PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Challenge From The North To Teach Unknowing About Holocaust From the northern Michigan public-spirited Cohodas family and a group of academicians at Northern Michigan University, all of Marquette, comes the challenge that Holocaust facts should not be ignored and that the un- knowing should be taught about the hor- rors inflicted by the German Nazis upon mankind with the Jews as the chief vic- tims. Nonagenarian Sam Cohodas, ad- mired in scores of communities in north- ern Michigan, inspired his nephews William and Arnold to share with him deep interest in Israel and especially the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with a dedication to all causes involving their fellow Jews. Becoming aware of an igndrance prevailing about the Hitler-formulated insanities with an aim to destroy the Jewish people, William Cohodas under- took to establish courses on the Holocaust and he received strong support in his efforts from Northern Michigan University. That effort became a fact and the pioneering task at NMU now serves as a challenge for other areas in the country to emulate the educational program introduced in Marquette. The experiences learned by the sponsors of the important teaching effort affirm the distress that has been caused by the ignorance prevalent about the tragedy of the World War II era. Bill Cohodas was especially concerned by a spreading Big Lie about the Holocaust never having occurred, with the malig- nancy that Jews created the Holocaust Lie as they termed it for selfish purposes to win undeserved sympathy. He was in- duced to proceed with his idea of intro- ducing courses exposing the Nazi crimi- nality and calling attention to the mass suffering of Jews. The success he is at- taining thus serves as a call to action by Jewish communities everywhere, espe- cially the smaller with few Jewish citi- zens. Bill Cohodas best relates his ex- periences and the encouraging results of his task himself. This what he relates: Tracing the years of his studies of the records relating to the Nazi at- rocities, expressing shock over the new bigotries in the anti-Jewish campaigns to deny that Germans' had resorted to mass murders of millions of Jews and Christians, William Cohodas conferred with Dr. Appleberry, president of North- ern Michigan University, and "asked him if the university would be interested in having me fund a Holocaust Informa- tion Center in the university library. He was very receptive and turned the mat- ter over to Alan Donovan, vice president for academic affairs and the history de- partment, for implementation." That's how the Holocaust Informa- tion Center became a reality and is now a part of the university library. Bill Cohodas transmitted these facts in letters he addressed to five other col- leges and universities in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. They were informed Maxim Gorky As A Libertarian Who Defended Russian Jewry t 2 In this era of libertarian struggles against oppressive anti-Jewish policies in the Soviet Union, it is obligatory to remember those who demanded just rights for the abused. The 50th an- niversary of a deeply-moving, hitherto unpublished speech by the Russian novelist Maxim Gorky who had an enviable record as a fighter for justice provides an opportunity to recall that courageous act in another era with an atmosphere of hatred. Recollection of that occasion must be accompanied by recognition of the continuing — endless! — prejudicial Russian policy toward the Jews. With but few exceptions, anti-Semitism has been, as it remains, a Russia credo. It was paramount under the Czars. The Kremlin seems to have inherited and adhered to it, although the statutes of Communist ideology speaks out against anti-Semitism. In practice it is among the worst manifestations of bigotry evi- denced anywhere. How else- can one judge the facts: that from the USSR comes endorsement of a partnership with the PLO, encouragement -.without rejection by the Kremlin of the Blood Libel and the equally atrocious and fal- sified Protocols of the Elders of Zion? Maxim Gorky is now called to wit- ness that not all members of a single national group can be haters and that there are noble exceptions. Maxim Gorky is the most outstanding example of all in the Russian record. While a famous speech he deliv- ered in this country in 1906 is being recalled, it is important to recall equally important declarations by him several years prior to 1906. While ZionisM and Israel are now being treated outrageously by USSR spokes- people, it is important to note that as Friday, November 14, 1986 far back as 1902 Gorky made these statements in the then important American periodical, the Maccabaean: "I am told Zionism is a utopia. I do not know; perhaps. Not inasmuch as I see in this utopia an inconquerable thirst for freedom, one for which people will suffer, it is for me a reality. With all my heart I pray that the Jewish people, like the rest of humanity, may be given spiritual strength to labor for its dream and to establish it in flesh and blood." Currently; on the 50th anniversary of Gorky's death, the liberal monthly periodical Jewish Currents, edited by the Jewish historian Morris U. Schap- pes, reproduces the famous Gorky