Oct. 16 marked the centennial of the birth of Israel's first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion DAVID HOLZEL Staff Writer Reflections On A Gibor hen David Ben- Gurion proclaimed the independence of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948, he had already been leader of the Yishuv, the Jewish .community in Palestine, for 13 years; had headed the Labor Zionist movement in Palestine for 18 years; and repre- sented the community's trade union movement for 28 years. At age 61, Ben-Gurion did not step into the office of prime minister of the pro- visional government of Israel from a vacuum. Ben-Gurion was the boss. He was born David Green on Oct. 16, 1886 in the Russian-Polish town of Plonsk. He was the son of- a legal adviser, Hebraist and ardent Zionist. Young David came to Pales- tine — then a neglected backwater province of the Ottoman Empire in 1906, where he changed his name to "Ben-Gurion," son of a lion. Ben-Gurion was a gibor. The word means "hero," but connotes someone who overcomes obstacles or odds. Ben-Gurion overcame both in his drive to create and mold the Jewish state. He became secretary-general of the Histadrut, the General Federa- tion of Labor, in 1920. He was a founder of the Jewish Agency and became chairman of its executive in 1935. He was instrumental in estab- lishing Mapai, the Worker's Party of, Eretz Yisrael, now the Labor Party. Prime minister for all but two of the state's first fifteen years, Ben-Gurion established the primacy of a haw- kish defense ministry over the foreign office, relegating that portfolio, and diplomacy in general to doves like Moshe Sharett and Abba Eban. • Indeed, Ben-Gurion's successes are Israel's great achievements; his failures plague the Jewish state and its society to this day. Interestingly, his party and his successors are blamed for his mistakes, not he. A man of deep ideological be- liefs, Ben-Gurion shaped Israel with pragmatic hands. "Stateism" became his credo after 1948, allowing the needs of the state and people of Is- rael to supercede the needs of party, class or world Jewish considerations. This pragmatism led him to perpetuate Israel's religious status quo, which grants disproportionate political influence to Israel's Or thodox minority. Pragmatism also led to the creation of Israel Bonds and other fund-raising apparatus, which provided the state with badly needed funds, but also in- stitutionalized "Checkbook Zionism" as a way for Diaspora Jews to sup- port Israel without actually having to participate in the heavy work of Zionism by living in Israel. Aliyah was surely closer to his heart. One story has B-G asking an American Jewish macher: "So, when are you making aliyah?" "I . I have to stay in America," the flustered American answered, to work on behalf of Is- rael." "I would prefer," the prime minister responded, that instead, you move to Israel and work on be- half of America." Ben-Gurion's appearance was distinctive: his short, round body was capped by a bald pate, fringed by that shock of white hair, standing on its end as if charged with static electricity. . s ' • ' V A P. The man himself seemed pos- sessed by a particular kind of energy. A voracious reader, he was a self-taught scholar with a fondness for Buddhist philosophy, who learned Spanish in order to read Cervantes and ancient Greek in order to read the Greek classics. On one occasion he was frus- trated to find that his Athens cab driver did not understand the classical Greek Ben-Gurion was speaking, while at the east end of the Mediterranean a whole nation was speaking the language of the Prophets. Ben-Gurion was a prodigious note taker. His journals reveal min- utes of meetings taken in painful de- tail. In them, Ben-Gurion always re- fers to himself in the third person. When meeting with someone, Ben-Gurion would immediately begin to take notes. One found him- self speaking to the top of Ben- Gurion's head. When B-G stopped writing, you knew the audience was over. The sabra, the native-born Is- raeli, was created in Ben-Gurion's Continued on next page