PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ The Bigotry Of Henry Ford I And The Villainy He Generated Robert Lacey revives interest in one of the most dramatic international series of developments under the title Ford. It includes tragedy and comedy, in- terspersed with stupidities and hatreds. Because it primarily deals with Henry Ford I, (Little, Brown Co.), the subtitle, The man and the machine," has impor- tant relevance to the extensively - re- searched volume. It is necessary to indicate that it is the men," pluralizing the title; and the machine has added significance here be- cause of the author's impressive evalua- tion of the "Ford empire, its role as a great corporate machine, and Lacey's analysis of corporate functions which are valuable for students of economics. (The names of anti-Semite Henry Ford I and his grandson Henry Ford II were inadvertently confused in last week's Commentary. The elder Ford was the enemy of the Jewish people who fan- ned anti-Semitism. His grandson, Henry Ford II, is, as will be indicated, a dedi- cated friend of the Jewish people and an active friend of Israel. The error is de- eply regretted). Lacey's Ford once again exposes the fabrications in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which were the basis for the Ford-inspired anti-Semitic campaign in the auto magnate's acquired Dearborn Independent. Lacey's expose of The Protocols is a powerful condemna- tion of them and the use made of them. Lacey, in his excoriation of the faked documents, indicates how Ford's chief guide in fomenting the hatreds contin- ued to defend them. Quoting Lacey: This was pure, undiluted Henry Ford. The practical, week-to-week impetus for his anti-Semitic propaganda of the 1920s and 1930s came from others. William Cameron wrote the columns, often with very little detailed reference to Henry per- sonally, and Ernest Liebold supplied most of the data and development of the ideas. The private secretary was probably the central driving force of the entire campaign, courting the spies and riffraff which it was easy to recruit from Russian emigres in the years following 1917. Liebold hired private detec- tives to gather dirt on prominent Jews. He organized the reprint- ing of the Dearborn Independent ar- ticles as a series of books, The Inter- national Jew, and he also published an edition of the Protocols them- selves. These books were distributed all around the world in the early 1920s — they had a particular im- pact in pre-Hitler Germany — and they survive to this day, circulated and reprinted by racist groups, as enduringly potent and poisonous as nuclear waste. Ford's bigotries were on the record and could have been expected to produce only ridicule. Nevertheless, he was widely admired, was praised by leading newspapers, including the New York Times, and many even pledged endorsements of his planned candidacy for president of the U.S. All of this in spite of his hate 7 mongering anti- Semitism which Lacey describes in this brief summation: The roots of Henry Ford's anti-Semitism went back to his farmboy, populist suspicion of financiers and middlemen. "He called all the moneylenders of the world 'Jews,' " remembered his 2 Friday, September 19, 1986 sister Margaret. Entire genera- tions were introduced to the children of Israel by way of Shylock and Fagin, and in the years before the Holocaust, anti-Semitism was a common, lazy way of thought for whole classes of society. Henry Ford had some close associates who propagated entrenched, anti- Semitic views. Louis Marshall is mentioned by Lacey very briefly as the author of the apology that was signed by Ford so that he could evade the summons to appear in court in his own defense in the Aaron Sapiro libel suit. In Lacey's account, it is Harry Bennett, Ford's chief adviser who for many years dominated the Ford Motor Co. until he was kicked out by Henry Ford II, who was ordered by Ford Senior to get the Marshall-dictated apol- ogy for his signature. Bennett was the evil spirit who, a decade later, together with Ford Senior met with Dr. Leo M. Franklin and pre- pared a statement offering to aid Hitler's victims and mildly rejecting Nazism. Rabbi Franklin made the error of not getting Ford to sign the statement. When it was published, Bennett denied, in a call to Father Charles E. Coughlin, that the statement was ever written by Ford. Here is the Lacey description of how Ford ordered Bennett to accept the apol- ogy he was making from Marshall: Harry Bennett had been one of the agents that Henry Ford commissioned to negotiate his surrender of July 1927, and when the text was drawn' up, essen- tially as dictated by Louis Mar- shall of the American Jewish Committee, Bennett telephoned his master in Dearborn. "It's pretty