THE JEWISH NEWS Serving Detroit's Metropolitan Jewish Community with distinction for four decades. Editorial and Sales offices at 20300 Civic Center Dr., Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076-4138 Telephone (313) 354-6060 PUBLISHER: Charles A. Buerger ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER: Arthur M. Horwitz EDITOR EMERITUS: Philip Slomovitz EDITOR: Gary Rosenblatt CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: Elie Wiesel ART DIRECTOR: Kim Muller-Thym NEWS EDITOR: Alan Hitsky LOCAL NEWS EDITOR: Heidi Press STAFF WRITER: David Holzel LOCAL COLUMNIST: Danny Raskin OFFICE STAFF: Lynn Fields Percy Kaplan Pauline Max Marlene Miller Dharlene Norris Jeri Poma Mary Lou Weiss Pauline Weiss Ellen Wolfe ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES: Lauri Biafore Millie Felch Randy Marcuson Rick Nessel Danny Raskin PRODUCTION: Donald Cheshure Cathy Ciccone Curtis Deloye Joy Gardin Ralph Orme © 1987 by The Detroit Jewish News (US PS 275-520) Second Class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: 1 year - $24 — 2 years - $45 — Out of State - $26 — Foreign - $38 CANDLELIGHTING AT 5:26 P.M. VOL. XC, NO. 23 More Kidnappings Once again, Americans kidnapped abroad are being used as leverage in international negotiations. Within the last two weeks, terrorists in Lebanon have seized seven Americans. They have demanded that West Germany not extradite to the United States a Lebanese sought in a 1985 TWA hijacking. The kidnappings are the fruits of a misguided U.S. policy fumbled into by a misguided Administration. After the United States was willing to trade weapons to Iran for hostages, how could any terrorist resist the temptation to snatch Americans and hold them for ransom? The United States is now at a crossroads in its policy toward international terror. In recent weeks, Secretary of State George Shultz has stated that the U.S. will neither negotiate with terrorists nor swap weapons for lives. The current wave of kidnappings gives the White House an oppo,rtunity to test President Reagan's adherence to this credo. We hope he proves as good as Shultz's word. On the periphery of the kidnapping issue, though, is yet another question: Why are there still Americans — or any other foreigners — in Lebanon? It is mind-bOggling that after all the killings, bombings and terror, that an American would voluntarily travel to and work in such a threatening situation. The Americans' presence only feeds the seemingly endless cycle of kidnappings and threats that mark daily life in Lebanon. Waiting For Terry Hostage negotiator Terry Waite's status this week is not cause for alarm nor glee. If the Anglican envoy became the latest hostage of his Lebanese negotiating partners, it only confirms our long-held support for Israeli government policies no _ t to deal with terrorists. Waite's comments on the Jan. 20 Today Show pointedly blamed U.S. and Israeli Middle East policies for the situation of Palestinian refugees. Those short-sighted remarks would have us believe that terrorism will end when the Palestinians get what they want. It ignores the sad facts of the last 20 years: radicals of any persuasion will continue to use any "successful" tactic, including hijacking, kidnapping and murder, to achieve their ends. If Waite was being held hostage, he may have had time to reconsider his remarks. Only he can tell us if his negotiating "partners" are Palestinians, Shiite Moslems, Hezbollah members loyal to Iran, Syrian puppets, Libyan or Iraqi agents, Japanese, German or Italian radicals. With his close-up view of hostage taking, all these elements must be planning their heroic terrorist actions on behalf of the so-called poor Palestinian refugee, downtrodden by imperialist U.S. and racist Zionist Israeli policies. It is a short-sighted, narrow, expedient view that is voiced too frequently in a world seeking quick solutions to complex problems. Releasing hostages, including Terry Waite, will not end hostage-taking. Creating a Palestinian homeland will not quiet the bubbling Middle East cauldron. If the terrorists achieve their ends through hostage taking, why should they cease using that successful bargaining chip? If the radical Palestinians win accomodation through terrorism, why should they abandon that tactic? OP-ED Old 'George' Can't Do It All By Himself Anymore PAUL D. BORMAN EMERY I. KLEIN G eorge can't write Jewish history by himself. He needs help. On Sunday, just a few days away, 10,000 households in Detroit will get on the line — the lifeline — to thousands of our fellow Jews around the world. We've undertaken this Allied Jewish Campaign Super Sunday for the past eight years. As you can well imagine, it's no small task, and we are grateful to those of you who will be on the phone that day, either as volun- teers or as contributors. But here's what worries us: Some people — not a lot, but enough to make a difference — are saying, "Let George do it." Some people think there's no real emergency, the tough times are over. They remember the Six-Day War and the Yom Kippur War, when Israel's very existence was threatened and we responded with unprecedented sup- port. They remember Operation Moses, when, with heart-warming generosity, we helped Israel rescue thousands of Jews from Ethiopia. But they don't see a crisis today. And that in itself could create a crisis. Why? 1) Because the human needs in Israel are as serious as they ever were. The plight of farmers filing for bankruptcy is not only an American phenomenon. In Israel, where agricul- ture was the foundation of the Zionist vision, 60 settlements have gone under; and another 150 — primarily of North African and Asian origin — are in serious trouble. And, speaking of vision unfulfil- Paul D. Borman and Emery I. Klein are chairmen of the 1987 Allied Jewish Campaign of the Jewish Welfare Federation. led, if Israel is unable to house and train and care for its newest immig- rants from Ethiopia, yet another gen- eration of have-nots will be created. We will have helped bring thousands to their homeland in Zion, only to face a future of joblessness — and hopelessness. 2) Because there is a growing number of hidden poor in our own community — not only among the aged and single-parent families. In 1986, three years after De- troit's severe recession "ended", the Jewish Family Service identified more than 300 families living at poverty level who were eligible to receive fed- eral grants to purchase food. The number of eligible families had not gone down in three years, it had gone up — adding to the agency's additional caseload who receive emergency fi- nancial assistance, rent subsidies, kosher Meals on Wheels and other support services. Unless we look upon their situa- tion as an emergency and respond to that emergency with increased Cam- paign dollars, we may cheat these people out of the help we promised to give. For when budgeting time rolls around in a few months, our commu- nity may have to make some tough, unpleasant decisions. This is no idle threat. Based on the needs of our beneficiaries and our fi- nancial ability to meet these needs through the Allied Jewish Campaign, our community budgeted $23.8 mil- lion in 1986-87. For the first time, we didn't make it. In the best of times, budgeting is a difficult process. But if the Campaign fails to reach its goal, every Jewish [11-k1Rga-,0`-u-'0D."W' IRAN HOTLINE to_ orgaS ( Campaign contributors don't see a crisis in Israel, and that in itself could create a crisis. (110SIGIS4R. U0 OF F I BEIRUT pi K 5YR HOTLI K