PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Shaarey Zedek At 125: An Historic Event On A National Scale Shaarey Zedek's 125th anniversary is an occasion for national observance. Recollections of major achievements on the local scene embrace contributions by rabbis and membership on a national scale. Reminiscences of the many major events in the synagogue's history merit appreciation in the interest of establish- ing as much of a totality as possible in history making. The Congressional Record of April 18, 1962 included an article inserted by the late Congressman John D. Dingell Sr. under the title "Shaarey Zedek's His- toric Event." It was based on my edito- rial in The Detroit Jewish News issue of Nov. 24, 1961. My editorial 25 years ago judged the "Historic Event" as follows: Shaarey Congregation Zedek's 100th anniversary is an event of such great magnitude that it must be viewed as a his- toric event of importance to the entire American Jewish commu- nity. The history of the congrega- tion mirrors the events from the days when our numbers were small. The community has grown with the pace that this congrega- tion has progressed, and Shaarey Atheist Russia Capitalizes On Its Sanctimony Damned clever the Russians! They have a way of capitalizing even on God in their propaganda tactics. What better way to ignore the "Re- fuseniks," to deny that there are tens of thousands, they are undoubtedly hundreds of thousands, of protesters against anti- Jewish prejudices who demand visas to leave the USSR, than to utilize the sub- servience of a synagogue's leaders in prop- agation of the existing persecutive policies? That's the "Herchsher" Communist Russia possesses — that its atheism be- comes sanctimoneous via control of syna- gogue spokesmen. The Russian manipulators are not only politically clever: they are humorous in their choice of tools. It is always an em- phasis on peace and for that purpose the Moscow synagogue was used as the Krem- lin tool. So, the Russian Embassy information department sends us the copy by the USSR Novosti Press Agency which commences with the following: We, parishioners of the Mos- cow Choral Synagogue, unanim- ously back the statement made by General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Mikhail Gor- bachev on August 18, 1986, on the decision to extend the Soviet un- ilateral moratorium on nuclear explosions until January 1, 1987. The Holy Writ' teaches us that human life is the greatest of the gifts granted to us by God. Only God, who has given each of us life, has the power of taking it. W. people living in a woi id threatened by nuclear holocaust, must be fully aware that the further perfection of weapons of mass destruction, nuclear escala- tion and the instigation of fear, mutual mistrust and enmity can and must be qualified as suicide — the suicide of individual people and entire nations. That is why each person and all of us together must use each day granted to us by God to chan- nel the course of world events Continued on Page 26 2 Friday, October 31, 1986 Zedek's story is, in truth, the his- tory of Detroit Jewry. As one of the pioneering con- gregations that assisted in the formation of the parent organiza- tion of the conservative Jewish movement in America, Shaarey Zedek is in the front ranks of the synagogues that have labored for the perpetuation of the highest ideals of our faith. Shaarey Zedek's role in the establishment of the Jewish Theological Seminary, in the de- velopment of the Conservative movement and in establishing high codes for Jewish cultural planning not only in Michigan but in the entire country, have left their indelible marks. Shaarey Zedek was one of the first synagogues in this coun- try that joined in forming the United Synagogue of America. It has been a bulwark of strength in behalf of the Jewish Theologi- cal Seminary which is the seat of Conservative Judaism, and the synagogue's role, therefore, na- tional in scope. On the Detroit scene, Con- gregation Shaarey Zedek con- tinues a leadership that makes it stand out as a great institution, with a membership that is always conscious of responsibilities to our faith, our nation, and our city. Shaarey Zedek's roster of leadership has had, and con- tinues to have, representation in the political and civic life of our country, in all important Jewish movements, in relief and rehabili- tation services. Its members have served in the city's judiciary, on the city council, on important commis- sions, and on national governing boards of.leading Jewish move- ments. Shaarey Zedek holds a place of great honor in the Zionist movement and in the establish- ment of Israel. The late Rabbi Abraham M. Hershman was a pioneer Zionist, and members of the congregation assisted him in the advancement of Zionism. Rabbi Morris Adler, with the encouragement of the synagogue membership, continued that tra- dition. With the establishment of Is- rael, that activity again has been translated into pragmatic terms. The synagogue, as an entity, the members, individually and collec- tively, are among the leaders in philanthropic tasks — assisting newcomers who come to Israel, and in Israel bond and other in- vestment projects. As a great spiritual force in our community, Congregation Shaarey Zedek