PURELY COMMENTARY `Shadhan' Role Again On Horizon Continued from Page 2 males, that were kept in mind by parents and the Shadchan in the course of selection. Whoever marries a woman for her money will have disre- putable children. (Kiddushin 70a) A man is forbidden to take a woman to wife without having seen her, lest he afterwards per- ceive in her something objection- able and she becomes repulsive to him. (Kiddushin 41a) A tall man should not marry a tall women lest their children be lanky. A short man should not marry a short woman lest their children be dwarfish. A fair man, should not marry a fair woman lest their children be exceedingly fair. And a dark man should not marry a dark woman lest their children be excessively swarthy. (Bechoroth 45b) Marry one who is about your own age and do not introduce strife into your house. (Yebamoth 101b) Descend a step in choosing a wife. (Yebamoth 63a) He who marries a rich woman with the idea of inherit- ing her wealth will pre-decease her. (Tosephta Sotah) One should not marry a woman to please her relatives or for the sake of advancement (To- sephta Sotah) Young man, raise your eyes and see whom you will choose for your wife. Pay not attention to beauty, but rather to family. (Ta'anith 4:8) Every man gets the wife he deserves. (Sotah 2a) He is rich who has a refined wife, for everything depends upon the wife: she can make her husband good or bad. (Shabbath 25a) Thus far, the "matchmaker" was in- troduced as a character in history's ex- perience. There is also the critical, ex- posing the shadhan as a buffoon. The distinguished author, historian and com- piler of Jewish legends, Nathan Ausubel, has a remarkable critical analysis of the Shadhan. In his entertaining and in- formative The Book of Jewish Folklore, Ausubel provides the following; Matchmaking, practiced among many peoples, has had a venerable history among Jews. It had an honorable tradition for countless generations, and served a socially useful purpose besides. It received serious discussion as far back as the Talmudic trac- tate, Baba Kama. But then, unlike modern times, it was not re- garded as a business but as a pious practice to be carried on for the love of God, the perpetua- tion of the Jewish family, and the increase of Israel. As a distinc - tive calling, matchmaking was al- ready in existence among Euro- pean Jews during the Twelfth Century. The shadchan was even then a clearly recognizable per- sonage. In fact, he was an impor- tant Jewish communal func- tionary, who collected his modest fees prescribed by rabbinical de- cisions and by the legal statutes of the realm. Hastings-Farnsworth Continued from Page 2 Asked last year about his relentless pursuit of money, Boesky said: "As far as whether my system or formula will con- tinue to work or not, the jury is still out. It's quite possible that tomorrow you'll see my epitaph and it will be something, like `News Pending — Stop Trad- ing.' " Commenting on the fact that people who work with him are used to big numbers, Boesky said, "I tell them, we are talking about $500 million. You are treating it as though it were nothing. Imagine it in one-dollar bills, or better yet, in a pile of silver dollars. I wonder how tall that would be. It would be like Jacob's ladder, wouldn't it? A Jacob's ladder of silver dollars. Imagine — wouldn't that be an aphrodisiac experience, climb- ing to the top of such a ladder?" Marvin Davidson, a stock speculator who introduced Boesky to the notion of invest- ing in the stocks of possible takeover targets, said competi- tors wondered about Boesky's uncanny knack of picking stocks just before takeover bids were announced. "Ivan's critics say he's too smart, too well-informed, that his research is too- good. His timing seems to defy the laws of chance." Boesky had a T-shirt that he didn't wear but sometimes showed others. It said, "He who owns the most when - he dies, wins." - On his ability to sleep two hours, a night and work round- the-clock, Boesky said his body is like "a Mercedes on the Au- tobahn that doesn't stop run- ning. I don't brag about that. I'm not proud of it. I've often thought it would be nice to sleep a long time." "This is my plasma," Boesky said last year, pausing to drink a cup of coffee during a speech to Washington's financial com- munity. "I was thinking, vam- pires live on blood. Well, I live on coffee. This is vampire's plasma." Such is the wisdom that gains momentum as the new image from greater Detroit makes its way from the Hastings corner Palace of Corned Beef on a climb on the ladder of Wall Street. The clever in the media have chosen to designate the financial genius after a Russian by the same first name, as Ivan the Terrible. It provides as much glory for Ivan Grozny — Ivan the terri- ble who was the first Czar of Russia, 1547-1584. Unlike the latter, the new Ivan is (was?) a ladder climber, the glorifier of the delicatessen dynasty, but the rungs he is reaching are not