"PERKS FOR YOUR PARTIES!' ENTERTAINMENT? INVITATIONS? Seymour Schwartz Hattie Schwartz Of Course! 356-8525 Of Course! 352-7387 FOR THE BEAUTIFUL INVITATIONS PEOPLE TALK ABOUT HEBREW COPY AVAILABLE Soviet regime has allowed some 265,000 Jews to leave, he says, suggests a "close correla- tion between the years of Soviet-American detente and the year of high Jewish emig- ration from the Soviet Union." He points out that "the Soviets have allowed high levels of Jewish emigration in periods when they felt they had a rea- sonable chance of getting either arms control, trade agreements or both with the United States. When those hopes evaporated (after 1979), so did the flow of Jews out of the Soviet Union." The history of the past 15 years suggests, Cullen notes, that the Soviets will respond to "two carrots" — trade and arms control. Arms control pol- icy, he points out, cannot be de- termined on the basis of what is good for Soviet Jews, "but trade is another matter. The trick is to devise a set of trade incentives — to be extended one at a time depending on Soviet behavior — that serves both American interests and those of Soviet Jews." This involves a phased re- moval of the trade barriers be- tween the United States and the Soviet Union with Wash- ington privately explaining to the Soviets that continuation of the process and removal of the more substantial barriers \ would depend on their re- sponse. "The goal," Cullen states, "should be a controlled, steady flow of perhaps 20,000 emigres per year until the people who want to leave have done so. If the Soviets respond by allow- ing emigration at about that level, the process of removing trade barriers could continue. If not, it could be stopped and rolled back." The first steps, he says, should be repeal of the Steven- son Amendment and the dele- tion from the Jackson-Vanik Amendment of the clause re- quiring the president to "re- ceive assurances" from the Soviets on emigration. Dele- tion of the clause, he asserts, would leave the amendment in force but free the president to respond to what really mat- ters: the number of people allowed to emigrate. If the Soviets respond by in- creasing the emigration rate, Cullen says the next step should be presidential waiver of the Jackson-Vanik Amend- ment, giving the Soviets most- favored-nation status. This would be largely symbolic, he says, since 152 other nations have MFN status. The Soviets would also become eligible for Export-Import Bank credits. Even with the waiver of Jackson-Vanik, Cullen as- serts, the more substantial trade barriers would remain in place, "giving the Soviets ample incentive not to backslide on emigration pol- icy." He suggests further steps to be taken if the Soviets con- tinued to perform satisfactor- ily. .165 SV‘ \)oj \) • DJ's • 1 MAN BAND • MUSIC • THEME PARTIES • CARICATURES • MIMES • CLOWNS • MAGIC • PSYCHICS -s— HANDWRITING ANALYSIS ------ WANTED Ex perienced CLOTHING SALESMAN 48x18x27 $ 180 0° SOFA TABLE 130°° END TABLE Keith Schare 36x36x16 $1 60 00 Designer COCKTAIL TABLE 10 Mile Rd., Southfield, 542-5745 471-3223 4, L'Chayim Advertising in The Jewish News Gets Results Place Your Ad Today. Call 354-6060 ANDREI SAKAROV Concerned people around the world salute and honor you. We acknowledge your per- sonal sacrifices in order to keep alive the voice for moral principles. NOW OPEN ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF OUR SECOND STORE! You are a leader for mankind - a guardian for justice. May you be blessed with good health and strength of spirit. SPECIALS INCLUDE: PANTS, SPORT COATS, SKIRTS (PLAIN) & SWEATERS 1.50 '3.00 2 PIECE SUITS '4.00 3 PIECE SUITS BERNARD EDELMAN 6056 W. 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