* ATTENTION * ALL BUSINESS PERSONS Have a time-share office complete with telephone answering for only$25 per month! removing the nest of evil from the midst of civilized nations, but also by working with greater dedication and with greater zeal to fulfill the vision of this season that "all thy children will unite in one fellowship to do Thy will with a perfect heart." "Inscribe us in the Book of Life," we pray. Let our prayer for life be a call to moral awakening, commitment to the brotherhood of man and a responsibility of the world community to advance the dream of peace. We pray for the souls of those who have died. We pray for their grief-stricken families. We pray for the people of Israel, for the Arab nations, and we pray for hu- manity, we pray for our Father in heaven whose kingdom is diminished by hatred and violence. When the synagogue was finally entered last Shabbat, the bodies removed and the few survivors rescued, it was noted that a Siddur still re- mained on the Bimah. And the Siddur was turned to the page of the Kaddish. S.Y. Agnon once wrote this about the Kaddish: Our Creator, the king of Kings, delights in Life. Be- cause of his love for us and because we are so few, each of us is important in his kingdom. Though we are flesh and blood, we are irrep- laceable. When one of the house of Israel dies, there is a loss of glory in his kingdom, and his grandeur is di- minished. Therefore, brethren of the House of Israel, all of you who mourn and all of you who remember on this day, let us fix our hearts on our Father in heaven, our King and our Redeemer, and let us pray for ourselves, and for Him too, that He and His kingdom be hallowed and enhanced, glorified and cele- brated." May He who makes peace on high bring peace to those who grieve, to the household of Israel, and to the troubled soul of humanity. Open Sesame Jerusalem — An improved sesame variety whose seed capsules all ripen together has been produced in Israel by plant breeders at the He- brew University of Jerusalem. When these plants have been finally tested and multiplied so that they can be widely grown, they will enable this important oilseed crop to assume its proper place as a major crop in ad- vanced countries and thus to make a marked contribution to world nutrition. Call The Drive-Thru Office Alternative 557-0910 - r t lairt0 AotiRt 14ADE fittr4)6 tA41f tioAS-AftesitififO 1101ilt DECORATING AND JEWELRY. mu, LOEtIMATIN'S OF HUNTERS SQUARE 14 MILE &'ORCHARD LAKE RD. • FARMINGTON HILLS • 855-4488 ' -- HOURS: Mon., Tues:, Sat. 10 - 5:30 Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10 - 9 Sun. 12 . M o VADO The MuseumWatch. FREE CASH GIFT WRAP REFUNDS 26400 West Twelve Mile, Franklin Savings Center •New Merchandise Arriving Daily 357-5578 Cal 29