Pho tos By Craig Tei Plebe Robert Rich (in foreground, with pan) serves himself at lunch in the huge academy dining hall where more than 4,000 midshipmen are served at once, three times a day. relax, fatherly advice and a motherly pat on the back," says Lindauer. He recalls a recent phone call from a midshipman who introduced himself and asked if he could stop by. "The kid came over, put on the dir- tiest pair of jeans you ever saw, had a glass of milk, slept for two hours, said 'thank you' and asked if he could come again the next week." Last Rosh Hashanah, the Lin- dauers shared their holiday table with 15 Jewish midshipmen, but "we have non- Jewish kids here too," said Lindauer. "We pick them up at the German club and everyone knows they can bring their friends." For 38 years, Annapolis' late Rabbi Mor- ris Rosenblatt led Sunday morning ser- vices as the chaplain. But in 1972, the Supreme Court ruled that an institution could not make religious services man- datory. All of a sudden, attendance at Jewish services dropped to almost nothing, Lindauer recalls, so he pushed for the establishment of Friday night services. Fifty percent or more of the Jewish mid- s hipmen attend them. The Lindauers were also the driving force behind the Academy's decision to refurbish the , Jewish chapel in historic Mitscher Hall. They are the force, or presence, which calms the anxieties of Jewish parents leav- ing their children at the Academy for the first time. Sandee McMahon of Huntington, New York, had suggested West Point to her son, Jonathan Salkoff, as a college choice in case he didn't get a scholarship elsewhere. She was "floored by his suggestion of the Naval Academy." "I knew that it existed, but all the glamour was associated with West Point." McMahon also worried about Jonathan's being Jewish and thought he might encounter some anti-Semitism. "West Point at least had enough Jews to warrant building a new chapel," she pointed out. Jonathan had grown up in a Reform home, been bar-mitzvahed, and was once comfortable with his Jewishness. But in the last few years, he "abandoned" his religion, McMahon said. "This year," she noted, "there's been a total reversal," and thinks it is greatly due "to the warm, loving influence of the Lindauers." Jonathan, she knows has experienced no anti-Semitism whatsoever at the Academy. Joan Matofsky sees a similar transfor- ° mation in her son, Robert. "He's extreme- ly patriotic," she said, but at the time he was considering the Academy, "he had stopped being Jewish." When she voiced her concerns about his being in a minori- ty group at Annapolis, he replied that "be- ing a good person" was more important than religion. As a favor to his mother, Robert promised to try to go to services or get a Jewish sponsor. With the Lin- dauers, he's done both, and, his mother says, "he's started identifying more with Judaism and is very active now" in Jewish life at the Academy. "At this point," she adds, Robert "loves school and has never worked so hard in his life." She was sur- prised to learn that he runs five miles dai- ly, above and beyond what the Academy re- quires. Matofsky once worried that her "very independent" son wouldn't "fit into such structure. But he's had no problem. It's a complete change." Dr. Michael Rich, of San Diego, is equal- ly pleased with his son's success. "Robert had some down times during Plebe Sum- mer," he said, "but that was to be ex- pected." The Riches relied on literature put out by a local group of Academy parents which forewarned that there would be some disheartening phone calls home from plebes, and counselled what to say. Robert managed to make it through Plebe Sum- mer even though he had a nerve infection which disabled one arm for almost two months. He had a khaki sling, "a scarlet letter to single him out at a time when you're supposed to be melting into the group," said his father," but he's over the worst of it now." Unfortunately, two of thiS year's Jewish plebes never got past the bad times and have left the Academy. One, a woman, allegedly was so disappointed at not meeting the physical qualifications for aviator training, that she quit immediate- ly. The other, David Rivkin, made it through Plebe Summer but felt alienated by the military system. Rivkin's father, Steven, said his son 17