remains the guid- ing spirit in our ranks, and to- gether with her sister congrega- tions in Detroit this synagogue is a motivating factor in creating high standards for Jewish learn- ing. The synagogue's members have been among the leaders in Hebrew schools and Talmud To- rahs, at the same time creating and sustaining its own excellent educational system. The synagogue's Beth Hayeled, the school for very Rabbi Morris Adler young children; its Hebrew and Sunday schools, its adult educa- tion programs — all have com- bined to give Detroit Jewry a high ranking idealism and ad- vanced cultural values. As Shaarey Zedek com- mences its second century of service to Jewry, it is construct- ing a new synagogue in which will be housed all of its spiritual and cultural, as well as its many social functions. An entire community surely wishes Shaarey Zedek well in its great task of building a new house of worship and study. May the hands of its leaders be strengthened. May the new era augur well for this Continued on Page 26 Books For Children Inspire Learning Publishers with vision, with an appreciation of the needs of the com- munities they cater to, are increasing their interests in a rising generation whose response is vital to cultural needs. Several Jewish publishing houses are devoting an increasing concern in the youth and are publishing books with Jewish content. This interest is not limited to Jewish publishers. Others have begun to share such interests. Because books with Jewish themes, devoted to history, the Bible, the com- munities they live in, fulfill approaches to cultural needs, these trends are vital to the aims of encouraging learning. Be- cause they have the duty to inspire the desired readership, adults as well as children benefit from such developments. Parents are never hurt when they read books of Jewish interest to and with their children. They become partners in the learning process. Holidays are occasions for producing children's books and Kar-Ben Copies is consistent in such a pursuit. For Succot, Kar-Ben has already issued two attrac- tive children's books. One, in a format always popular, is Let's build a Succah. It is a colored board book and is certain to charm the very young. On hard card boards, totalling 12 pages, this little book tells the Succot story, encourages building the succah and has the addi- tional value in the beautiful illustra- tions. Katherine Janus Kahn wrote the text, and produced the pictures. Even the brief explanatory lines tell the desired story. Kar-Ben's second Succot book, The THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS BIG Succah, written by Peninnah Schram, with photos by Jacqueline Kahane, is in larger paperback form. The process of building a succah inspires interest in the festival, an invitation to family and neighbors to join in dedicat- ing it and celebrating the festival in it. It is a way of encouraging interest in the holiday by children. Bible Stories Bible stories always encourage re- sort to its texts by publishers. It is no surprise, therefore, that one of the coun- try's leading publishers should have utilized the theme for a noteworthy chil- dren's book. Doubleday's one minute Bible Stories: Old Testament is especially exemplary in welcoming treatment of the Bible for tales selected for children. Adapted by Shaari Lewis, well- known as author, puppeteer and sym- phony conductor, and illustrated by C. S. Ewing, 20 Bible stories, each in one- minute format, reconstruct the Scrip- tural texts. A vast field is covered here. Com- mencing with Adam and Eve, the major Bible personages•are included: Noah and the Ark, Joseph and his wonderful coat, Moses, parting of the Red Sea, Joshua and the walls of Jericho, Samson and Delilah, the wisdom of Solomon, Jonah, Job and Daniel are among the subjects covered. Gerry Matthews assisted in research for this excellent and inspirational col- lection of Bible stories. UAHC Bible Stories Pursuing an urgent need of encouraging Bible reading and stories to be shared by parents with their children, another form of interest in Scriptures is provided again by the Union of Ameri- can Hebrew Congregations. In Bible Stories for Little Children first published in 1955 and now reissued in revised form, Betty R. Hollander suc- ceeds in treating parent and youth with 27 stories. Illustrations are by Lee Dear- son and there is charm in these stories. Rabbi Daniel B. Syme, who directed the publishing of many UAHC children's books, wrote the introduction to this book. Starting with Noah's Ark, the tales selected include the very impres- sive in the Bible texts, continuing until Moses blesses Joshua. A Chanukah Treat With Chanukah approaching, there will surely be many Festival of Lights treats for young readers. From Kar-Ben Copies, the pub- lishers who keep enriching the children's bookshelves, comes one of the first such treats. Its Nathan's Chanukah Bargain is a delight. It tells about a youth who shares with a grandparent a desire to go shopping and bargaining for a menorah. The way the bargaining was con- ducted with a merchant has humorous notes. The introduction is a reminder of how grandfather, who accompanies Nathan while making the purchase, is a reminder of the manner in which bar- Continued on Page 26