SS, and in July 1942, he was transfer- red to Trawniki, a training camp for prisoners who agreed to collaborate with the SS. At Trawniki, he was issued with an identity card bearing his photograph, personal particulars and the identity number 1393 (last month, the Soviet authorities presented the identity card, an essential piece of evidence, to the Israeli prosecutors). In October 1942, Demjanjuk was transferred to Treblinka, where he served until September 1943. He was particularly well qualified for his new posting: unlike the Auschwitz extermination chambers, which used the relatively efficient Zyklon-B gas to kill its victims, Treblinka relied on carbon monoxide which was generated by a diesel engine and pumped into the gas chambers. And Demjanjuk was a qualified diesel mechanic. Treblinka was one of three death camps established by the Nazis in eastern Poland between February and July 1942 (the other two were Sobibor and Belzec). Some 80 kilometres west of War- saw, Treblinka started operating in July 1942 and was intended to serve as the extermination camp for the Jews of the Polish capital and the nearby districts of Radom and Bialystok. Ukrainian auxiliaries working under the direction of SS officers killed some 1.8 million people at the three new camps. At Treblinka alone, 850,000 perished. In the chaos of Europe in the im- mediate aftermath of the war, it is alleged, Demjanjuk changed his name from Ivan to John and found refuge in a camp for displaced persons in Germany. In 1952, with a woman he married in the camp, Demjanjuk arrived in the United States, settled in Clev- eland and landed a job as a diesel mechanic with Ford. He was an active member of the St Vladimir Church, which serves the city's large Ukrainian Orthodox corn- munity, and was well liked by fellow parshioners. Neighbours in the Seven Hills suburb, where he bought a home, describe him as "one of the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet." Demjanjuk's past caught up with him in 1975 when his name appeared on a list of suspected Ukrainian war criminals that was sent to the Im- migration and Naturalization Service (INS) by a Ukrainian living in the United States. In 1977, INS officials investigating the case of Feodor Fedorenko, an- other alleged Treblinka guard then living in Waterford, Connecticut, Religious News Service almost by accident, living in Cleve- land, Ohio, where he worked for the Ford Motor Company after having immigrated to the United States after the war. 'Ib the very few survivors of Tre- blinka, Demjanjuk was known simply as "Ivan the Thrrible", and the Israeli prosecutors will seek to prove that this sobriquet was richly deserved. They will allege that before ac- tivating the generators, Demjanjuk would stand at the entrance to the gas chambers armed with a sword, a bayonet, a whip or an iron bar, mutilating and tormenting his vic- tims as they made their way naked to their deaths. From time to time, according to the charge sheet, he would single out elderly, religious Jewish men — iden- tified by their beards and sidelocks — for special torment. It is alleged that Demjanjuk would lead them to a nearby barbed-wire fence, place their heads between the taut strands of wire and whip them until, writhing in agony, they would strangle themselves to death. On one occasion, he is said to have shot a young woman who tried to escape; on another, he is alleged to have ordered that three prisoners who attempted to escape be bound and thrown into the snow. Then he smashed their limbs with an iron bar so that they could not move. Towards evening, dying of their injuries and exposure, they were hanged. Six Israeli survivors testified at Demjanjuk's denaturalization hear- ings in the United States. According to one survivor, Demjanjuk would help in the task of packing victims into the gas chambers. "He used to fill the chambers by shoving the people through the doors, clubbing them until they were all in- side," said the witness. "He used to pull the pretty girls out of the lines and rape them. I saw this many times. And after he raped them, he would take them outside and shoot them." John "Ivan" Demjanjuk was born in the Ukrainian village of Dub Macharenzi on April 3, 1920. A farmer and tractor operator, he was conscripted into a Red Army artillery unit in the winter of 1940. In 1941, he was injured in the back by shrapnel and was left with a per- manent scar. - After recovering, he took part in the fighting around Kerch, on the Crimean Peninsula, where he was taken prisoner by the Germans in the spring of 1942. He was sent to a prisoner of war camp in the western Ukraine and soon after he deserted from the Red Army. He was recruited to the Nazi Adolf Eichmann on trial in Jerusalem in 1961. prepared a photo-spread for Israeli police to show to Treblinka survivors. They added a photograph that Dem- janjuk had submitted with his 1951 visa application. Israeli- investigators showed the folder to Eliyahu Rosenberg, one of the few people to survive the August 1943 uprising in Treblinka. Rosen- berg identified Fedorenko. Then he pointed to the photograph of Demjanjuk: "That man was Ivan, and he was at Treblinka, too." Another rfreblinka survivor, Pinhas Epstein, also identified Demjanjuk, and a third, Hahn Rajgrodski, an- nounced: "That is Ivan who was at Camp 2 at Treblinka." The three Israelis, and two other survivors, all gave testimony against . Demjanjuk in the trial, which began in Cleveland on February 10, 1981, to establish whether he was eligible, under the Displaced Persons Act, to live in the United States. During that first hearing — and at all subsequent hearings — Demj an- juk has insisted that he was never at Treblinka, that the accusations against him were the result of mis- taken identity. But in June 1981, the court con- cluded that "the defendant was present at Treblinka in 1942-1943". Demjanjuk's citizenship was revoked and, after an appeals court upheld the ruling, deportation proceedings were instigated. The decision to allow Demjanjuk's extradition to Israel was unprece- dented. The accused was not an Israeli, nor were his victims. Nor were the offences committed in Israel. In- deed, Israel did not even exist at the time of the alleged crimes. "It was one thing to satisfy Israeli courts of our right under interna- tional law to bring Eichmann to trial here," says British-born Mr Dennis Gouldman, head of the international department of the Israel State At- torney's Office and a member of the prosecution team in the Demjanjuk case. "It was another thing to per- suade a foreign court that Israel should try a man who is not an Israeli national, whose offence was not corn- Continued on next page 37