OPINION Let's Talk About Jews And Money DAVID TEUTSCH Special to the Jewish Times T RONALD'S HAIR & CO. HAIR FASHIONS BY RONALD 851-3590 557-0680 30878 Orchard Lake Rd. Farmington Hills, MI 23720 Southfield Rd. Southfield, MI. OPEN 7 DAYS • EVENINGS BY APPT. A tar and dis fine jewelry and gifts FREE GIFT WRAP ORDER BY PHONE 46 MON.-SAT. 10:00-5:45 CASH REFUNDS 357-5578 THURSDAYS 10.00-8'45 26400 West Twelve Mile Road Northeast corner of 12 Mile & Northwestern Hwy. Friday, December 19, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS he current Wall Street arbitrage scandal, the New York Parking Vio- lations Bureau scandal, The Maryland Savings and Loan scandal, and a number of similar events recently have brought to the attention of the American Jewish com- munity a segment of its membership that we would generally rather ignore: white collar criminals who exist in fair profusion. When non-Jews bring up this subject, we often become suspicious that their remarks contain veiled anti-Semitism. The part of every Jew that is worried about what the rest of the world will think cannot help but react to the news of these scandals by bemoaning their visibility. We find ourselves hoping that the Jewish connection will not be obvious. I even catch myself thinking that this kind of thing happens to every ethnic group so that I need not feel that Jews have any special cause to worry. But where crime is con- cerned, I have no desire to be like everyone else. Our aspira- tion has always been to be "a kingdom of priests and a holy people." The issue is not one that pertains just to an isolated few. It has come to affect Jewish institutions as well. What happened? What does it mean when a Lower East Side yeshiva linked to one of the most revered tal- mudists of our time launders money for criminals in order to keep its doors open in the face of declining contribu- tions? When those being ar- rested for white-collar crimes are members of the boards of some of our most important philanthropic and educa- tional institutions cutting across all ideological and political lines? These questions have many possible answers. Without at- tempting to be exhaustive, I want to suggest a few. First, we have been so interested in uniting all members of the community and in financing Jewish institutions that we have tacitly agreed to an unspoken moratorium on struggling with the most im- portant areas of personal adult morality, particularly the areas of money and pro- fessional ethics. And the few who have ventured out onto that thin ice have either spoken with doctrinaire assurance about the answers that Jewish law has always offered or have talked about the issues completely outside a Jewish framework. Neither the mass media nor ancient Jewish sources can substitute for a Jew's personal search for moral values. If we are concerned with the current moral fraying of the Jewish communal cloth, we need to create a dialogue reagarding personal morality. This is subject matter for courses, lectures, and other educational events, and it is no less the stuff of which crucial board discussions and policy deliberations is made. The resulting dialogue should help each of us to rethink the way that Jewish tradition and contemporary lifestyles speak to each other. The tension between the two will make for some difficult soul-searching for our com- munity, and there will be no universally agreed upon answers to the hardest ques- tions. But the communal debate about such questions as the qualifications for board membership and standards for public recognition of in- dividuals would strengthen the moral content of com- munal leadership. Any discussion of money will be exceedingly delicate in the Jewish community. We are as well organized as we are only because of the com- mitment to tzedakah of the Jewish community in general and its wealthiest members in particular. We can sustain our myriad institutions only if we keep the financial pipelines to them filled. That requires heavy voluntary commit- ments of time, effort, and thought, as well as money from our leaders, and it is a matter of simple fact that fundraising on the scale that it takes place in the Jewish community cannot happen without the unstinting sup- port of the largest givers. Every institution from UJA to the smallest day school therefore is faced with the challenge of finding those whose support is crucial without selling its soul. And institutions that take the moral high road all too often pay a financial price. Only those caught between finan- cial pressures and moral ones understand fully how delicate and difficult these choices are. But that is all the more rea- son, it seems to me, to face them forthrightly. A second piece of the answer lies in reviving the mitzvah of tochecha, of giv- ing moral advice and criti- cism. We in the Jewish com- munity have by and large ab- sorbed the privatism domi- nant in American society. We do our best to protect our own privacy and that of others. "What other people do is their own business." The result is that we no longer do what the Jewish community has customarily done: we do not teach each other morali- ty. It is urgent that we re-