PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Even Limited Assembling Of Arabs, Jews Proves Peace Obtainable Pessimistic extremists who deny the possibility of peace realizations in the Middle East must never be taken seriously. Even when a mere handful of Arabs and Israelis find a common ground to consider their needs, for the briefest period, they thereby provide the hope that large-scale peace approaches may reach fulfillment. A gathering of responsible representatives of both nations to consider the problem of water shor- tage for the entire Middle East proved that contention. The hope-inspiring peace-anticipation was the recent two-day meeting in Wash- ington with the participation of representatives of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Turkey, together with a group of Israelis. The story was revealed in a New York Times Brief- ing column on the Washington Talk Page, Nov. 29. Two authors of the article, Wayne King and Warren Weaver Jr., quoted Dr. Joyce Starr, the scholar who brought to- gether the conferees, as stating that the scarcity of war in the Middle East affected all the countries. The conference was termed "historic" by Dr. Starr. She did not identify the participants and declared: "I am keeping their names off the re- cord, but I can say that they were very senior representatives." She pointed out that if the Arab representatives were identified, they might be criticized in other Middle Eastern coun- tries opposed to real relations with Israel. Identifying some Americans engaged in the project of dealing with water shor- tage, Dr. Starr listed among them M. Peter McPherson, administrator of the Agency for International Development; U.S. Senator Paul Simon. Democrat of Illinois; and U.S. Senator James A. McLure, Republican of Idaho. Dr. Starr is quoted stating that the response of the Middle Eastern countries gave her great hope that something could be done about the region's water problem and that talks could some day advance the peace process. The NYTimes Briefings story further states, quoting additional opinions about the event, including the Israeli viewpoint: The meeting, which lasted two days, was held at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, where Dr. Starr is director of the Near East Studies Program. Asked if there was evident hostility be- tween the Israeli and Arab sides, Dr. Starr said: "It was just the oppo- site. It was very civilized and friendly. There was a serious discussion of the issues." An Israeli Embassy spokesman, Yossi Gal, referred to the meeting as "a seminar" and, while underscoring the importance of water as an issue in the Middle East, remained cautious, saying, "What will come out of it we don't know." The entire occurrence merits Dr. Starr's description of it as "historic." Her hope- ful, optimistic comment that it could influence peace efforts is of great significance. It tip , is more positive than the Israeli comment and is the one to be accepted as a guideline for all future actions. The Psalmist asserted such a call for amity: "Seek peace, and pursue it" (Psalm 23:15). This must be the guideline. It is being pursued locally by the American Arab and Jewish Friends. They must receive encouragement on the local level, just as the international pursuit stimulated by Dr. Starr must be given commendation and sup- port. The obligation for all peace among people is obvious. They must never give up hope that amity can be obtained. The hands of all who aim for it must be upheld and retained in firmness never again to be used for saberrattling. Translations And Translators te " An Anti-Social Rumor Earns Blast From Jim Fitzgerald A rumor accredited to a traditional religious Jewish group spelled out such an ugly anti-social viewpoint that it re- ceived a well earned repudiation. The attitude deservedly assailed is in rela- tion to the retarded and the less fortu- nate and the repudiation of the bias needs attention and the religious Jewish groups must never tolerate repetition of such ugly rumors. Free Press columnist Jim Fitzgerald, in his usual, highly-commendable social mindedness, introduces the subject under consideration by revealing: Some Oak Park residents are protesting the proposed conver- sion of a vacant school building into a hospice — a residence for terminally ill patients. One woman charged that a hospice in the neighborhood would harm her children. She really said that. I saw it on a TV news show, or I wouldn't believe it. That's the trouble with me: I never want to believe that some people can be so stupid and uncaring about other people. Thereupon Fitzgerald commenced a discussion of the prejudices extant in dealing with the problems of the re- tarded, relating personal experiences in confronting the existing attitudes, and he repudiated the prejudiced and the bi- goted by stating: As for retarded people, for 25 years I lived and worked a few blocks from Michigan's largest home for the mentally retarded. Hundreds of the patients came to downtown Lapeer every day. Several of them worked at my office and in my home. They played with my children and ate at my dinner table. And I learned the biggest dif- ference between being retarded and normal is retarded people are nicer. They are kind to everyone. They aren't cruel to someone simply because he or she is different than they are. Retarded people aren't stupid