*IMINNI011.1 Harvest Of Learning Omri Page 37 Page 43 THIS ISSUE 50c JEW'S SERVING DETROIT'S JEWISH COMMUNITY NOVEMBER 28, 1986 / 26 C;1ESHVAN 5747 Ford Criticizes `Iran Connection' Gerald Ford blasts the Reagan Administration for exchanging military material for hostages HEIDI PRESS Local News Editor Former President Gerald R. Ford on Sunday called on the U.S. to halt arms shipments to Iran in pay- ment for its help in the release of American hostages in Lebanon. Speaking to a record-breaking audience of 2,000 guests at the 72nd anniversary dinner for the Beth Yehudah Schools, the former President said "arms to (Iranian leader Ayatollah) Khomeini must stop. The U.S. arms transfer to Iran is contradictory. We pressure our al- lies to join us against terrorism, but deliver arms to Iran which is deeply involved in acts of terrorism itself." The former President called for. White House officials involved in the decision to ship arms to "step for- ward and resign. President Reagan will not be well served by those who executed the arms deal with Iran," Continued on Page 18 Rulings Ruffle Cities' Christmas Israelis congratulate new Hebron Mayor Abdel Majid a-Zir. The Supreme Court ruling on Christmas creches will lead to some novel changes in municipal displays DAVID HOLZEL Staff Writer King. Hussein is hoping not to crush the PLO completely but to bend it to his will The church which donated Bir- mingham's first Christmas nativity scene more than 30 years ago will display the creche this year. The ci- ty's decision not to erect the display on public property resulted from the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision not to review a 1984 district court ruling that the creche's placement violated the constitutional separa- tion of religion and state. Birmingham Gift Guide in this issue The high court's ruling promp- ted Detroit and its suburbs to either cancel Christmas display plans or try to circumvent the ruling by crowding their creches with "non- religious" holiday symbols. Dearborn's creche will be dis- played on former city property, now owned by the chamber of commerce. Detroit's display will appear in front of Mariner's Church across from the City-County Building. Ferndale has cancelled its display altogether. Continued on Page 20 Amazing Marketplace .. Births .94 Engagements Entertainment Expatriate Poet Obituaries ..... Single Life 74 85 59 ... 108 .. 110 87 Synagogues 42 Torah Portion • Women Youth 11 46 86