Holocaust Center Retrospective Two years after its opening, the Holocaust Memorial Center is a sparkling community jewel... with a few nagging flaws SUSAN WELCH Special to The Jewish News few months ago, a young man from Los Angeles visited the Holocaust _ Memorial Center. He had come to Detroit, he told Rabbi Charles Rosenzveig, spec- ifically for that purpose and had paid his own way. "Was it worth it?" asked Rosenzveig, the HMC's director. It was worth every penny," plied the young man. Asked the same question, the founding members of the $3 million Holocaust Memorial Center in West Bloomfield would probably give the same reply. For them, the impact of the museum on its approximately 200,000 visitors is ample compensa- tion for their financial and emo- tional expenditure during the two decades of planning and persuasion, controversy and debate which pre- ceded its opening in October 1984. Some 122,000 people visited the HMC in its first year. 80 percent of them came with school groups from throughout Michigan. 82 percent of them were not Jewish. Most learned a great deal. the HMC staff have found a sometimes staggering ignorance, not only about the Holocaust but about Jewish his- tory and identity in general. One man, recalls docent Judith Miller, of- fered "good Christians" as his defini- tion of Jews. All but the very insensitive few were extremely moved. "Visitors react with visible emotion," says Gloria Ruskin, who like her fellow guides, is able to observe the "enor- mous emotional impact" of the museum; an impact which can be clearly seen in the survivor theater, for example, where a recent group of 15 visitors sat riveted, their only movements the small, spontaneous frowns or indrawn breath in reaction A to the survivors' recorded account of their experiences.In the meetings with survivors which conclude each group tour, emotion is often physi- cally expressed in hugs and kisses. "People seem to need to touch," says Miller, not only to show their sym- pathy and affection, but to make a physical connection with the past and so affirm its reality. For the founding Shaarit Hap- laytah, the reality of the museum two years later is "beyond anything we ever hoped or dreamed," says Abe Pasternak. It is, he says, not only a place where he can honor his dead, but the means by which, be- yond his "wildest imagination," he can help to take the lessons of the Holocaust to "people of different be- liefs and from all walks of life." To remember, to move to under- standing as well as sorrow, and to educate future generations away from prejudice and persecution re- main foremost among the HMC's ob- jectives. Conceived at a time when few people in the community, or in- deed the nation, wanted to talk about the Holocaust, much less pay for a memorial, it was, and still is, asserts Rosenzveig, unique, in that it is the only Holocaust center in the country exclusively designed to commemorate the six million Jewish victims of the Nazis. Determination to preserve the concept and definition of the Holocaust as a uniquely Jewish ex- perience is one of Rosenzveig's major concerns, one which he pursues with the tenacity and perseverance with- out which, even his critics allow, the HMC would never have been built. Rosenzveig is not, he admits, a stranger to criticism. He met it head on during the arguments over cost, size, location and purpose in the HMC's planning stage; he is moving into the forefront of the growing con- troversy over the proposed National Holocaust Memorial Museum; and he is aware now that, among those A video exhibit at the Holocaust Memorial Center. A graphic display of Nazi anti-Semitism.