PURELY COMMENTARY ■ INNINNE s PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Year Of Hope There is only one way of waving away a tension-filled year with a "Good Rid- dance" judgment: it is by holding fast to hope that much that was experienced will not be repeated. Therefore the fortnight's postponement of the judgment, so that the evils may be assigned to the desired elimi- nations. No one is immune, universally, from the concerns that caused James Reston, a leader in the ranks of the New York Times columnists and news analysts, to be harsh on 1986 when, a few days before the end of the evil year, he wrote: One of the reasons for dividing time into years is that it gives us a week or so for reflection on the past and the future. The American people and their leaders here have much to consider at the end of 1986. It has not been a good year from top to bottom: too much cheating and chiseling; too many lies, too many cardboard heroes ducking behind the Fifth Amend- ment. On the whole, we are very rich and as we say, some of us are "hav- ing a good time," but the bills are coming due, and there's a general anxiety in the land that something is wrong. Reston's Jeremiad included comments 'on the international strifes, the political and economic headaches and heartaches, the foreign policy that annoys Americans. Much can be added to the list. There are concerns that are specifi- cally Jewish. The manner in which guilt for the Iranian situation is blamed on Is- rael is far from pleasing. Most unfortunate is another angle related to it. The ideologi- cal turn is appalling. The rebirth of the State of Israel was especially idealized in moral terms, in ethical values, in Torah To Obviate Accumulated Evils learning and teaching. That Israel should have become a military state — with the unavoidable compulsion for self-defense — with munitions-making displacing the cit- rus and clothing manufacturing products as the major economic factors is something to be deplored. Nevertheless, the loyalty to Israel's legacies will not diminish. There must be a new emphasis to such duties. The Torah and ethical treasures must not be aban- doned. They will not, if the partners in Israel's striving for sustenance will adhere to them and demand they be honored. There is reason to believe that the highest ideals will not be abandoned. The Red Cross 'Evil' In his column which he entitled "A Time for Reflection," James Reston could have rendered an additional important ap- peal for justice if he had commented upon another "evil" imposed on human decency — the manner in which the International Red Cross rejected the appeal for recogni- tion of the Israel Magen David Adom, its counterpart in the Jewish State, as an equal partner. While rejecting the Magen David Adorn, it granted status equal to it- self to the Islamic Red Crescent. It was a shocking decision and it is no wonder that it is meeting with resentment in official American cities. That American Red Cross leaders are responsive to the urgent request for recog- nition of their Israeli counterpart was indi- cated in a message to Rabbi Ruben R. Do- bin, international chairman of Operation Recognition. Richard S. Schubert, president of American Red Cross, stated: As you know, we in the Ameri- can Red Cross have been working for nearly four decades in support of Israel's quest for recognition of Istanbul Massacre Guilt Raises Itsue Of Indifference A thoroughly researched account of the horror that marked the massacre in the Neve Shalom Synagogue in Istanbul, Tur- key, led Judith Miller, deputy Washington editor of the New York Times, to the con- clusion that three Arab nations shared guilt in this inhuman occurrence in which 22 Jewish worshippers were murdered. Judith Miller charges, in the Jan. 4 NYTimes Magazine section, in a lengthy review of the plotting that resulted in the mass murders on Sept. 6, 1986, under the title "Istanbul Synagogue Massacre: An Investigation," that: The Instanbul synagogue mas- sacre, these sources now believe, reflects the perfection of a new brand of cooperative international terrorism that attempts to leave no fingerprints and whose sponsors are intended to have no address. The evidence to back up this con- clusion, while circumstantial, is persuasive. It includes clearly marked Communist-bloc weapons found at the synagogue and at the sites of other terrorist attacks in Turkey, plus information from a terrorist under arrest in Pakistan. This, along with the evidence pro- vided by ballistics, terrorist inter- rogators, surveillance of clandes- tine shipments in diplomatic pouches, all point to three states as possible sponsors of the Istanbul carnage: Syria, Libya and Iran. Terrorism experts have con- flicting scenarios, and are deeply divided over which country played the leading role in staging the synagogue attack. Israeli experts tend to blame Syria; the Turkish intelligence agency believes that Iran played the dominant role; Turkish police suspect Libya. Some American analysts believe that all three were deeply involved. An Israeli terrorism expert notes that cooperation in the logis- tics of terrorism has been seen be- fore. "Libya buys, stores and dis- tributes weapons through its pouch; Syria provides the logisti- cal intelligence and training needed for such an attack; Iran provides the suicide commandos and some funding," he said. American intelligence analysts believe that both Syria and Iran played a role in the mur- derous 1983 attack on the United States Marine barracks in Leba- non, and that Syria, as well as Libya, was involved in the bomb- ing of a West Berlin discotheque last year. Publicly accusing Syria, Libya and Iran of involvement in the synagogue attack could have pain- ful consequences for the Turkish government. Turkey has long bor- ders with Syria and Iran and has $3 