Often, singles have difficulty dealing with the family-oriented holiday season he holiday sea- son stresses family life as does no other time of the year. It is well established that the season can be troublesome for many, in- cluding those without families of their own. How do area Jewish singles handle the Thanksgiving- Chanukah-New Year's sea- son? Just fine, thanks, ac- cording to some local sing- les and those who work with them. Jill Cole, the director of singles activities at the Jewish Community Center, says Jewish single people are no different 'than non- Jews in i terms of their enjoyment of the season. "For some singles, they may feel lonely at the holiday time, or they may not, it de- pends what their support system is, whether or not they have family here and how their friends celebrate the holiday. Some singles, I'm sure, celebrate it with friends, some with family. "There might be a par- ticular problem for singles that have come to the city, that have (relocated). That single might have a diffi- culty. I think a lot of them go home, though. But if they don't, those are the singles that probably find it more difficult. That whole thing about being alone — the holidays sometimes enhance that for some people?' Dennis Bernard is the type of person Cole had in mind. Bernard moved from Cleveland to Detroit six months ago, to become a managing partner in a local real estate investment firm. with the L . . • - MIKE ROSENBAUM Special to The Jewish News - _ • • -••• • • • ''•••- ■ This is his first holiday sea- son away from his family in Ohio. Is it difficult? "Sure it is," he responds. "I think anybody would rather be with their family on the holidays, because every- thing closes down so you end up watching TV. And all my life I've always been with my family for the holi- days. So it's a little strange not being with them." But Bernard has turned a potentially bad situation into a positive one. "Once somebody finds out that you're from out of town, or that you're single, they in- vite you to their family get- togethers. So whether it was for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Thanksgiv- ing, Chanukah, whatever, I've been invited — several people have been nice enough to invite me to their parties, or get- togethers. Not quite the same thing as your own family. It's a good way to meet women, though." Realistically, Bernard guesses that next year may be different. "NeXt year, people probably won't be as conscious of the fact that I just moved up here, and I may not have anything to do for the holiday. But I think in the first year,•the people that you just meet are all aware because you talk about where you're from, etc., you just moved here. But I think the more time you spend in the city, away from where you're from, the less people re-' member that you might not have anything to do for the holidays." Continued on Page 89