speech of 1906. Jewish Currents' editorial note ex- plains that during his visit in New York in 1906 he "delivered a major ad- dress on `The Jews in Russia,' reported in the Socialist newspaper, the Worker, May 5, 1906 ... the text reprinted here for the first time, in appreciation of the 50th anniversary of his death, is given here in full. The headlines were: "Gorky on the Jewish question . . . Jews are hated because they are revo- lutionists ... Great Russian writer dis- cusses anti-Semitism at meeting in Grand Central Palace — says Tsar's government regards every Jew as a menace to his tyranny." The text of the long speech, now reproduced, becomes an important document in Russian Jewish history and a valuable expose by a Russian of the anti-Semitism in his country in the years that preceded the Communist era. While the histOic,. speech 18 in it- Continued on Page 20 . THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Arnold Cohodas, Sam Cohodas and William Cohodas. that the first Holocaust study class commenced this fall under the direction of Dr. Robert McCullen of the univer- sity's history department. All of the books and manuscripts Cohodas accumu- lated are now in that center. He added to them two movies on the Holocaust, plus the now famous nine-and-a-half hour film Shoah. The university now is ready- ing to show the latter film to the student body of MSU and to the general public in Marquette and nearby communities where the Holocaust films had never been shown. The urgency of "never forgetting," of keeping the memories alive of the hor- rors perpetrated by the Nazis so that they may never again be repeated de- mand that the Cohodas experience should be broadcast in the hope of being emulated. Here is how Bill Cohodas in- troduced his serious task to the univer- sities: Here are several reasons why I feel so strongly that our U.P. youth groups should be better educated and become knowl- edgeable on the Holocaust. (1) About five years ago the board of NMU proclaimed a Holocaust Observance Week. They asked me to secure an out- standing speaker to visit the his- tory classes and work with the students and also give an evening public address. I suggested to the dean of students that the subject be discussed ahead of time so the students would be better pre- pared. He called me back to re- port that 70 percent of the NMU students had never heard of the Holocaust. (2) There have been any number of books written here in the U.S. and in Canada claiming that the Holocaust never hap- pened and proceeding to try and prove it. (3) The "Blood Libel" which has started in England in the 11th and 12th Century, which ac- cused the Jews of killing Chris- tian children to use their blood to make the Passover matzo was revived through the centuries and reached official government backing in Russia during the later 19th and early 20th Century. Everyone thought it was finally put to rest. This past week in the news it was reported that Mus- tafa Tlas, Syrian defense minis- ter, came out with a book on the Damascus Blood libel, calling it a "historical work." He claimed that, "the vehement reaction to the book proves that the facts described in it are irrefutable." (4) I was invited by Prof. McCullen to visit his Holocaust class, which meets every Tuesday from 6 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. I told the students when they asked me various questions about the Hol- caust that my main interest in the Holocaust now was to be sure that our young people under- stand and know what happened over 50 years ago so they, as the future leaders of our country, could prevent a similar human tragedy from ever happening again. I told them that when one of the most educated and bril- liant groups of human beings, Germany and her allies, could be responsible for the deaths of 6,000,000 Jews, plus another 6,000,000 others because of war and its results, that they had to be the future guardians of the human race ... Dr. Donovan told me, as did the head librarian, that the uni- versities and colleges in the U.P. have a cultural exchange. I told Dr. Donovan that I would be very pleased to have them make available to your school all the materials, movie tapes and other information which I have put into the Holocaust Information Center to be used to help your students better understand and thus guard against this terrible human tragedy from ever hap- pening again. I would hope that you might consider offering a course on the Holocaust in your regular curriculum. Dr. Donovan told me there is to be a meeting at Bay de Noc Community College in Escanaba in a couple of weeks, and he said he would discuss this with you at that time. I also told him that I would be happy to meet with you and your faculty person who would be able to work in this field. I am hoping that something positive will take place. The Cohodas contribution toward educating the unknowing is receiving wide acclaim. An example: Rena Fowler, director of the Northern Michigan Uni- versity library, commending the spon- sors, acknowledging their gifts, assured them of the university's as well as her personal appreciation, stating: "Northern Michigan University and the Olson Li- brary are most appreciative of your commitment and generous support for Continued on Page 20