INN trObtarCP11 I isgoir loel Itasitan: Acivertisers image of singles "puts pressure on some singles to conform." - ciblrestyrrens• Jackob Burnstein: "Men are a discriminated against in advertisements." -rablitat 7rA vir Marcie Margolis: "I think advertisers present a good image, especially for women." a lkia J s ame.1.7rsilas h Rosenberg: "The average Lillian single person is not glamorous and doesn't have the most exciting lifestyle." .4.111Gra LYirdzwr Alex Bensky : "I advertisements don't look to identify with." for images to SINGLE D OUT Some singles feel alienated by the macho and sexy stereotypes advertisers ascribe to non-marrieds CHRISTOPHER SCAPELLITI Special to The Jewish News ccording to some area singles, they have an image problem in the media today. Many say that portrayals of singles in ad- vertisements are stereotypes, and reflect only a very selec- tive image of how singles ac- tually live and think. If, in fact, advertisers are attempt- ing to influence single con- sumers, they may be alienat- ing the large portion of that population that does not identify with the typically youthful and trendy images that are presented. The United States Census Bureau this year reported that some 20.6 million Americans now live alone, a 90 percent jump in one- person households over the past 15 years. While this in- crease is in part the result of young men and women post- poning marriage, much of it is due to widowhood and di- vorce among those between the ages of 25 and 44. Yet, some singles believe that advertisers ignore the statistics and consistently put forth an image that reflects a decidedly narrow section of today's singles population. They see singles in adver- tisements depicted as young, sexy, childless, successful in relationships and careers and ruggedly independent, images that appear with surprising regularity over a wide span of consumer products. What they don't see are older sing- Alex Bensky, 37, of Detroit, les, single parents, and more is single. He believes that in or less average lifestyles. their depictions of singles, Singles may be familiar advertisers "simplify the facts with the following: a sham- and leave out a lot of less at- poo advertisement in which a tractive aspects of single life glamorous and well-to-do to make a good story." Be- young woman holds a city's nsky said he feels that the male population spellbound single life as depicted in ad- with her shining hair. Dar- vertisements "certainly isn't ingly sexual ads for designer the sole way in which singles clothes that feature two men live. In reality, you'll find a and a woman in various much wider range of ap- stages of undress. Or the spirnogalce h s ), e. s, to living (among wide variety of advertise- , ments for everything from Joel Kashdan, 38, of South- health cereals to cigarettes field, agrees that advertisers that show young and exciting are selective in their depic- men and women taking on tion of the single lifestyle. He the world, alone and in style. believes that image "puts The slogans that accom- pressure . on some singles to pany these ads emphasize the conform. They see that they trend to a great extent. Prod- should behave a certain way, ucts are exclusively designed so they do, because they for "the man who lives on the think it's going to make them edge," or the sassy young happy." woman who dares to be more. Kashdan, who has never These ads tell us to "be a been married, tells of how he part of it," and that "the only once found himself pursuing important thing is to keep the image through the sing- moving." les bar scene. "Eventually," If there is a bright side to he says, "I got burned out any of this, it may be that going every night to meet singles have been acknowl- people. I think the average edged in the media as an in- person goes into that sort of trinsic part of our culture. It's situation thinking it's going acceptable to be a -single per- to be great. Then they find son in America today. But, out it's not all it's built up to for the most part, those who be." do not fit advertisers' popular However, Ray Serafin, De- version of the single lifestyle troit' bureau chief _for Adver- say they feel hard-pressed to - tising Age, a weekly interna,- find images they can identify ytional journal 'of. marketing, with. .`arg- ues that advertisers` don't ,