bad, Mr. Ford," he said. "I don't care how bad it is," responded Henry Ford, "you sign it and settle the thing up." Bennett tried to read some of the statement over the telephone, but Henry cut him short. "I don't care how bad it is," he repeated, you just settle it up." And then he added, The worse they make it, the better." The cast of characters in the vicious circle of propagators of anti-Semitism is a long one. There was William Cameron who played saint when it suited his pur- pose. He encouraged Ford, as an editor of the Dearborn Independent from the time he left the Detroit News to join Ford's staff. Ernest G. Liebold must have been the vilest of Ford's advisers and he fan- ned hatred throughout the years of Ford's venom. Edwin G. Pipp was an exception. He left the Detroit News editorial staff to work for Ford and was sickened by what he confronted. He quit the anti-Semitic gang and spoke publicly, exposing the hatemongers. He delivered at least two public addresses at overflow meetings of Pisgah Lodge of B'nai B'rith, the only B'nai B'rith lodge in Detroit. In his ad- dresses in the Pisgah building, then lo- cated on Adams Avenue, he exposed the gang that surrounded Ford and revealed the tactics that were evidenced in the hatred engineered by Ford and his hirel- ings. Ford had a way of surrounding him- self with anti-Semites and they included notables whose bigoted views emerge as shocking and belie their roles on the American scene. Lacey thus exposes Thomas Edison as among the guilty: THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Henry and Clara Ford re-enacted his ride in the original quadricycle on the 50th anniversary of the event in 1946 in Greenfield Village. Henry Ford had some close associates who propagated entrenched, anti-Semitic views. Thomas Edison habitually groused about Jewish con- spiracies — he was a poor busi- nessman, and his inventions had never made him the money he thought he was entitled to — while Henry's German private secretary, Ernest Liebold, who was to create his own empire, in the style of Ray Dahlinger and Harry Bennett, from the patchi- ness of Ford's panoramic atten- tion span, appears to have im- ported his notions undiluted from Prussia. The record is clear. Ford gave com- fort to Nazism. He is the only American mentioned in Hitler's Mein Kampf. His role as distributor of the notorious forgeries The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was recognized by Hitler. The Ford-circulated forgeries were meat for the Hitler propaganda. As Lacey re- cords it: Henry's anti-Semitism had been the connecting thread in his jaunty venture onto the national stage, his conviction that he had discovered the secret to "how the game of rotten politics is worked" — and the basic un- reality of his fantasy, the sheer intellectual unworthiness of blaming the world's problems on a nonexistent clique of con- spirators, determined the dishon- est and unworthy way that it all ended: the staged car crash, the jury tampering, and the apology that was not an apology at all, since Henry Ford clung to his prejudice privately, and not al- ways so privately, for the rest of his life. Anti-Semitism has come to a particularly ugly and obscene climax in the Twentieth Century, and if any one American were to be singled out for his contribu- tion to the evils of Nazism, it would have to be Henry Ford. His republished articles and the currency which he gave to the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion had considerable impact on Germany in the early 1920s — a vulnerable and, as it proved, cru- cially formative time. Hitler, still an obscure figure in those years, read Ford's books, hung Henry's picture on his wall, and cited him frequently as an inspiration. Hitler appears to have based several sections of Mein Kampf upon Ford's words as proc- essed by William Cameron, and he accorded Henry the unhappy distinc- tion of being the only American to be mentioned in that work. "Every year makes them (the Jews) more and more the controlling masters of the producers in a nation of one hundred and twenty millions; only a single great man, Ford, to their fury, still maintains full inde- pendence." Ford Senior had friends in the Jewish community. Albert Kahn was one of them. So was Dr. Leo M. Franklin. He was kind to his Jewish workers and many of them came forth to praise him. He was duped by a Jewess, Rosika Schwimmer, into the Peace Ship stupid- ity during World War I. It was really also his conceit but part of his anti- Semitism is attributed to Rosika Schwimmer and his Peace Ship mission which he abandoned in panic. His friendship with Leo Franklin and the way it was abandoned by the rabbi of Temple Beth El by refusing to continue to accept an annual gift of a Continued on Page 22