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They should try and make the other person think you're a nice guy, even if you have no intention of going out with them again." Kellman sees the man's role in dating, not as an ag- gressor, but as "a nice person. Men want women to care for them, listen to them and share their aspirations. Men are getting more in touch with their feelings." Odom., however, said she believes men are still having trouble reconciling them- selves to women being asser- tive and asking them out. "Intellectually they may want it, but when it happens it catches them off guard until the relationship is sol- idified." Generally, she said, men still follow a traditional road, 'taking care of women 100 percent." After the initial asking is done, where do these singles go on a date? Dr. West, 26, usually takes his dates out for chimer, especially on the first date. Or, the Southfield podiatrist will take his date to a place new to both of them. Komisar, 30, a spe- cialist in management of in- formation systems, said where she goes on dates de- pends on the season. In winter, she likes to go to dinner or the movies. In summer, Bob-Lo and the lakes are her thing. Smith, 27, an engineer at Chrysler Motors, said he takes his dates to dinner or a movie, but "I would try and pick something both.like to do." Often, the opportunity arises to go out with someone who is not Jewish. On inter- faith dating, the singles were divided. Rosenberg sees it as problematic. "Interfaith dat- ing complicates a relation- ship. They're complicated without it! It creates a lot of unnecessary stress." Komisar agreed. "There are so many complications. For me, it's important to marry or date someone who is Jewish. There are a lot of problems when you get married to begin with. When you marry out of the faith you have two strikes against you." Yet, Dr. West and Smith disagreed, conditionally. Dr. West said he thinks that everyone should have the ex- perience of interfaith dating "at least once. I don't want to say to myself what could've been." However, when it comes to marriage, he'll marry a Jewish woman. "It's really important. Too much can go wrong by getting too serious dating out of the faith." Smith said it was all right to date non-Jews, but "if things become serious, then you must come to grips with which religious direction you want as a couple." Another topic on the minds of singles as they date is sex. What with the "free love" and "make love, not war" chants of the 60s and the sexual freedoms continued into the 1970s, singles still feel that it has an important place in their lives, but it's got to be with the right per- son, at the right time and the right place. "When the feelings are right and the location is right then there's nothing wrong with it," Smith asserts. Dr. West takes a similar tack. "Sex doesn't make or break a relationship. It's important that you don't abuse it. It's important for two people to have enough in common with each other to be at a point where both parties know where the other one's at. Don't push expectations on the other person." Rosenberg said both parties should feel comfortable. For Komisar, "I have to feel something for the person and the person has to feel something for me." Levick said lovemaking on a date is an individual deci- sion, but warns singles not to rush into it. "If (the dating relationship) moves too quickly as a sexual encounter, it will remain a sexual encounter. If you stay out of sex, the relationship has more of a chance to de- velop into a good relation- ship." Kenn:Ian advises sing- les to do what they're com- fortable with, but doesn't think getting involved too quickly is a good idea. "If you can't be friends with someone and they with you, then a sexual relationship is out of the question." But, he adds, that a sexual relationship adds "a bond of intimacy that everyone is looking for." Odom looks at sex and dat- ing another way. If both partners just need to have sex, then as long as it's "safe," she approves. But, if one just wants sex and the other just wants intimacy, "then both needs have to be respected and acknowledged." According to Newsweek mag- azine, sex is becoming less important on the dating scene, because of the AIDS epidemic. "As the AIDS threat grows, the mating call is no longer 'free love,' but `safety first.' Indeed, one re- sponse to the AIDS threat is to become celibate." What advice can be given to singles who date? From Rick Chambers, a former Dallas, Tex., real-estate salesman and gold-and- diamond dealer who conducts seminars on dating, come these words: "Never take a person out to dinner on the first date. Make it lunch or brunch, and plan on spending no more than two hours. Dinners that drag on into the night are too