or mean enough to object to a hospice in the neighborhood. Let this be retained on the record as an endorsement of the tasks of the socially-minded, the humanly-inspired in behalf of retarded and all who may suf- fer illnesses or defections that are not of their making or desire. To Jim Fitzgerald goes a hearty salute for facing up to the aroused issues, for rejecting sick-minded prejudices, for defending the rights of all who must be accorded human treatment. Hopefully, the Oak Parkers re- pudiated by Fitzgerald will abandon their stupid actions. This must be ex- pressed with a thank you to Jim Fitzgerald. (A new development in the Oak Park hospice dispute now includes fears and charges of race discrimination. A concer has developed involving the blacks. If such fears are justified then only total community condemnation of prejudice, from wherever it stems, must be accorded. There is never justification for race or religious bias, anywhere in this country, whether in Oak Park or in the capital and legislative environs in any state in the Union.) Translations are tolerated and trans- lators are granted cordial respect. The translated literary treasures are valued as appropriations from foreign tongues by the many who depend upon the more knowledgeable for information that would otherwise be strange to them. The critics nevertheless prevail. Hayyim Nahman Bialik had the briefest critical comment when he said that reading poetry in translation is like kissing a woman through a veil. • Francois Voltaire was more brutal in his definition, which declared: "Trans- lations increase the faults of a work and soil its beauty." Perhaps the oldest sacred documents to be translated from the Hebrew and Aramaic was the Septuagint, the Greek text of the Bible by scholars in the Third Century before the present era. Both Judaiaca and Universal encyclopedias have definitive articles on the subject. Perhaps most definitive is the one in Philip Birnbaum's Jewish Concepts where, under the title Targum — Trans- lations — the noted scholar explained: The Greek version of the Bible was prepared by a group of scholars, totaling seventy-two, six from each title of Israel. They were sent to Egypt, where the translation of the Torah was to be added to the two hundred thousand volumes in the museum during the Third Century (about 250) before the common era. This is according to the fictitious Let- ter of Aristeas, stating that the Torah was translated into Greek by the seventy-two translators in seventy-two days. When the translation was read by Demet- rius, the chief librarian, before the Jewish population, it was ap- proved and recommended to be preserved without changes. The king, Ptolemy II, dismissed the translators with costly gifts. Scholars regard this as a fanciful story of the origin of the Septuag- int. Those who have made a study of the vocabulary, idioms and syntax used in the Septuag- int, have been led to believe that the work gradually developed through the practice of oral translation in the synagogues of Alexandria, though some books were translated and edited by individuals. The Torah was the first and foremost part of the Bible that had to be made acces- sible to the Greek-speaking { Continued on Page 24 An Age-Old Human Failing `Greedily' Circles The Globe A very old human failing retains the limelight. Apparently the media love to keep giving attention to nouveaux riche with an appetite for more ingredients to their favorite accumulations. • It was typical of Sholom Aleichem that he should have coined one of the most definitive applications to the avari- cial which he termed: If you grease the wheels you can ride. There is a proverbial admonition for lust in Talmud Sanhedrin which states: When the camel demanded horns, they cut off his ears. In Exodus 20:4 there is the com- mand: Thou shalt not covet. And in Isaiah 5:8 there is the Prophetic: Woe to them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no room, and ye dwell alone in the land. Leo Rosten, in Treasury of Jewish Quotations, offers the following as a definition for greed from the Talmud: A handful does not satisfy a lion. Rosten also lists the following as greed defini- tions: Men are always close – to their pockets. The eye is small, but de- vours all. If eyes did not see, hands would not take. If you look for cake, you'll lose your bread. What is grabbed will be lost. Don't desire what you can't acquire. When the paupers start dancing, the musicians stop playing. Show a dog a finger, and he wants your whole hand. In Pirke Avot — Sayings of the Fathers — there is this bit of applicable wisdom: Be the tail of Lions rather than the head of foxes. Briberty also keeps repeating in the headlines and it often relates to Greed. There is this warning in Rashi: If a man, even one wise in Torah, takes a bribe, his mind will ultimately become confused; what he has learned will be forgotten. In Rosten's Treasury of Jewish Quo- tations also appear the following notes about bribery: If you don't bribe you won't ride. It is surprising how many spots on the character are removed by solution of gold. There is no particular occasion, or any specific time for utilizing these cap- sules of wisdom. It is sufficient to know that greed and bribery are the all-too- often reverberations in newspaper head- lines. Therefore the lesson offered here for the generations. ,–/