billion in construction projects in Libya, money that Ankara desper- ately needs. Continued on Page 24 the Red Star of David as a protec- tive symbol under the Geneva Conventions (which only govern- ments can effect) and of Israel's Magen David Adom as a full member of the international family of society's carrying on the work begun by Henry Dunant at Sol- ferino. We are going to continue in this effort in every way that we can, and we have not the slightest doubt that success will be achieved. I would like to note to your consideration the perspective that the inclusion of the crescent in the movement name, as enunciated last month at Geneva, is but the end product of a historical process that has been going on since the 1870s. Accompanying data, with records re- lating to negotiations between the con- tending leaderships, emphasize an unend- ing dispute between the MDA pleaders and world Red Cross leaders. They also show that the American leaders of the world movement always supported the Israeli appeals. It is on this score that there emerges the renewed urgency for action in behalf of the Magen David Adom on a legislative and executive scale. Joseph Handleman, president of the American Red Magen David for Israel, continues his conferences with American Red Cross leaders to ascertain action for due recognition of and acceptance of the Israeli counterpart of Red Cross into the international organization. In the mean- time, it is urgent that the American de- mands for it should be pursued on an offi- cial status. Hopefully, Congress will ex- press the demand and the White House will collaborate in it. The battle must not be abandoned. Obviating 'Racism' As the new year is on its march many issues involving human needs retain their repetitiveness. Racism is major on this score. In a NYTimes Op-Ed article, James Michener referred to the multiple de- velopments experienced in recent times as "The Ugly Decade." While he did not delve on the "racism," it is a major cause for self-humiliation. There is need for em- phasis that since "racism" and prejudice among peoples can not be immediately and thoroughly obviated, they must constantly be reduced. This must be a major obliga- tion, if there is to be a semblance of a Happy and Good 1987. From DAC To JWF In Progressive Fashion Women have been admitted to mem- bership in the DAC (Detroit Athletic Club). Hallelujah! That's to have been expected in the democratic evolutions in this country. The prejudicial factor in the DAC did not start as a gender. It began as a theolog- ical issue when Jews were barred from membership. Then came the inevitable black element in the case. Surely, the eminent Detroit black Mayor Coleman Young will be — if he has not already been — offered honorary mem- bership in DAC. Will it ever be a massive move to in- vite Jews into DAC membership? Jewish architects brought the sen- sationalized club into being. Then they re- fused to step into it because Jews as Jews were barred from membership. Then it was no longer a secret. Then, like this writer who often refused to accept invitations to functions held there, there was a class — is this term permissible? — that let their feel- ings be known. In his ably assembled facts about early Detroit Jewry, in The Jews of Detroit, pub- lication of which by Wayne State Univer- sity Press was made possible by a Jewish Welfare Federation grant, Prof. Robert Rockaway presents the facts about Jews and the DAC. Dr. Rockaway, now on a year's leave from his history professorship at Tel Aviv University in Israel, on a visit- ing professorship at San Diego State Uni- versity, is a native Detroiter who shows great devotion to the task he had under- taken to trace the earliest years of Detroit Jewry's developments. Therefore there is accuracy in the facts about DAC culled from Rockaway's The Jews of Detroit. Dr. Rockaway referred to the DAC Continued on Page 24 Amnesia About Holocaust: Regrettable Forgetfulness Failure to remember and therefore to know and understand the meaning of Holocaust was outlined in an article in a recent issue of the New York Times by Judith Miller. She wrote under the title "Erasing the Past," describing Europe's amnesia about the Nazi atrocities. Her ar- ticle inspired a concerned citizen to express sorrow over the developments. Barbara S. Phillips of San Francisco commented on the Miller article and stated: I recently returned from visit- ing West Germany and Austria, as did your correspondent. I also vis- ited East Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia. While in those countries, I visited concentration camps: Treblinka, Maidanek, Chelmno, Auschwitz, Birkenau, Mauthausen, Ravensbrook, Sac- hsenhausen, Buchenwald, Terezin and Dachau. I can say, therefore, from first-hand experience, that much of the evidence of the Holocaust has already been obliterated. The sites of many camps have been leveled. Where there are remains, attempts at documentation are in- effective because of lack of trans- lation into English or French — or there is no documentation at all. With regard to the specificity of the Holocaust, except for one or two of the camps I visited, the word Jew or Jewish is nowhere to be seen. The victims, throughout, were identified either as anti-fascist or by homeland. Had one been without prior knowledge or, perhaps, of a younger generation, one would be hard-pressed to know of the existence — or more accurately, the extermination — of millions of Jews. I came away heartbroken by what I saw. I became outraged by what I did not see. The San Francisco correspondent is not alone in her regrets over the failure to remember. There is a tendency to forget. Such a trend leads to ignorance of a tragic matter, repetition of which must be pre- vented. Therefore the constant admoni- tion: Remember! Zachor! Never forget! (-<