esterwegen (Ems- land). "Take heed all you politi- Continued on Page 28 umes of Responsa and some 12 volumes of Talmudic commentaries. The encyclopedic knowledge of this eminent scholar and teacher is embodied in these works. The Sanzer Rebbe Noteworthy in the Mesorah series recently issued is Der Sanzer Ray and his Dynasty. It is authored by Rabbi A.Y. Bromberg. It was translated from the Hebrew by Shlomo Fox-Ashrei. This is the story of Rabbi Chaim Halberstam, a 19th Century Torah scholar, author of an important Responsa and other works. A noted Chasidic leader, Rabbi Hal- berstam had an important role in Chasidism. Therefore his biography adds immensely to an understanding of Chasidism, Chasidic leaders, their fol- lowers and the time in which they func- tioned. Mishnaic Series The commentaries on the Mishnah are among the most significant in Mesorah publishing works. Among the most recent in these series is the first in the series on "Seder Nezikin." The "Seder Nezikin" translation and anthologized commentaries are by Rabbi Matis Roberts. It was edited by Rabbi Yehezkel Danziger. Spiritual Resistance A deeply-moving volume dealing with the Holocaust describes the Continued on Page 28