greased with mustard. It was the Crusades which spurred the growth of Jewish matchmaking throughout Europe. Wholesale massacres, persecutions, and the constant flights of Jews hither and thither before their enemies, made nor- mal social life impossible. In such circumstances, the shadchan be- came a pillar of national survival, an important instrumentality for the preservation of the Jewish people. He was among those brave souls who devoted themselves to the vital task of establishing and preserving contact among the scattered remnants of Israel. It was a labor of devotion on his part, involving many risks to life and limb as he traveled through hostile territory from town to town and province to province. No mere hucksters or busi- ness 'agents" were permitted by the Jewish communities to de- vote themselves to the "sacred" union of youth. Only high-minded rabbis and scholars were chosen. It is interesting to note that such celebrated scholars and rabbis as Levi of Mayence, Jacob Molir and Leona de Modena were shad- chonim; and they were honored for this work by their com- munities. In time, with the growth and permanency of Jewish settle- ments in ghetto-towns, the tradi- tional integrity of the shadchan began to waver. By the time of the Jewish "Dark Ages," which began at the end of the Sixteenth Century, there were already mus- sar (moralistic) writings in which the shadchan was roasted over the coals for his venality and gross misrepresentations. With pointed sarcasm he was re- minded that, in olden times, only unselfish scholars and great rab- bis were privileged to practice his profession. One of the principal reasons for the decline in the moral sta- ture of the matchmakers was the fact that usually men with un- stable backgrounds and occupa- tions were tempted into its uncer- tain undertakings. The peculiar persuasive and social talents re- quired drew toward it, and even stimulated, the development of a unique type. It would be an un- derstatement to say that the shadchan became the Jewish counterpart of Figaro. Even more than he, the shadchan was a per- petual chatterbox, lively and im- pudent by turn, good-natured with raillery and guileless with malice. The shadchan is a classic type in the great portrait gallery of Jewish folklore and in the works of fiction writers as well. He is drawn vividly and in broad satiric lines, dressed up in all the fine plumage of his humbug, tal- kativeness, and genius for euphemistically glossing over the physical and character defects of his clients. Yet, with it all, he is touched with a certain comic pathos which belongs to the schlimazl, a trait Figaro did not possess. In The Book of Jewish Folklore, Nathan Ausubel also narrates a number of anecdotes about the Shadhanim. Here are samples of the stories he compiled: The Aristocrat SHORTLY after the Bol- shevik Revolution, a shadchan called on a lady client in Minsk. "How much dowry have you?" he asked delicately. "Two thousand rubles." The shadchan then took out his little black • book and said, "Well now, let see! H-mm. For two thousand rubles I can give you a doctor." "No, I don't want a doctor." Righteous Interdenominaton Continued from Page 2 manifestation of hatred, combine in the creation of a masterful liturgy. In her definitive prefatory note, Alice Littell provides this key to the liturgy: In the early 1970s Yom Hashoah was observed by a few dozen congregations in America, but the number grew rapidly. On 7 October 1980 the Congress enacted Public Law 96-388, estab- lishing th U.S. Holocaust Memo- rial Council and providing for appropriate ways to commemo- rate the Days of Remembrance as an annual, national, civic com- memoration of the Holocaust. Thus Yom Hashoah became a public event. The President of the United States, the governors of all fifty states, and the mayors of all major American cities and hun- dreds of smaller communities issue proclamations declaring the official Days of Remembrance. The American interfaith ob- servance known as Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoah) is observed each year on the 27th of Nisan on the Jewish calendar, which falls on the fifth day following the eighth day of Passover. The purpose is to recall the Nazi destruction of European Jewry and to point up the moral and religious issue posed by genocide in the world today. The aim of Yom Hashoah is not to place guilt or blame, but rather through recollection of this human tragedy, inflicted upon the Jewish people, to seek reconciliation and to renew faith in humanity and commitment to life. Those who offer Yom Hashoah observances share the hope that people of all faiths will gain insight and understanding of the Holocaust and the lessons of the Holocaust — an event in the death and life of the Jewish People and an event in human history which speaks to the con- science of the world. The Anne Frank Institute of Philadelphia is pleased to be able to provide this anthology to Continued on Page 22 (