young synagogue. "I thought it would be nice to be a member of a group that was new," he says, add- ing that he was anxious to make sure that his children would come into contact with other Jewish kids. A Holocaust survivor, Kovaks does not feel insecure in Troy. Now- adays, "there's more acceptance of each other's faiths. When I lived in New York, I found that if you stated your beliefs, people will respect you." But in near isolation from other Jews and Judaism, will his children believe in anything strongly enough to stand up for it? "We haven't done our job in education properly," Kovaks con- cedes, but we're working on it. This congregation is trying to do a good job." The Troy Jewish Congregation seems to have brought a lot of people out," Donna Bookholder observes. She and her husband Ronald belong to both TJC and Temple Beth El. She is the secretary of the Troy- Rochester chapter of ORT, a small group which she says, is really just getting itself organized. Donna is also a Troy "patriot." "We've found everything we need in Troy. We're pleased with the schools. There's good access to get anywhere, so we don't feel any isola- tion." Local events are attended by the entire family, she says, so there is a strong family atmosphere. There is less emphasis on the material. "It's a nice down-to-earth group," she emphasizes. We started in 1980 with seven children," says Ruth Stein, former principal of the United Hebrew Schools branch in Troy. This year, the school has 70 students, ages four through bar mitzvah age attending classes held in the Bemis Elemen- tary School. Stein was originally the school's only instructor, but now there is a staff of six teachers. She says it is "tough" to raise Jewish kids in a Christian environ- ment. The aim of the school, she says, is to give the students — who come from public schools where they may be the lone Jew — "a good feel- ing about being Jewish." Stein sees success in the UHS endeavors: "When one of our boys had his bar mitzvah, he felt comfort- able enough to invite his public school class. Some of our kids serve as Jewish 'experts' in the public schools," she adds. Stein believes that, because their families are such a tiny minor- ity, east side parents take more interest in their child's Jewish edu- cation than in communities with a heavier Jewish concentration. In a mixed marriage, she says, the non- Jewish partner is often just as active in the child's Jewish education as the Jewish partner. She calls the school community "an extended fam- ily." roy is currently undergoing a building and population boom. The 1980 census reports the ci- ty's population to be just over 67,000. Acccording to Troy planning director Laurence Keisling, present population is over 75,000. About 500 single family residential permits are now issued per year. The 1985 permit value of total construc- tion was over $200 million, the highest in Oakland County, Keisling says. Rochester Hills, to the north of Troy, is undergoing similarly im- pressive growth, with 1985 permit construction values at $135 million, according to Gene Ferrera, the city's building department director. Last year 1,003 single family houses were constructed. How many Jews are entering into this east side boom? There are no precise figures. Iry Wengrow says that from placing ads in relavent newspapers, he has compiled a list of 500 Jewish families and singles liv- ing in Troy, Rochester Hills, Royal Oak and eastward. This is probably a reliable number of east side Jews. It is commonly held that about 40 percent of American Jews inter- marry. Wengrow estimates that be- tween 35 and 40 percent of his con- gregation. consists of "interfaith" couples, with several additional non-Jewish spouses having con- verted to Judaism. Wengrow and others speak of the "high" intermar- riage rate on the east side and at TJC, but no statistics are available to. confirm whether intermarriage is more prevalent east of Woodward than west of Woodward. "We agreed the night we got engaged that we would raise the kids as Jews," says Susan Tauber- Hyke. Her husband, Meadow Brook managing director Stuart Hyke is not Jewish. The family joined TJC "because of the kids," she says. Susan moved to Rochester Hills as a single when she began working at the Rochester Eccentric. She met her husband-to-be when she inter- viewed him for the paper. Now a free-lance writer while their children are growing up, Susan -says her hus- band is "most supportive" in raising their kids Jewish. "We light the candles on the Sabbath, and if I forget, he reminds me," she says. She does not believe that their marriage places them outside the pale of either Jewish or non-Jewish society, saying that they would fit in no matter where they lived. If we lived in a more Jewish area, I sup- pose we'd be more involved." Would a more Jewish environment strain their marriage? "There's no way of knowing," she answers. Although the family's emphasis is on Judaism, they do not ignore Christianity. The family, spends Christmas Eve with Stuart's family, T JOSEPH and MARILYNN JANIAK: "People have just come to realize that we are people. We're just part of the community." JOANN and CARY LEVY: "Before the congregation, the kids thought they were the only ones who cele- brated Chanukah." Continued on: next page 15