The Weinstein brothers, Glenn (right) and Michael, =brook, N.Y. are starting . • their Navy careers together. Glenn is a freshman, es a ju nior. j Col. Harry Lindauer acts as a lay leader for a service in the Mizpah Room. After Friday night services, Adam Borshow, of Santa Monica, Calif., spears a piece of kugel, while fellow plebe Harold Katz, right, of Glenview, Ill., waits his turn. Thea Lindauer lays out challah and apple juice for the midshipmen. SHABBAT On Friday nights, Col. and Mrs. Harry Lindauer, who are surrogate parents for the Jewish midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy, are informal hosts for religious services and oneg Shabbat afterwards. Services are held in a Mitscher Hall chapel. On Friday nights, Jewish midshipmen are led in prayer by an upperclassman. Liberty is not lightly lost, considering how little free time plebes get. There is none at all during Plebe Summer. Once in- to the academic year, fourth-classmen have free time from 12:30 p.m. until midnight on Saturday, though they must check back at the Academy at 6:30 p.m. On Sundays, there is only yard liberty, which includes visiting sponsors' homes or perhaps stroll- ing around the naval station. Many Jewish plebes put religious services, especially on Friday nights, in the category of liberty. Often they start attending more to escape the pressures of Academy life than because of religious beliefs. But after the mid- shipmen meet the Lindauers, they feel they've made safe harbor. Col. Harry Lindauer and his wife, Thea, are the perfect antidote to whatever ails a midshipman. German-born, Lindauer is a retired World War II military intelligence officer, a veteran of Patton's army and the Battle of the Bulge. At the Naval Academy he is the JWB-certified Jewish lay leader. He and his wife are both Holocaust sur- vivors. For 18 years, the Lindauers have been holding continual open house, with a few practical rules to keep things shipshape, such as directions to fill the ice trays or lock the doors if you're the last one out. Beyond the physical comforts of home, they also provide the emotional support that's a healthy mix of chicken soup and sympathy. "There's the ice box, a place to